FOBOS fan art


First time out of the vault
I made some fan cover art for FOBOS, what do you guys think?



  • FOBOS.png
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10/10 most accurate depiction of BoS I've seen to date.
Seriously though, this game came out 10 years ago, why do so many people still vehemently hate on it?
It happened. Take a lesson from the Sierra Madre and let go.
I wouldn't say NMA is this homogenous as a community, you know? Also, I bet there are many people outside NMA who don't acknowledge it too.
People hardly "vehemently hate on it" any more. Nor is it an actual case of denial. It's just...ignoring it. Most people who frequent NMA nowadays have never actually played that game, nor ever will. It isn't referenced in any of the later titles, it's considered non-canon by every source out there, so people just stopped caring a long time ago. Those who did hate that game with passion, well, they too simply started to ignore it a long time ago.
It's not a denial as if FOBOS doesn't exist. It does, people know it. But it's existence is pretty much irrelevant, and it's mostly forgotten, nothing but a random piece of trash.
The only people who remember it are bethesda fanboys that resort to bringing it up to somehow erase Fallout 3's problems.
The most "use" to come out of that game is the two named locations in Texas, adding them to the Fallout world. Ignoring all else, two place-names are innocent enough, and many Fallout-maps incorporate them (Los and Carbon), otherwise I haven't even seen game-play videos of it. I saw a trailer, it was very action-sexay :V
Anyone think there could be someone out there who's favourite Fallout game is POS? Makes ya wonder y'know?

Aw, that actually made me a little sad to think about...
If there was such a person, I would be compelled to defend them for it, they must feel so alone!