
So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
I've been playing FO3 for a while today, and I think that Beth will probably keep FO4 in the same vein.

We'll probably have to keep our eyes on TESV to get an idea of where Beth is going to go as a company in terms of game design.
Pope Viper said:
Hopefully they won't use the same GD engine.

I thought that from MW to Oblivion they changed engines... I'm nearly 100% certain that Morrowind didn't used the Gambryo engine (although I think it used a predecessor to it).

Hopefully they'll get a halfway decent engine to power TESV and FO4.
There's still a lot of years ahead for a fallout 4 and the Gambryo engine is already a walking corpse. The question is, will they choose a good and solid engine this time? Or better, will they use it well enough?

I heard the Gambryo engine is not that bad but the program skills at bethesda.
If they don't upgrade their engine for FO:4 after ES:5 then I will be even more sadly disapointed with Beth than usual.
Make it a prequel about how the world got to the state it is in FO. There will undoubtedly be retcons but people won't be as pissy about it because at least they can't claim it's raping the post-apocalyptic setting.
Not changing or at least upgrading the engine for Fallout 4 would be suicide. It'll be what, 2012?
i better not be waiting another 10 years...although i do have one reccomendation....can we drop the enclave as a final boss? its 2 times now we've foiled the plan....a vague refrence in the next on would be cool....mabye a BoS type branch so i can steal their power armor but come on, 3 titles with the same enemy would be stupid, any thoughts on locations....?
Josein said:
There's still a lot of years ahead for a fallout 4 and the Gambryo engine is already a walking corpse. The question is, will they choose a good and solid engine this time? Or better, will they use it well enough?

I heard the Gambryo engine is not that bad but the program skills at bethesda.

Civilization 4 uses Gamebryo too.
RBurns722 said:
i better not be waiting another 10 years...although i do have one reccomendation....can we drop the enclave as a final boss? its 2 times now we've foiled the plan....a vague refrence in the next on would be cool....mabye a BoS type branch so i can steal their power armor but come on, 3 titles with the same enemy would be stupid, any thoughts on locations....?

Couldn't agree more.

Seeing as how the Enclave had no reason to even be in FO3, it shouldn't be used in FO4, at all. Period.

Perhaps a total change of scenery would work for FO4. Why not have it in Europe somewhere?
well to their defense they did kind of leave the ending vague enough to continue it on from FO2 and washington would have been a much better place to continue it, but still it shouldve been changed up...

europe sounds good but is there any refrences to vault-tec being in europe? i cant recall seeing one but i wasnt really looking last time i played the game
RBurns722 said:
europe sounds good but is there any refrences to vault-tec being in europe? i cant recall seeing one but i wasnt really looking last time i played the game

That's what my main point is.

If Beth takes the franchise out of North America, they won't have to worry about destroying the cannon from the previous games.

Also, a PA Europe would be a cool place to explore, IMO.
If they keep taking the same amount of design liberties as they did with Fallout3, Fallout4 will be a Mech combat game.

Don't worry, though - Vault Boy's face will be the Mech's insignia, and 50's music will blare in the cockpit.
If they take it out of the U.S. it will be even less of a Fallout. Fallout is pretty nationalistic. Apparently your character is the savior of D.C., so it won't be there either. My bet is that it will either move back to the West Coast or the South-West like Van Buren was planned to be, in which case they will be STUCK with the canon and will have very little choice but to move from there. It's pointless to speculate on them taking it outside of the continental U.S., because, well, that's a stupid idea. At first they planned to carry on the story from the West Coast but they changed their minds, which makes me think they will head back that way in the future. I think the only reasons they set it in D.C. this time around were:

A. They live there
B. They wanted to write their own story without stepping all over the events of the previous games
C. They wanted a chance to test out their version of Fallout where the stakes weren't so high, so they moved it to a place completely unrelated to the other two games so they could basically worry more about the technical aspects of what they were doing than the story (which is obviously what happened)

However, I am optimistic about Fallout 4. Fallout 3 could have been a lot better, but it's a least a very good start for them to get some of the technical and aesthetic aspects in place. Maybe next time they will actually move the plot forward instead of moving it sideways and giving us a recap of everything we already know.