RenoNut said:Lexx said:There are no 100% savezones in the game. You can be killed everywhere from everyone and loose everything. But now... we have guards. Some towns like Vault City, Frisco or the NCR have guards who react on players action. As example, if you start a fight in one of these towns, they (the guards) will for sure hunt you down because fighting there is not allowed. These guards are not in every town and they also don't see everything, but near them players should be more save.
Hey, killing a weak player in the town is still no big deal... but running away from 5 to 10 with assault rifles and shotguns armed guards... well, it's up to the player.
Thats the way it should be! Right on!
on one hand it's cool, but on the other hand you won't see anybody willing to play as a doctor, mechanic (repair) or trader type of guy, because it will get you nowhere (well, apart from your own early grave

Having guards is ok, but are you expecting trader-characters to be confined all the time to one guarded area, which they will probably not leave due to being scared of being looted outside the town?
Again, the fun will end at the point when a few guys will get power armours and plasma rifles, form a gang or two and will beat the sh@t out of everyone else they see, who will end up respawning at the regeneration station over and over again (at least that's how the game looked from my point of view, a person that joined the beta a day later then everyone else, thus I was just running around with my vault-13 t-shirt bumping into power armour gangs with cars and dying). It's kinda' against the whole idea of giving a player the freedom to become whoever and wander around the wasteland by himself, since you will have to make a character with 10 points into STR/AGIL/ENDU and join up with others to stay alive for a bit.
What I'm advising is to be able to store some of your stuff to make fun for players who would like to trade or sell their services, for example (don't take it word to word, it's just a general idea):
how about creating a fraction that would act as a storage? you would be able to store whatever you like, but it would cost you money or stuff at the point of putting it into the bank, but you wouldn't have to pay for getting it out. They would be almost unbeatable, and by that I just mean having a lot of guards in power armors and vault city type miniguns/sentry guns.
Lexx said:Hey, killing a weak player in the town is still no big deal... but running away from 5 to 10 with assault rifles and shotguns armed guards... well, it's up to the player.
that gives me another idea, it would be cool if you could hunt down players who did start a fight in a city, were caught stealing, killed a child, were involved in selling drugs/slaves in places that you can't do it or did anything else what will be "illegal" but managed to escape from the town. By going to a sheriff/president/village elder etc. of a town and talking to him you would update your head-hunting list. With that you could go around the cities and look for that guy. Remember NPC's at the entrances to towns in F2? They could tell you whether they have seen that person and when was it. Hunting down an NPC would obviously give you XP and his loot, but also you could get killed in the process!
Will we see things like that in FO2238?