FOnline: 2238 announced

RenoNut said:
Lexx said:
There are no 100% savezones in the game. You can be killed everywhere from everyone and loose everything. But now... we have guards. Some towns like Vault City, Frisco or the NCR have guards who react on players action. As example, if you start a fight in one of these towns, they (the guards) will for sure hunt you down because fighting there is not allowed. These guards are not in every town and they also don't see everything, but near them players should be more save.
Hey, killing a weak player in the town is still no big deal... but running away from 5 to 10 with assault rifles and shotguns armed guards... well, it's up to the player.

Thats the way it should be! Right on!

on one hand it's cool, but on the other hand you won't see anybody willing to play as a doctor, mechanic (repair) or trader type of guy, because it will get you nowhere (well, apart from your own early grave ;). I'm not surprised that you can get killed everywhere, that's fine, I'm not asking for non-PvP areas (they suck!).

Having guards is ok, but are you expecting trader-characters to be confined all the time to one guarded area, which they will probably not leave due to being scared of being looted outside the town?

Again, the fun will end at the point when a few guys will get power armours and plasma rifles, form a gang or two and will beat the sh@t out of everyone else they see, who will end up respawning at the regeneration station over and over again (at least that's how the game looked from my point of view, a person that joined the beta a day later then everyone else, thus I was just running around with my vault-13 t-shirt bumping into power armour gangs with cars and dying). It's kinda' against the whole idea of giving a player the freedom to become whoever and wander around the wasteland by himself, since you will have to make a character with 10 points into STR/AGIL/ENDU and join up with others to stay alive for a bit.

What I'm advising is to be able to store some of your stuff to make fun for players who would like to trade or sell their services, for example (don't take it word to word, it's just a general idea):

how about creating a fraction that would act as a storage? you would be able to store whatever you like, but it would cost you money or stuff at the point of putting it into the bank, but you wouldn't have to pay for getting it out. They would be almost unbeatable, and by that I just mean having a lot of guards in power armors and vault city type miniguns/sentry guns.

Lexx said:
Hey, killing a weak player in the town is still no big deal... but running away from 5 to 10 with assault rifles and shotguns armed guards... well, it's up to the player.

that gives me another idea, it would be cool if you could hunt down players who did start a fight in a city, were caught stealing, killed a child, were involved in selling drugs/slaves in places that you can't do it or did anything else what will be "illegal" but managed to escape from the town. By going to a sheriff/president/village elder etc. of a town and talking to him you would update your head-hunting list. With that you could go around the cities and look for that guy. Remember NPC's at the entrances to towns in F2? They could tell you whether they have seen that person and when was it. Hunting down an NPC would obviously give you XP and his loot, but also you could get killed in the process!

Will we see things like that in FO2238?
Again, the fun will end at the point when a few guys will get power armours and plasma rifles, form a gang or two and will beat the sh@t out of everyone else they see, who will end up respawning at the regeneration station over and over again

"Normal" players will never get a PA or APA and other high tech equipment will be rar. If you see someone running around in a PA or APA you know that he has made something big for it.
In some towns are many guards. I think, even a bigger gang would have problems with them. We didn't tested it yet tho'.
Fixed regeneration stations are cutted out. At the moment, you spawn on different places in the wasteland. So even if you get killed on one of those, you will then respawn in a different location. Also it is not possible to enter the respawn-maps from the outside. So "Hell-killing" like in obt2 should not come up again.

In general we are trying to "stretch" the gameplay... i. e. we don't want that a player can become God in one gameday like it was possible in the last open tests.

To the storage idea: You can easily rent a hotel room for x days, the rooms are locked and you can place stuff there. At the moment it is not possible to open the lock via skill or with stealing of a key, etc. Only your character can open the door to the room.

To your other idea: We already have a working bounty hunter script ingame. But attacking someone who has a bounty on his head in a town with guards is still not a good idea- the guards will attack you too because you started a fight.
Of course we could say the game that players who have a bounty on their head will not be protected by guards but this would be too easy to fool (like, set a bounty on the head of player x, then kill him in the town, etc).
To your other idea: We already have a working bounty hunter script ingame. But attacking someone who has a bounty on his head in a town with guards is still not a good idea- the guards will attack you too because you started a fight.
Of course we could say the game that players who have a bounty on their head will not be protected by guards but this would be too easy to fool (like, set a bounty on the head of player x, then kill him in the town, etc).

how bout setting bounties as a standard for towns? whenever a person kills an shopkeeper, doctor, the killer gets a bounty on their head automatically.

maybe we can have doctors and storekeepers have the ability to hire personal guards. these type of characters have the "body guard" perk.
This thread's title could be easily changed to "I have an idea how you can make it better."

Frankly, it's too late for that right now. It is not the game you used to play, it's changed. The engine is the same, but the gameplay is a quantum leap into another direction. If it is the right direction or not, time (and players) will tell.

Of course, we have done much to avoid the problems during the last two open beta tests, but some things remain. The power-players will still be there, trying to find an exploit and pump-up their avatars to semi-gods. We did try everything we could to stop that, but a few people can't do miracles in a few months only (not to mention that we do it in our free time, which is quite scarce for every team member).

I hope you understand our position.
lisac2k said:
This thread's title could be easily changed to "I have an idea how you can make it better."

Frankly, it's too late for that right now. It is not the game you used to play, it's changed. The engine is the same, but the gameplay is a quantum leap into another direction. If it is the right direction or not, time (and players) will tell.

Of course, we have done much to avoid the problems during the last two open beta tests, but some things remain. The power-players will still be there, trying to find an exploit and pump-up their avatars to semi-gods. We did try everything we could to stop that, but a few people can't do miracles in a few months only (not to mention that we do it in our free time, which is quite scarce for every team member).

I hope you understand our position.

Don't mind our ideas....just know that alot of us are very anxious to get back into the game and we like to talk about these things.
I understand and don't expect any of my ideas to be implemented but I like discussing such things with Lexx.
RenoNut said:
Don't mind our ideas....just know that alot of us are very anxious to get back into the game and we like to talk about these things.
yep, don't treat it as a complaint of some sort, we're just trying to help because we care for FO2238!


I remember that when I threw some things out of my inventory on the ground in one of the cities, it remained in that place throughout the game (no one took it because it was hidden behind a wall).

Does the same applies to this beta? And is it possible to potentially stash on gun or two behind a random rock somewhere in the wasteland (or are the wasteland locations randomly generated each time you enter a location outside a city or a town)? That would be cool alternative to storage facilities - finding a place in the middle of nowhere to hide your stuff ;) there would be always the danger that a random treasure hunter will find it!
Desert maps / maps from random encounters will be deleted every time all players have leaved this map. In a city everything stays as long as nobody takes it or the server will be restarted.
Does the same applies to this beta? And is it possible to potentially stash on gun or two behind a random rock somewhere...
Now, this is an interesting question.

Soon after the OBT2, a few months ago, someone from the "eastern side" of the community requested that some dangerous things hidden behind objects like walls or rocks should be visible. The engine developer reacted promptly and introduced transparency when you're walking behind such objects. It is harder to have your stash now, but not impossible (I think Tubby's Shop still works).

We really can't do much about such things, because the engine has been developed globally, to satisfy the requirements of the both FOnline projects.

About the storage idea - we may implement something like that if there is a great necessity for it. Determining it as necessity can't be made within closed beta tests, this is why we need the next open test and more players interacting with the world and themselves.
lisac2k said:
Soon after the OBT2, a few months ago, someone from the "eastern side" of the community requested that some dangerous things hidden behind objects like walls or rocks should be visible. The engine developer reacted promptly and introduced transparency when you're walking behind such objects. It is harder to have your stash now, but not impossible (I think Tubby's Shop still works).

Are you sure? As far as I can see it, everything looks like in the original games- if I place my stuff behind a wall and go there, I see the transparent egg around the player just like always. But there stil are object who will not get transparent if you move behind it (you can even set this in the object flags, just like in the original games).
The transparency and overlapping became mystery to me. A while ago everything was fine, and now nothing seems like it was. What happened in the meantime, can't say for sure. It does look like in the original games, but there are some issues with some objects. But this is too much of a derailing already.

The flags can be set in prototypes, that's true. I'm not sure how I forgot about that, must be lack of sleep recently. There's just too many objects to check out, but again, the open test might help us to nail the most critical ones. I, personally, remember some rocks to have transparency enabled, which makes them unsuitable for stashes.

If the players would be so kind to point them out, then we can fix them.
quillab said:
how bout setting bounties as a standard for towns? whenever a person kills an shopkeeper, doctor, the killer gets a bounty on their head automatically.

Well, now imagine two players: 1st is killing NPCs, 2nd is killing 1st and gathering bounties. With player-set bounties, someone actually needs to pay with his money, so at least money are not generated out of nowhere...
Actually I think a prison would be better!
Players get spawned in prison after they get there ass handed to them by town guards.

Murder is 500 days you have to sleep off via PipBoy or make the sentence as long as it takes just to make sleeping off those days totally annoying to the penalized player.

No weapons allowed in prison hand to hand combat only.
You lose all your items when the guards kill you.
Put all players in one huge general population cell.
This way street justice can take their toll on murderers.

Also leaves room for development of gang/faction ties and politics.

What was that you like to kill and try to attack new players in towns???

Here have a spawn trip to prison, after the town guards fill you with bullets where youll be face to face with other inmates just like you.

What was that you can't sleep off your days of sentence because you keep getting interrupted and beat and stomped to death by other inmates??

Awww well thats just too bad its the price you pay for breaking town laws.
Also remember those other thugs you screwed over and stole their weapons and vehicle keys from...well their in prison waiting for your arrival also, Im sure they are gonna be quite pleased with thier new company.

What do you all think?
RenoNut said:
Murder is 500 days you have to sleep off via PipBoy or make the sentence as long as it takes just to make sleeping off those days totally annoying to the penalized player.

You should be aware there is no 'pipboy sleep' in fonline, as it needs coherent time for other players.
scypior said:
RenoNut said:
Murder is 500 days you have to sleep off via PipBoy or make the sentence as long as it takes just to make sleeping off those days totally annoying to the penalized player.

You should be aware there is no 'pipboy sleep' in fonline, as it needs coherent time for other players.

I guess a jail timer would work then.
No weapons allowed in prison hand to hand combat only.
You lose all your items when the guards kill you.
Put all players in one huge general population cell.
This way street justice can take their toll on murderers.


Fighting in a prison?

Sounds to me like the Hell we got in last test. Also if we add a prison for all players who got a bounty on the head, we would need one whole map only for prison because of the many players who will be there. Very bad idea from A to Z.
Lexx said:
No weapons allowed in prison hand to hand combat only.
You lose all your items when the guards kill you.
Put all players in one huge general population cell.
This way street justice can take their toll on murderers.


Fighting in a prison?

Sounds to me like the Hell we got in last test. Also if we add a prison for all players who got a bounty on the head, we would need one whole map only for prison because of the many players who will be there. Very bad idea from A to Z.

Hahah you think so?
You think that many people would be trying to kill people in guarded towns?
Lexx said:
No weapons allowed in prison hand to hand combat only.
You lose all your items when the guards kill you.
Put all players in one huge general population cell.
This way street justice can take their toll on murderers.


Fighting in a prison?

Sounds to me like the Hell we got in last test. Also if we add a prison for all players who got a bounty on the head, we would need one whole map only for prison because of the many players who will be there. Very bad idea from A to Z.

yes.....i agree ....... the " Hell " is NOT good imho.....
RenoNut said:
Hahah you think so?
You think that many people would be trying to kill people in guarded towns?

Yes, and putting them in prison for x amount of time with no ability to do anything except wait (or possibly beat each other) will just give them an incentive to create another account. We don't want to encourage alt characters anymore then we already do.