FOnline: 2238 announced

swampcat said:
Slaughter Manslaught said:
I also don't believe in magic no-kill zones.

ok but i remember no toting-guns in NCR
(or was it Vault City ) in normal Fallout 2 .....

go play normal fo2.

"-Hey look! There is some valuable stuff! We're rich mate, we're rich!
-Woopiefu***doo! Gimme that!
*Sound of footsteps in the corridor. Few armed thugs enter the room*
-Not so fast, faggots. Get away from it. Thanks for cleaning the whole place for us. Now undress and hand over your valuables. NOW. Or maybe you two bitches want to meet your maker, huh?
-I wonder if that warm feeling mean that I just shitted my pants...

<3 It's going to be lovely! Can't wait.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
swampcat said:
imho players killers or PK
just ruin all games online not only roleplaying .... and i mean every game FPS , RTS and all genres......

IMHO just my 2 cents

pk is essential like many said before to an game such as fallout is. its necessery for the atmosphere. so if you cant stand it, dont play it... :mrgreen:

after reading thru some threads, and sawing some vids, i think i'll make a break from eve, and have some fun in the beta...
Lexx said:
Areas like this are planned since a long time already.

Really? I remember The Glow was made a publicly enterable PvE area and then shot down and removed for being 'Diablo not Fallout'. But so long as you guys are moving in that direction now, I'm happy.

Of course people can ambush each other anywhere, but being able to do it in an enclosed area like a cave is a lot more interesting than just shooting a guy in the eyes as he enters Modoc.

SmartCheetah said:
The first draft of Cheetah's new play

Hah, if only folks were that polite. You won't get a word out of most of them. That's another reason I wish combat lasted a bit longer, I want an opportunity to trash talk people who are about to shoot me.
Well, the "old" Glow was bad. It was just some map where players can go to kill stuff. We have plans involving either tactical group action or lucky lone wanderers.

To the combat: Yesterday 2 testers and me where having a fight in Broken Hills. It was a long fight because nobody wanted to die and everybody was running from cover to cover, trying to get a better hit on the other but don't get touched. While this we waited every now and then to use first aid skill again to heal wounds and crippled limbs, etc. Was a nice battle... I think we have done this approx 30 minutes until we made it an end.

Of course, this works only if the players want the fight. If one is running away and the other just tries to one-hit burst...

We got similar in obt2 with some russian players. It was a epic battle with rocket launcher and laser rifles and first aid and doctor skill. I was pretty much in panic because I thought I will die but in the end we have won that match and thanked each other for the great fight. Yay.
Lexx said:

True, I haven't ever played any major PVP combat with the new runnable system. I can imagine cheap one-hit bursts are a lot more difficult now everyone's gonna be running around like crazy.

But speaking of having places to go kill things, have you ever thought about expanding the 'in-town' PvE areas? I remember Klamath's gecko trapping area was a fun little area when the geckos were killable. Like, say, adding Farrell's garden and Grishem's wolf/brahmin area in Modoc, some new rat-infested part of the Den, so on.

I just like anything that encourages players to congregate in towns.
Hi, guys.
I wonder do all of you are going to play FOnline: 2238, or some of you also considering playing FOnline: The Life After?
Coz 1st one gonna be english only, and second – both english and russian. Maybe many of you share opinion about mass PK on second, russian version, but there are a lot of nice people here and it would be also interesting for me (and for many of us, I can say for sure) to see you there (at FOnline: The Life After). BTW that’s the reason (and also desire to practice in English... and combined map from F1 and F2.. and extended mechanic :)) why some of russian-speakers also considering about playing 2238 not The Life After.
Speaking about total PK in FO and russian “gopniks”.. every family has its black sheep.. And you should agree that without them Fallout wouldn’t be The Game that we love. ^__^
Hey, maybe not all of you know the differences between this two, than check out Cvet`s previews at official site:
FOnline: The Life After and FOnline: 2238
Best wishes,
Hexuss from Ukraine
Hexuss said:
Hi, guys.
I wonder do all of you are going to play FOnline: 2238, or some of you also considering playing FOnline: The Life After?

Hi, I thing it is not so clever to start both Fonline projects beta test in one day. Most of the English speaking fans will probably start playing FOnline: 2238 first, will try The Life After later or not at all. It is not real that somebody will play both project at same time so maybe one of the games should start one week later. It will be better for both projects I assume.
Yeah, I'm concerned about the split of the userbase. I'm part of a Steam Fallout group of about 250 players waiting for open beta. They might have also accidentally made the client publicly available, getting me banned from closed beta and the dev team. Most of them played last beta, and they're all of the opinion that the hostility between the Russian and English speaking players was one of the most satisfying parts of the game. I agree.

But I also think that 2238 is infinitely more polished and balanced - I don't like players being able to buy power armour and gauss rifles in Modoc, or craft gauss pistols out of zip guns. So my problem is how to convince these people that 2238 is the way to go. What I've done is just not mention the existence of the Russian mod, making people assume that 2238 is the only way to go. I'd rather concentrate everyone on one particular server. I think Life After has enough pull in the Russian community to still stand on its own.
Harahvaiti said:
swampcat said:
imho players killers or PK
just ruin all games online not only roleplaying .... and i mean every game FPS , RTS and all genres......

IMHO just my 2 cents

pk is essential like many said before to an game such as fallout is. its necessery for the atmosphere. so if you cant stand it, dont play it... :mrgreen:

after reading thru some threads, and sawing some vids, i think i'll make a break from eve, and have some fun in the beta...

when you have only PK well you don't simply have a Fallout...

but what you have it's simply a game that lacks the main thing :
( sorry for my english )
swampcat said:
when you have only PK well you don't simply have a Fallout...

but what you have it's simply a game that lacks the main thing :

Maybe in your opinion. I feel that the chance of being shot by some random punk to be a highlight of such a game. Many seem to share such a view, though maybe not for the same reasoning. Also, I think not everyone is gonna be some marauder running around. (I imagine, some of the best gear might be PC-only created? ) But aside, we have not played their new version yet, and PKing always requires a balancing act, give them a chance to do their thing, eh?

There will be ample fighters to run around, though if you make friends with the right trader... Mmm, probably be nice to have someone who can make a gun from scratch following you in the wastes, no?

Depending on how the economy works, there might very well be a love-hate relationship all around. "You want my ammo and skills, don't effin' shoot me. Deal?"
"... Ehhh.. fine." And then you shoot him in the back with your homemade plasma rifle soon as his guard drops. >_> Merchant of death ftw!

Last thing, I wondered, how will Sneaking work? If you're stealthing, will other PCs not be able to see you? Or will they just see some guy trying to be a ninja as he creeps by?
Maybe these questions has been answered before but Im too lazy to find them myself...

1. How will dialogue between players function, like in FO1/2 where there is that dialogue screen or like in all other MMOs where the text shows above the head?

2. What bad sides will über-weapons/armor have? I think it will be a big letdown if everyone runs around in Power Armor and Gatling Laser and shoots everyone down on sight.
JaW said:
Hexuss said:
Hi, guys.
I wonder do all of you are going to play FOnline: 2238, or some of you also considering playing FOnline: The Life After?

Hi, I thing it is not so clever to start both Fonline projects beta test in one day. Most of the English speaking fans will probably start playing FOnline: 2238 first, will try The Life After later or not at all. It is not real that somebody will play both project at same time so maybe one of the games should start one week later. It will be better for both projects I assume.

Agreed. It would be much better to make then start on separated dates. So we have 2238, The Life After AND FOnline? Won't this fragmentate the fanbase too much and make the numbers of players on all games too scarce? I didn't like the second server thing exactly because it diluted the number of people.
Derajo said:
swampcat said:
when you have only PK well you don't simply have a Fallout...

but what you have it's simply a game that lacks the main thing :

Maybe in your opinion. I feel that the chance of being shot by some random punk to be a highlight of such a game. Many seem to share such a view, though maybe not for the same reasoning. Also, I think not everyone is gonna be some marauder running around. (I imagine, some of the best gear might be PC-only created? ) But aside, we have not played their new version yet, and PKing always requires a balancing act, give them a chance to do their thing, eh?

There will be ample fighters to run around, though if you make friends with the right trader... Mmm, probably be nice to have someone who can make a gun from scratch following you in the wastes, no?

Depending on how the economy works, there might very well be a love-hate relationship all around. "You want my ammo and skills, don't effin' shoot me. Deal?"
"... Ehhh.. fine." And then you shoot him in the back with your homemade plasma rifle soon as his guard drops. >_> Merchant of death ftw!

Last thing, I wondered, how will Sneaking work? If you're stealthing, will other PCs not be able to see you? Or will they just see some guy trying to be a ninja as he creeps by?

imho i don't think this can be called MMO
because the role-play feature simply lacks....
( as explained by you)
Hi, guys.
I wonder do all of you are going to play FOnline: 2238, or some of you also considering playing FOnline: The Life After?
Coz 1st one gonna be english only, and second – both english and russian. Maybe many of you share opinion about mass PK on second, russian version, but there are a lot of nice people here and it would be also interesting for me (and for many of us, I can say for sure) to see you there (at FOnline: The Life After). BTW that’s the reason (and also desire to practice in English... and combined map from F1 and F2.. and extended mechanic Smile) why some of russian-speakers also considering about playing 2238 not The Life After.
Speaking about total PK in FO and russian “gopniks”.. every family has its black sheep.. And you should agree that without them Fallout wouldn’t be The Game that we love. ^__^
Hey, maybe not all of you know the differences between this two, than check out Cvet`s previews at official site:
FOnline: The Life After and FOnline: 2238
Best wishes,
Hexuss from Ukraine

Fonline 2238 has a level cap of 20, or so, wich can be reached after one week, maybe two. After that, many of those who play to become an überplayer will transfer to The Life after, that doesn't have a level cap, allow the player to get the PowerArmor and badass weapon.(correct me if I am wrong)
Those that will stay in 2238 are those who put more emphasis in the progression of their clan, faction, story of the server and the other features.
If you ask me, that's a good thing for both of the server, that will get the playerbase they want. Well, at least, that how i see things...

I agree with what you say about the black sheep (gopnik?). But it needs only one blacksheep to start a war between two communities, especially if those communities are the russians and the "americans" english speakers.
I myself will also give The life after a try after 2238, if only to try the new quests and such (hey, will they really be in english this time? :D ).

when you have only PK well you don't simply have a Fallout...

but what you have it's simply a game that lacks the main thing :

Will you stop crying? Everyone got your point. Now if you reach level 21 (not really that hard), no random punk will be able to kill you. Well he could try, but then you will both have equal chance. If you are alway alone, with bad equipments, bad stats, then you made a wrong choice, pay for it.

1. How will dialogue between players function, like in FO1/2 where there is that dialogue screen or like in all other MMOs where the text shows above the head?
Small dialogue screen. In which time you are vulnerable to thieves, bomber planters and such. That is, if you don't pay attention.

Maybe there should be a faq somewhere.
Slaughter Manslaught said:
So we have 2238, The Life After AND FOnline?
FO is engine's name only. So, there are 2 projects so far:
After Life (powered by Cvet) – F2 map, plotline takes place 4 years after F2, lays on quest. English and russian language support. 2238 (powered by Rotators) – F1+F2 maps, plotline takes place before F2, lays on extended mechanic. English language support only.
Grayswandir said:
Will you stop crying? Everyone got your point. Now if you reach level 21

well the point is not how " being killed " or being level 21

The point was getting some role-play....

But anyway no-problem.... whatever...

as for “gopniks” it seems to me like a kind of fashion....
Grayswandir said:
1. How will dialogue between players function, like in FO1/2 where there is that dialogue screen or like in all other MMOs where the text shows above the head?
Small dialogue screen. In which time you are vulnerable to thieves, bomber planters and such. That is, if you don't pay attention.

The dialog between players works of course like in all other MMOs. You type in your text and it is displayed over your character like if a NPC is floating some text to you. If you talk to NPCs, then a dialogscreen like in the original games is popping up.
swampcat said:
Grayswandir said:
Will you stop crying? Everyone got your point. Now if you reach level 21

well the point is not how " being killed " or being level 21

The point was getting some role-play....

But anyway no-problem.... whatever...

as for “gopniks” it seems to me like a kind of fashion....

Man. You're still crying? >.> I think Role Playing aspect on 2238 will do very fine. People will create groups in which they can RP and enjoy the game. PK'ers will be there on 100% but I don't think that EVERYONE will want to kill ya just because you're stading still. Maybe few of guys who just wanna shoot, shoot, shoot.
Tell me - what do you really want? Because I don't get ya.
well the point is not how " being killed " or being level 21

The point was getting some role-play....

But anyway no-problem.... whatever...

I think you had a bad start last time, and that now you worry too much. In the first beta, i died more than 30 times in less than a week, I still had one of the best roleplay experience in an internet game that made it worth it. Roleplay comes with the interaction with others (friend as well as ennemies), which is one of the reason i 'd like to play in a english environment, btw.
In fonline, getting killed and losing everything three time a day is part of the experience. Kinda buddist preparation. Maybe you are too materialist?