FOnline: 2238 announced

Nope, it is not joinable yet. We have plans for quests that can be done for joining- but "normal players" can not become high members from one moment to the other, if ever.
Unity is one of several "big" factions. You may already imagine what that means, if not, then I'll let your imagination explode. We do plan to provide all big factions with the possibility to at least join them till the OBT3(some of them can be joined right now, and there's even a few quests in one of them).

In the months to come, the content will be expanded and the Unity, just like any other big faction, will provide more in regards to the gameplay. It's not that you can't role-play right now, it's just it could be better, and we strive for the second.
So in theory, these factions will be already established guilds which the player can then choose to join? More like you see them in a single player game?

There's been talk of the factions mod before and I was in the believe that the player himself could create a guild/gang like you see it in MMORPGs. Or is that present in Factions as well?

How come I've never met the Rotators in FOnline?
I just hope you leave most of the gameplay dynamics to the players to develop!

Factions should be created for a purpose not just to have 24/7 mindless PK wars.
Wars should be over control of territory and resources...for example a very powerful addictive substance called JET!..muahahah

I don't think somethings in game should be implemented either..should be up to the players to establish gangs/mafias/militia and all politics should be developed by the players also.
Southpaws said:
So in theory, these factions will be already established guilds which the player can then choose to join? More like you see them in a single player game?

There's been talk of the factions mod before and I was in the believe that the player himself could create a guild/gang like you see it in MMORPGs. Or is that present in Factions as well?

How come I've never met the Rotators in FOnline?

Yes, the "big factions" are already present and this in the way like in Fallout 1 and 2. Players can join but don't need to. If you don't want to join a already existing faction, you can also create your own faction with a own base in the desert, etc. but here too: you don't need to.

The Rotators in the last open test was just a small group of approx 5 people. We where very cautious and not always "the good guys". Still, we didn't senseless playerkilled. It was more a kind of mercenary group... later we hunted some badass people. In next open test, we are a gamemaster group.

RenoNut said:
Factions should be created for a purpose not just to have 24/7 PK wars.

I don't they should be implemented either..should be up to the players to establish gangs/mafias/militia and all politics should be developed my the players also.

Well, it is all up to the players. You don't like a faction? You don't need to join. If you are more the looner-dude, it is absolutely no problem too. Also we as gamemasters will have no influences on player controlled factions but we want to use the big factions to have a bit controll over the world and lead it into special directions.

UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
will you be able to run your own trading caravan?

We are working on something similar. It will not be possible to have own caravan cars like you know them from Fallout 1 and 2 (it's not that we don't want to- it's a engine problem with driving cars) but you can buy Brahmins, use them as pack animals, etc.

Beside this, it will also be possible to buy slaves, sell slaves, hire mercs, etc. etc.
Lexx said:
Southpaws said:
So in theory, these factions will be already established guilds which the player can then choose to join? More like you see them in a single player game?

There's been talk of the factions mod before and I was in the believe that the player himself could create a guild/gang like you see it in MMORPGs. Or is that present in Factions as well?

How come I've never met the Rotators in FOnline?

Yes, the "big factions" are already present and this in the way like in Fallout 1 and 2. Players can join but don't need to. If you don't want to join a already existing faction, you can also create your own faction with a own base in the desert, etc. but here too: you don't need to.

The Rotators in the last open test was just a small group of approx 5 people. We where very cautious and not always "the good guys". Still, we didn't senseless playerkilled. It was more a kind of mercenary group... later we hunted some badass people. In next open test, we are a gamemaster group.

RenoNut said:
Factions should be created for a purpose not just to have 24/7 PK wars.

I don't they should be implemented either..should be up to the players to establish gangs/mafias/militia and all politics should be developed my the players also.

Well, it is all up to the players. You don't like a faction? You don't need to join. If you are more the looner-dude, it is absolutely no problem too. Also we as gamemasters will have no influences on player controlled factions but we want to use the big factions to have a bit controll over the world and lead it into special directions.

UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
will you be able to run your own trading caravan?

We are working on something similar. It will not be possible to have own caravan cars like you know them from Fallout 1 and 2 (it's not that we don't want to- it's a engine problem with driving cars) but you can buy Brahmins, use them as pack animals, etc.

Beside this, it will also be possible to buy slaves, sell slaves, hire mercs, etc. etc.

Im glad we see eye to eye Lexx! :D I see your not a big fan of mindless Halo style killing either!
I can't wait to feel that element of freedom and fear and paranoia again adventuring the wastelands!
I personally hate senseless grinding over and over and I am glad that we are a team that doesn't like Diablo gameplay in Fallout and doesn't see Diablo gameplay as primary target in Fallout. We try to add as much different ways to gain exp for level up as possible like setting the focus on exploring parts, trading, etc. This doesn't mean that we want to cut out as much battles as possible... it is just that we think, it can be better and senseless grinding is not always the key... but of course, it is the most easiest thing to implement in a MMO.

A while ago - I like to tell this story - I saw some dudes in a german Fallout forum talking about what RPGs are. It ended with the point that Fallout and especially RPGs are all about gaining new weapons and items. Yes, it is the key behind RPGs: Gaining new and shiny weapons and items all the time. To this I just can say, the fuck, what goes on in the brain of people like this? If this is the role they want to play all day long, they must be secretly compulsive hoarder or so...
For FOnline: 2238 we don't want to make you having to run around, collecting stuff to get the bestest of the best equipment to win battles. Of course, there will be always player who only want to gain the "best" stuff but this is not a prior target to us. We want the people to play the game and enjoy it as how it is and what you can do in it and not place you in there and tell you "so! now start grinding to level up and become strong!"- this just sucks.

We have still a lot work to do for reaching this target but I think we already have a good base. For the rest... it is up to the players and we will see how it will work out when the next open beta starts.
Southpaws said:
So in theory, these factions will be already established guilds... the player himself could create a guild/gang like you see it in MMORPGs... How come I've never met the Rotators in FOnline?
Exactly, the big factions will be those with already established agenda, just like in a single player game. If you feel like ready to stand up for it, you can join. As Lexx already said, player driven factions are another possibility. Such factions can role-play anything they want, a mindless religious isolated cult or a loose gang of thugs and opportunists.

The caravans will probably not be finished until OBT3, but we will introduce it soon thereafter, I believe. There will be some other things to do, though.

Mindless PK-ing will always be there, we just hope that the players will be able to better organise and protect themselves now. Also, additional content, quests and the possibility to do something useful instead of shoot back at everyone will minimise the phenomena to a reasonable level.

You never met Rotators, because there were no more than 7 people at a moment belonging that group. Soon after being founded, it counted just 4 to 5 active members hunted down for their equipment and bad diplomatic relationships from the past.
Lexx said:
I personally hate senseless grinding over and over and I am glad that we are a team that doesn't like Diablo gameplay in Fallout and doesn't see Diablo gameplay as primary target in Fallout. We try to add as much different ways to gain exp for level up as possible like setting the focus on exploring parts, trading, etc. This doesn't mean that we want to cut out as much battles as possible... it is just that we think, it can be better and senseless grinding is not always the key... but of course, it is the most easiest thing to implement in a MMO.

A while ago - I like to tell this story - I saw some dudes in a german Fallout forum talking about what RPGs are. It ended with the point that Fallout and especially RPGs are all about gaining new weapons and items. Yes, it is the key behind RPGs: Gaining new and shiny weapons and items all the time. To this I just can say, the fuck, what goes on in the brain of people like this? If this is the role they want to play all day long, they must be secretly compulsive hoarder or so...
For FOnline: 2238 we don't want to make you having to run around, collecting stuff to get the bestest of the best equipment to win battles. Of course, there will be always player who only want to gain the "best" stuff but this is not a prior target to us. We want the people to play the game and enjoy it as how it is and what you can do in it and not place you in there and tell you "so! now start grinding to level up and become strong!"- this just sucks.

We have still a lot work to do for reaching this target but I think we already have a good base. For the rest... it is up to the players and we will see how it will work out when the next open beta starts.

I love the way the combat mechanics implementation sounds I agree totally a player shouldn't have to feel the need to rush and grind for the most advanced weapons and armor. Combat should be about an individuals skill and speed not who has the best armor and weapons.

That AP Armor easy mode suit used to piss me off big time you got this one guy who can just wipe out everyone in town, thats retarded.
Someone with a leather suit and a 10mm pistol should have just a much of a chance at crippling and killing you than someone with a damn gattling gun.

Killing and death needs to be a big thing in the gameplay mechanics...players should fear dying and also fear confrontation and its consequences when it comes to another player.
A notorious PK should be known for just that.. being an absolute psycho who takes a steep risk at doing the good or evil deeds.

Hmmm hears another idea guys just to add to the feeling of immersion with your character.

Battle scars...I mean of course not having a permanent crippled limb forever but more like scars and healed wounds that show other players what a hectic and violent life you live and stuff you've been through.

That would be cool to look at my players status and have an old gunshot wound to the arm from long ago and remember when I was involved in a rival gang/faction shoot out. Or a huge laceration scar on my back from that almost deadly deathclaw ecounter I had while traveling the waste.
Approximately how many servers are there going to be?

Is there going to be one server for russians and one english?

I would prefer not making language specific servers, its more fun with international experience.. Feels more like a real wasteland
For FOnline: 2238 we have our own server. There will be at least one server for FOnline vanilla (russian original) too. I don't know if more servers are planned.
I know that at least one is in russia. Don't know where the other is... but somewhere in this area too, I bet.
:clap: :clap: :clap:

This news just made my day!

btw. it's cool that we will see caravans etc., are you thinking about implementing shops etc.? Like a system that allows players to upgrade / repair other peoples equipment or heal them for a price? Or being able to set-up a shop (or a trading caravan) where you would be able to do business without the danger of being completely looted from all your stuff which you where collecting for months by a random gang in just one short fight?

I loved the atmosphere of paranoia in the first beta that I took part in, but I think that some kind of safehouse is required for players and especially shopkeepers, at least partial, or else we might not see much mechanic/trader/doctor type players in the game, because of having their ass kicked over and over again. Personally, although I enjoy bartering in MMOs, I would go for a bad-ass mercenary type of character if there would be no other way of protecting some of my equipment, apart from fighting for it.

(i didn't take part in the second beta, so sorry if there are things in place to deal with these issues!)

another thing is, my F2 CD is unusable anymore so I went for a digital copy from good old, any idea if their version works with FO2238 (I read somewhere they change things along the installation process to get their games working with new gen machines).

There are no 100% savezones in the game. You can be killed everywhere from everyone and loose everything. But now... we have guards. Some towns like Vault City, Frisco or the NCR have guards who react on players action. As example, if you start a fight in one of these towns, they (the guards) will for sure hunt you down because fighting there is not allowed. These guards are not in every town and they also don't see everything, but near them players should be more save.
Hey, killing a weak player in the town is still no big deal... but running away from 5 to 10 with assault rifles and shotguns armed guards... well, it's up to the player.
Lexx said:
There are no 100% savezones in the game. You can be killed everywhere from everyone and loose everything. But now... we have guards. Some towns like Vault City, Frisco or the NCR have guards who react on players action. As example, if you start a fight in one of these towns, they (the guards) will for sure hunt you down because fighting there is not allowed. These guards are not in every town and they also don't see everything, but near them players should be more save.
Hey, killing a weak player in the town is still no big deal... but running away from 5 to 10 with assault rifles and shotguns armed guards... well, it's up to the player.

Thats the way it should be! Right on!