swampcat said:imho players killers or PK
just ruin all games online not only roleplaying .... and i mean every game FPS , RTS and all genres......
IMHO just my 2 cents
Well its the problem of the game that allow it. There should be some kind of restrictions like in RL. Noone can just walk into the town and KoS everything that moves. Game simply must have system, witch wont allow this to happen aka guards, bounty hunters and mainly hostality of the enviroment against this kind of players. Ppl and even npc should travel from city to city, so when gang of 5 PA morons whipe out one village, the surrounding settlements could already know it be4, the death-squad reaches their gates, so they will not trade with them etc.
Same goes for factions. When someone join certain faction and then act on his own (against that factions ideology), other members could simply see/report him, so there will be some kind of punishement. And imho this kind of game balance is one of the hardest to get done right.