FOnline: 2238 announced

swampcat said:
imho players killers or PK
just ruin all games online not only roleplaying .... and i mean every game FPS , RTS and all genres......

IMHO just my 2 cents

Well its the problem of the game that allow it. There should be some kind of restrictions like in RL. Noone can just walk into the town and KoS everything that moves. Game simply must have system, witch wont allow this to happen aka guards, bounty hunters and mainly hostality of the enviroment against this kind of players. Ppl and even npc should travel from city to city, so when gang of 5 PA morons whipe out one village, the surrounding settlements could already know it be4, the death-squad reaches their gates, so they will not trade with them etc.

Same goes for factions. When someone join certain faction and then act on his own (against that factions ideology), other members could simply see/report him, so there will be some kind of punishement. And imho this kind of game balance is one of the hardest to get done right.
swampcat said:
imho players killers or PK
just ruin all games online not only roleplaying .... and i mean every game FPS , RTS and all genres......

IMHO just my 2 cents

I disagree, at least on the context of Fallout Online. Fallout is a dangerous world where thieves, raiders and psychopaths lurk around, distrust runs deep and paranoia is a constant. A group's first reaction to finding another group of unknown persons should be loading their guns and planning for combat. Even if they're not hostile, one has to be cautious in the desert.

I like the PKers because they represent a odd, interesting element of dificulty. FOnline would become boring without that sweet feeling of paranoia, of constant fear in a world were the vices of man reign and might makes right.

But at the same time, PKers should't be all-powerful. From what I've been told, this has been resolved. Town Guards will now engage Pkers. But IMHO, it would be interesting if this had karma and reputation consequences.
The game doesn't really have a strong PvE emphasis at the moment, unless the game's changed drastically since I got kicked out of closed beta.

The game does need some kind of player versus critters/npc area, even though some are going to dismiss it with 'It's Fallout not Diablo'. Fallout did have it's own 'dungeons': Klamath rat caves, the toxic caves, the Raider hideout, and so on. Not just the caves you find in encounters. Hell, the toxic caves would be a particularly good area to have a poke around with your buddies just to take a break from being shot at by other players.

Just places like that. Ten or so locations on the map that are just 'molerat caverns' or 'slaver hideout' that are totally disposable and combat orientated for a group to have fun exploring.

As for PKing, I think some kind of trader blacklisting wouldn't be a bad discouragement. If you're a psycho, people won't sell to you. Obviously, people will circumvent that with alts and so on, but it's still a good enough inconvenience to stop people bothering. That and being shot on sight every time they try and return to 'civilised' towns.
Few days ago we started to include a new cave system, with that you get your "dungeons", filled with random stuff.
We don't have singleplayer instances or stuff like that. Everybody can always go to other maps with other players, etc.
Sius said:
swampcat said:
imho players killers or PK
just ruin all games online not only roleplaying .... and i mean every game FPS , RTS and all genres......

IMHO just my 2 cents

Well its the problem of the game that allow it. There should be some kind of restrictions like in RL. Noone can just walk into the town and KoS everything that moves. Game simply must have system, witch wont allow this to happen aka guards, bounty hunters and mainly hostality of the enviroment against this kind of players. {It's "people". You can write legibly. Don't bother crying about it.} and even npc should travel from city to city, so when gang of 5 PA morons whipe out one village, the surrounding settlements could already know it be4, the death-squad reaches their gates, so they will not trade with them etc.

Same goes for factions. When someone join certain faction and then act on his own (against that factions ideology), other members could simply see/report him, so there will be some kind of punishement. And imho this kind of game balance is one of the hardest to get done right.

i'm not against the " versus mode " but just i think it should work like ultima Online where the are " safe zones "
for noobies and players without experience..... such as no-kill
zones and stuff like that....

Slaughter Manslaught said:
I like the PKers because they represent a odd, interesting element of dificulty. FOnline would become boring without that sweet feeling of paranoia, of constant fear in a world were the vices of man reign and might makes right.

but also in the
single player Fallout 2
it was even difficult to encounter the enclave if you stayed away from the coast zone where the patrols were....

Lazlo said:
As for PKing, I think some kind of trader blacklisting wouldn't be a bad discouragement. If you're a psycho, people won't sell to you. Obviously, people will circumvent that with alts and so on, but it's still a good enough inconvenience to stop people bothering. That and being shot on sight every time they try and return to 'civilised' towns.

if i understand correctly you are talking about unreliable people and reliable people for trading...... i agree it's a good idea to make a list of " good traders and buyers "....
If this list should lack there will be no traders as stated by you because of psychos killing every thing that moves...

Fallout 2 single player had NPC traders and some heavily
protected by guards...... the Shi guards were tough and if
i remember correctly it was hard to escape after attacking a
merchant ....
Well, to be honest, I don't personally believe in No-Kill zones.

A certain level of safety exists in most of the towns (town guards, e.g. in Vault City, which now react to violence and weapons), however some towns lack proper protection due to their nature, inhabitants structure, social or economic reasons (e.g. Modoc, which is a small farming community, not a military fortress).

Player driven factions ("gangs", as we call them) will be able to oppress such unprotected towns or offer them help protecting it, this can be arranged with community leaders (Harold in Gecko, Jo in Modoc... You get the idea.) In return, they get a piece of town's trading income (money and/or items).

EDIT: Just to add, PKs should think twice who they attack now and where. With so many factions and gangs swarming around, guards, spies, thieves...
lisac2k said:
Well, to be honest, I don't personally believe in No-Kill zones.

A certain level of safety exists in most of the towns (town guards, e.g. in Vault City, which now react to violence and weapons), however some towns lack proper protection due to their nature, inhabitants structure, social or economic reasons (e.g. Modoc, which is a small farming community, not a military fortress).

Player driven factions ("gangs", as we call them) will be able to oppress such unprotected towns or offer them help protecting it, this can be arranged with community leaders (Harold in Gecko, Jo in Modoc... You get the idea.) In return, they get a piece of town's trading income (money and/or items).

EDIT: Just to add, PKs should think twice who they attack now and where. With so many factions and gangs swarming around, guards, spies, thieves...

I don't know why, but everytime you post something about FOnline my face is being visited by a smile. You guys are doing great job, and taking FOnline into good direction. Those "insurance" and "PK free" zones killed "unique-side" of UO. Many good players left it, just because of those options.

About dungeons: Nice to know that there will be some other way to obtain stuff and to enjoy PvE, but one thing strikes me - "lockers" or items in those dungeons will respawn? And if yes - What can we expect? Materials? Weapons? Everything? ;)
Thanks in advance for the answer.

*Cheetah pawstep.*
Well, in the actual form, we have some cave templates (6 for now, but I will make more in future). In this templates we spawn randomly (when the encounter is created) critters and items from a pre-defined list.
This is actually the easiest form of it. We want to improve this in future (also adding more than one level of caves), etc. but this still needs some more work from our code monkeys.
Does game support features to allow bounty hunters to exist? I mean if some mad guy wipe out local pub, town leader(s) could put a bounty for his head. So when neutral player gets to the city, he could find something like "WANTED" posters at public places.

Please say yes :D.
Bounty hunting is already in the game. We disabled the AI bounty hunters for now because they have been uber and a bit bugged. Also you can set a bounty on someones head or you can check who has a bounty on his head, strike him down and go to the sheriff and get the money, etc.
Know those bulletin boards located in several of those towns in the game? What an excellent place to go looking for recent bounty listings, or the most priciest ones... *Chin-rub.*

Also, crazy/evil characters shouldn't be shunned from everywhere... what is the point of being bad in a game where you have the option, but in so doing makes the game unenjoyable due to no suppliers? Not saying to change your plans, though will there be neutral/evil places that will deal with 'bad' characters? Prices would probably suck as well as the selection? Just an idea. >_> Or some sort of ultimate black-marketeers dream located within an old cavern system or base. Where soldiers armed with Miniguns flank the way to the ample riches held within. At extremely inflated rates thanks to all the... security*Cough*oppression*cough*

Oh, lots of ways I could take this train of thought...
On a final note, reading your guys updates about the game and things within brings a smile to my face too. :D Good luck in your endeavors, I for one look forward to playing this when possible.
lisac2k said:
Well, to be honest, I don't personally believe in No-Kill zones.

A certain level of safety exists in most of the towns (town guards, e.g. in Vault City, which now react to violence and weapons), however some towns lack proper protection due to their nature, inhabitants structure, social or economic reasons (e.g. Modoc, which is a small farming community, not a military fortress).

Player driven factions ("gangs", as we call them) will be able to oppress such unprotected towns or offer them help protecting it, this can be arranged with community leaders (Harold in Gecko, Jo in Modoc... You get the idea.) In return, they get a piece of town's trading income (money and/or items).

EDIT: Just to add, PKs should think twice who they attack now and where. With so many factions and gangs swarming around, guards, spies, thieves...

This is great news.

I also don't believe in magic no-kill zones. Its kinda lame to wander somewhere and find that God came there and blessed the place, and now guns will not fire, blades won't cut and punches won't be felt. Or you can't even start agression. Thats just lame and artificial. It is not the Fallout Way, IMHO.

IMHO, the Fallout Way is to put restrictions that feel natural and can be fooled by those who know how. Remember how you had to holster your guns in NCR or else the police clones went ballistic on you? Remember how the Guards in VC checked you for alcoholic beverages and drugs? This is the Fallout way.

So we can protect and opress communities now? Interesting! I can see factions fighting each other to take over small communities, kinda like how we fought for bases. I remember that there was a lot of fighting for nominal control of Modoc during the last test, the Unity sometimes made "Purging Incursions" where they hunted PKers, killed them and protected noobs and friendlies. I think that when we were mass-attacked by angry ruskies, sometimes unity-connected or even merely anglo-phones went on russie-killing incursions to give a small advantage to the anglophone community. That gave us a lot of bad PR, and we later stopped it. I also remember AotN attacks on Modoc and Cathedral daily.

Can't wait until the next test!
Derajo said:
Also, crazy/evil characters shouldn't be shunned from everywhere... what is the point of being bad in a game where you have the option, but in so doing makes the game unenjoyable due to no suppliers?
There will be other means to get what you need. Crafting, stealing, raiding... You name it. It's up to you to choose your path, but don't forget the consequences. Lawful players will have less problems in the cities, but we all know who'll stalk them out there, in the wasteland :twisted: You indeed can be an evil person and enjoy the game at the same time.

Not saying to change your plans, though will there be neutral/evil places that will deal with 'bad' characters?
For now only the Raiders faction. Your gang can be pretty evil too, and I believe New Reno will be a place for everyone. For now, we don't use Karma system intensely, so the guards in Junktown won't shoot you at sight if you're a "bad" person. They just don't tolerate violence and the weapons pointed to them (who does, anyway?)
The bounty hunting officials were only in Redding and the Hub last time I played. I don't think they're planned to be global either, meaning that a bounty issued in Redding won't be known or claimable anywhere else. Sounds nice in theory, but it just means nobody uses it.

I was hoping that FO's 'dungeons' (yes it's a horrible word to describe it, I can't think of a better one) would actually be publicly viewable places on everyone's map. That way groups heading inside could run into each other, or ambush each other when they're trying to get out. It adds another element of danger. Encounters are more or less your own 'instanced' grinding area anyway. It's very rare that someone runs into your encounter.

I know, I know, "doing runs and getting loot makes it carebear/WoW/Runescape/Second Life/Guitar Hero/IKEA" but going into a dangerous location with your buddies to get rich with the possibility of getting backstabbed on your way out by either your friends or strangers seems more 'Fallout' than just shooting things in random encounters over and over and over and over until you're level 21.
Lazlo said:
but it just means nobody uses it.

We will see.

That way groups heading inside could run into each other, or ambush each other when they're trying to get out.

You can ambush or attack each other everywhere else too.

It's very rare that someone runs into your encounter.

In first and second open test it happened pretty often. If needed, we could rise the chance if we want to.

Also you last few sentences made clear to me, that you are not up to date with our ideas. :) Areas like this are planned since a long time already.
Lazlo said:
The bounty hunting officials were only in Redding and the Hub last time I played. I don't think they're planned to be global either, meaning that a bounty issued in Redding won't be known or claimable anywhere else. Sounds nice in theory, but it just means nobody uses it.

I was hoping that FO's 'dungeons' (yes it's a horrible word to describe it, I can't think of a better one) would actually be publicly viewable places on everyone's map. That way groups heading inside could run into each other, or ambush each other when they're trying to get out. It adds another element of danger. Encounters are more or less your own 'instanced' grinding area anyway. It's very rare that someone runs into your encounter.

I know, I know, "doing runs and getting loot makes it carebear/WoW/Runescape/Second Life/Guitar Hero/IKEA" but going into a dangerous location with your buddies to get rich with the possibility of getting backstabbed on your way out by either your friends or strangers seems more 'Fallout' than just shooting things in random encounters over and over and over and over until you're level 21.

"-Hey look! There is some valuable stuff! We're rich mate, we're rich!
-Woopiefu***doo! Gimme that!
*Sound of footsteps in the corridor. Few armed thugs enter the room*
-Not so fast, faggots. Get away from it. Thanks for cleaning the whole place for us. Now undress and hand over your valuables. NOW. Or maybe you two bitches want to meet your maker, huh?
-I wonder if that warm feeling mean that I just shitted my pants...

<3 It's going to be lovely! Can't wait.

*Cheetah Pawstep.*