FOnline: 2238 announced

Very nice

I think that the game is very real - if you appear somewhere in the world, why you should have some extra protection? I also agree that after death you loose everything. At first I was very disappointed but later I found that it brings more adrenalin to the game. I was lucky to spawn in a town where the guards were prohibiting fights - that was nice.
I also think that it would be nice to alter stealing from the other player in the following way:
1) A comes to B and starts stealing from B
2) B can see the animation how A is stealing
3) A has to wait 3-4 seconds before it can start stealing
4) If B moves his character, the stealing is interrupted.
If B does not move, A can steal something.
This way B can protect himself from stealing by paying attention but if player B is not paying attention - then it is his fault. Maybe the timeout can change as the stealing skill improves.
My only two problems is the lag which is understandable, and the fact that NPC mobs can chase you in combat while your left to walk. Very annoying when its combined with the lag and your hit, enter combat and forced to attempt to walk to an exit grid.
Kikuchad said:
Spawning randomly is not a good idea.
I found myself to spawn in Broken Hills, encounters there are thougher and I was forced to move to another town to shovel or do anything else.

We should spawn in Klamath/Den kind of town.

This, or making encounters around 'spawn' towns easier.
It's fine to have hardcore open world games like FOnline, but the start shouldn't be so brutal.

How to make a decent start for everyone to enjoy:

- 3 noob areas like the Den, Klamath and Modoc.
Every new players will spawn at one of these towns.
Outside of these towns, only unarmed/melee raiders and rats/pigs should spawn.

- Everyone should start with a rusty knife and a degraded 10mm Pistol at least. A stimpack would be nice too. The starting knife and gun shouldn't sell more than 1 cap to avoid abuse.

- Make some noob only mercs that you can hire for free at the first towns. This lets new player learn how it works and have a decent starting chance.

- Free hotel room and bank at the first towns, but with VERY limited space.

Small suggestions about caps:
You should limit the number of caps you can hold on you per level to avoid hoarding and give outs. I got lucky and traded 20000 worth of items for caps at level 1 with a random encounter. :/
First of all the game is awesome, thanks for it.

Other than the problems i've been having i've resulted to not going into the cities and just wandering the wasteland fighting what i can and dying.

But how about this, remember in Fallout Tactics? When you were given certain items depending on how high your certain skills where? Well i developed my character to be a unarmed scientist craftsmen and when i got my radio and sold it to buy a shovel, hammer and a clock i went to the ghost farm (underground) to digg because no one was there. But before i got there i died.

Now im just trying to save money to buy a 41caps hammer.

Also how do you get into groups?
Cold Zer0 said:
You really hate The Regulators for kicking you I see :) The only thing you did for the last few months was bitch around. Cut it. You can't handle it - don't play it.

The problems people are having with the game are problems that had already been expected, and problems that had been there since OBT2. Problems like not being able to get cash, like new characters starting with nothing, like encounters ruining the game.

When you've suggested and tried to introduce solutions to these problems that have been ignored, can't you see why someone might be frustrated?

Lexx said:
I am still waiting for your FOnline game that you will build in 7 months. :)

Sure, just give me the 2238 files and I'll get started. You get to keep all of my old work, why shouldn't I get yours?
I've found an easy way to get xp, First you or someone else (i tend to beat people who arent playing) beat them up but to the point where they dont die, most people have 30hp so stop before that, next you heal them with first aid, im pretty sure for every 1hp you heal you get 3xp, you can do this for like 4-5 times then you gota wait a while.
Project is good but it has major flaws. Some of them:

-if you want to gather wood, you have to go outside town. It doesn't matter that Klamath has lots of trees, they are unusable. Same with rocks etc. It's quite odd and irrational that you can't chop some wood from those trees, isn't it?

-Current realtime combat system doesn't give any slim chance to win with larger number of mobs or any stronger of them if you don't have good equipment. And it's not like i shouldn't be able to beat the hell out of that bunch of geckos, in fo2 it worked fine. In fOnline it's messed up, mainly because of wrong sync in combat. I can punch brahmin a couple of times, and i always get delayed response if i hit it or not, but it seems that brahmin hit me without same delay. It's like i get about 5 notifications about dmg dealt to me by brahmin and then i get about 2 notifications of my hits even if i hit it 3+ times. I didn't paid enough attention to determine if some of my attacks disappear, but i have odd feeling that this is the case.

-also, it seems that some plot elements are screwed. I mean, it's 2238, 3 years before fo2 and when i talk with Francis in Broken Hills, he says that some tribal has beaten him in arm wrestling. Same in klamath, in trapper town the door guy mentions that tribal killed King Rat. So seriously, wtf? Mrs Buckner says something about tribal from arrow or something who was messing around with Sulik. The crashed vertibird also shouldn't be there, or those anklav corpses were waiting for chosen one for 3 years. But if it is the case, why there are not in 2238? And where is mr Handy? And how is it possible that yellow reactor keycard is still there in 2241? It should have been looted by some newbie in blue jumpsuit years ago.

-finally, there are minor bugs with NPCs. I posted about it on irc yesterday, but now i have more details about it. You can get infinite shovels from the brahmin guy in NCR and sell them for 1$ each. Same thing with door dude in trapper town, he can give you as many maps to mark as you like.

I think that Lazlo is right, the beginning is too rough.
I'm just thinking about something.

Can't you make a system that make you be lootable only when you get killed by players and in which you keep your stuff while dying in random encounters against NPCs ?

That way start would be a bit easier.
Reconite said:
1. It took me 10 tries to get to Redding from the respawn point without dying. Because of the unimaginably ridiculously hard random encounters.

2. When i did get to Redding, some ass in a leather jacket shot me before the screen even loaded. This same thing happens with some random encounters.

Both things happened to me too.

Reconite said:
4. I do not understand how people were running around with Metal Armor and Combat Shotguns 30 minutes into it. (And I was one of the first to actually get in). This stuff should be made harder to get.

They're cheaters IMHO. They must be banned IMHO.

S1ayer55 said:
and if i run when
someone attacks me its like they pull me
back with a magnet no matter how far away i am

i agree....

that basically kills all the fun of the game IMHO

EDIT : the game automatically quits itself at the main menu
hey guys i need help i'm stuck / trapped
into the military base Mariposa because the elevator is broken !
i cannot quit the base !

the Lag is " haunting " the elevtor !
Sorry i cant help you, i went there and when i did everything was killed and when i went to the elevator it didnt work. I even checked the generator.
Someone in this thread posted about their attacks not registering every time they punched or kicked. For what its worth if you punch/kick the same time a monster/npc/player does it wont go through.
I'd like to know how to access the fonline IRC chat, I can't seem to be able to do it on my own, can someone help me out:?
Hausen said:
I'd like to know how to access the fonline IRC chat, I can't seem to be able to do it on my own, can someone help me out:?
First of all, you need an irc client.
If you're using Firefox you should try Chatzilla, if not, try something like mIRC. Even though the mIRC needs registration, you can get a free 30 day trial for it.
Then you need to connect to and to /join #2238 in the command & speech bar.
Then once you've done all that you can pick a nickname, register it, set 2238 to join on connect etc. :wink:
xPoncex said:
Sorry i cant help you, i went there and when i did everything was killed and when i went to the elevator it didnt work. I even checked the generator.

ok... but somebody can get me out of there ?
hey guys i need help i'm stuck / trapped
into the military base Mariposa because the elevator is broken !
i cannot quit the base !

the Lag is " haunting " the elevtor !

This happened to me last night. To get out try the following:

-move into the elevator, wait for popup (takes a while cause of lag)
-press the button to goto floor 1
-move one square, then move back into the elevator
-wait for pop up again
-press the button to goto floor 1
-move one square again, move back into elevator
-press the button to goto floor 1
-hopefully on the 3rd try you will get the load screen.

Whether it was lag or other factors I was able to reproduce moving between the floors using the above method. Hope it helps