swampcat said:Slaughter Manslaught said:I also don't believe in magic no-kill zones.
ok but i remember no toting-guns in NCR
(or was it Vault City ) in normal Fallout 2 .....
go play normal fo2.
"-Hey look! There is some valuable stuff! We're rich mate, we're rich!
-Woopiefu***doo! Gimme that!
*Sound of footsteps in the corridor. Few armed thugs enter the room*
-Not so fast, faggots. Get away from it. Thanks for cleaning the whole place for us. Now undress and hand over your valuables. NOW. Or maybe you two bitches want to meet your maker, huh?
-I wonder if that warm feeling mean that I just shitted my pants..."
<3 It's going to be lovely! Can't wait.