FO3 encounter; did this happen to anyone else?

The Dutch Ghost

Grouchy old man of NMA
While hunting down Enclave camps out of boredom I came across a rather unusual scene.

At some point I was attacked by a raider wearing advanced power armor and a metal helmet who on its turn was attacked by some guy in underwear which I later discovered was an Enclave soldier.

After dispatching both; first the raider and the the Enclave soldier who had grabbed the raider's sawed off shotgun, I looked around for an Enclave camp.

I did find it only to discover all the Enclave personnel was killed by raiders and that the raiders were now wearing advanced power armor and advanced power helmets (not necessarily both at the same time) and were using the Enclave soldiers' weapons.

This happened to me somewhat North West from Washington.

Did anyone else have this too, and if so, is this a scripted part?
First question that came into my mind was why the hell the Brotherhood were training raiders to use power armour...
The Dutch Ghost said:
It seems a lot of characters can wear Power Armor, yet the player needs a perk for it.

Indeed. Very annoying and a sign of lazy and illogical design ...

I was very annoyed by this, especially since the player has to follow the main quest to obtain said training.
Meat Axe said:
First question that came into my mind was why the hell the Brotherhood were training raiders to use power armour...

Because it seems like they do a better job in killing enclave guys then theirselves.
One thing that is quite good about Fo3 is the AI is very good at taking better equipment if it gets the chance.
The sad thing is that a bunch of naked lunatics with sledgehammers can kill a squad of Enclave soldiers armed with plasma guns and take their armour...
Well, the last time when I saw some raiders in my game... they used rocket launchers, assault rifles and laser rifles... They attacked some super mutants and if I wouldn't have had attacked them too, they would have killed the super mutants very easy.
Daimyo said:
The Dutch Ghost said:
It seems a lot of characters can wear Power Armor, yet the player needs a perk for it.

Indeed. Very annoying and a sign of lazy and illogical design ...

I was very annoyed by this, especially since the player has to follow the main quest to obtain said training.
Maybe the raiders did the same? The [Bethesda] Brotherhood do let everyone inside nowadays
It's not hard to believe that raiders would be able to use scavenged power armor. Why would the player character be more knowledgeable about that?
At some point I was attacked by a raider wearing advanced power armor and a metal helmet who on its turn was attacked by some guy in underwear which I later discovered was an Enclave soldier.

I bet he was shouting "MUTIE STOLE MAH ARMOR!!" :lol:

Oh, the sheer hilarity!
Yes, I still wonder how the raider was capable of stealing the Power Armor from the Enclave soldier, wasn't he wearing it at first?
i had this encounter too but the guy in underwear was already dead.

the hilarious part is that one of the enclave guys had the exact same face(and hair!!!) of the paladin to the right of the citadel entrance. Twins?
So it was scripted.

What is the exact purpose of this encounter?

To show how incompetent the Enclave is?
Aren't these guys suppose to be total badasses, soldiers who chew up and spit out Super Mutants?

Then again, if a bunch of raiders can defeat Super Mutants.
The Dutch Ghost said:
So it was scripted.

What is the exact purpose of this encounter?

To show how incompetent the Enclave is?
Aren't these guys suppose to be total badasses, soldiers who chew up and spit out Super Mutants?

Then again, if a bunch of raiders can defeat Super Mutants.

Enclave is a bunch of pussies in F3, they can't stand a few shots from a combat shotgun.

Bleh, another supposed-to-be-funny scripted encounter. This is even worse than the Monty Python encounters in F2 :?
Daimyo said:
The Dutch Ghost said:
I was very annoyed by this, especially since the player has to follow the main quest to obtain said training.

The raiders already finished the Main quest... that's all...

Oh and I saw an epic battle too between Deathclaws (2), Super Mutants (4) and Talon Mercs (3). I decided to let them finish and pick on the winner. Wasn't surprised to see the Deathclaws win.
Man, Capitol was a mess. I had to tear appart a bunch of muties, brainbots and Talon asshats. And to my surprise, just as I was about to enter it, guess what? Enclave appears and unleashes a squad of three soldiers, a officer AND a Deathclaw on me! I think this was the only truly challenging battle with the Enclave I had, that Rocket Launcher guy and that darn deathclaw were pretty strong.

And can someone tell me WHY their officers walk on sucky armor while the troopers walk around on their APA? Officer Mortality Rate must be high.
The Capitol Building battle is a sc one I think. It happened pretty much in every game I played and the Enclave arrival too. The brain bot is with the Talon mercs and they are fighting the Super Mutants. The Enclave join the fun only if you already played through enough of the Main Mission to have them (you know what I'm talking about).

In the same logic, I encountered the Enclave pretty much every game in front of the Library. They seem to drop there often. Maybe they are great readers.

But my "epic battle" between those three groups was in the wasteland. Somewhere between Dunwich and Girdershade.

Also got some less epic Protectrons vs big flies vs mole rats. Man those protectrons aren't worth crap!