FOnline: 2238 announced

Asmodai said:
I want to see diferent skins for vertibird(enclave\bos\ random rusty "how is that able to fly" skin...) speaking of vertibird how many people will it be able to transport ?
Already answered, Enclave will be the only faction using vertibirds. Also, answered about custom skins. Capacity: 10 seats.
Sius said:
The idea for quest sounds good, really... The only problem would be that the players would rush to factions like Enclave/BoS because of such fancy technological gadgets, and we would like to avoid that. I hope you understand the issue.

Marked spots: currently, you can leave your cars in the desert and get back to them anytime. Introducing additional "marked spots" is WIP right now (i.e. mines, which should be prospected first, then exploited for minerals and iron ore).

RoseKilla said:
This looks simply awesome! :D Although I like FO1 better this still looks interesting. Btw, do you need to download some client stuff too (I understood you need FO2 but that's it or there's something else too?)
The Fallout1 map is merged with those from Fallout2, you can spend your time on the southern part of the map if you want. The instructions for downloading and installing client, as well as connecting to one of the servers will be published in one week.

We are working on the game manual (PDF).
lisac2k said:
The only problem would be that the players would rush to factions like Enclave/BoS because of such fancy technological gadgets, and we would like to avoid that. I hope you understand the issue.

Well then make it harder to join these factions and even if PC is a member there nobody gives their stuff for free. Even at f1 bos were selfish bastards. I mean what are you for them? Some poor lame from wasteland who has nothing else left, than joining them and became living shield for their senior members.

Also i like the idea at FT with faction ranks, so players could focus on their faction and try to make career with it. Or just join them and became their blind instrument in wasteland.

Whole this faction system as i see it could be something, what can make players bussy for ages just to reach some decent rank/status at his faction/gang and i hope you've spent some time making factions uber sophisticated.
lisac2k said:
We are working on the game manual (PDF).
Great! It's getting a bit confusing witch perks are in the game, what some skills actually do and such.

Keep up the good work! :clap:
Sius said:
Well then make it harder to join these factions and even if PC is a member there nobody gives their stuff for free.
You see? You're talking about hi-tech restrictions already, now you understand why we have restricted vertibirds (and other equipment) quite harshly.

We better stop right here with this, because - with all due respect - there are millions of design traps waiting for all of us out there. Giving a simple solution for an issue which seems to work perfectly interferes very often with other game features in a least expected manner, causing the collapse of a very sensitive game system.

Sius said:
Also i like the idea at FT with faction ranks, so players could focus on their faction and try to make career with it. Or just join them and became their blind instrument in wasteland.
The factions were made with that in mind from the very beginning. There are kind of "ranks" which picture your current faction status, and you can even make a career in any of them.

Edit: grammar.
lisac2k said:
The Fallout1 map is merged with those from Fallout2, you can spend your time on the southern part of the map if you want. The instructions for downloading and installing client, as well as connecting to one of the servers will be published in one week.

Thanks lisac2k, it's also nice you guys added FO1 locations as well, good job! :)
lisac2k said:
restriction of high-tech equipment etc.

Lisac2k, you said on many occasions that high-tech equip will be rather scarce in Fonline, which is cool beans with me, but could you please shed more light on where do you guys draw the line? I.e. could you give an example of weapons which you guys believe will be v.good, "top shelf" but still possible to acquire in the wasteland, and weapons that you probably won't see in the hands of normal players (besides admins etc.).

For example,

Energy weapons - laser rifle/plasma rifle, but not Pulse rifle, gatling laser

Big guns - m60, flamer, minigun but not bozzar, vindicator minigun

Small guns - combat shotgun, scoped hunting rifle, but not sniper rifle, gauss rifle

etc.... hope you get the idea!
I was thinking about PA / APA soulbond (I don't know the way this stuff will be handled, but well - I heard something about binding it to the player.) thing and that it will be reserved for only certain players. And here are my thoughts;

Soulbond thing isn't that good, just because player who have some big advantage already(Armor like PA/APA) can use it against other players. You know, respawning with that kind of stuff will hurt alot his enemies in certain situations(Not mentioning the bonus armor gives to him in heart of battle). "Grey" players who will not have access to this armor will - sooner or later - whine about those who have it. It's just like with blessed items in UO, where people don't like the "unique/only for some group of people" stuff idea.

I think it should be handled some other way, making it obtainable by for example - band of experienced bandits who just ambushed, somehow killed and looted some enclave badasses. People will actually fight for that kind of stuff, which makes the game more "enjoyable".
The thing is - make this armor EXTREMELY RARE and even more stronger(Or maybe not, because it's very strong already) + for example - very hard to repair (260-300skill will do fine ;3) if you're not Enclave/BoS high ranked member (They must have some specific tools for repairing it)
It should be normally obtainable only by high ranked members of Enclave/BoS.
This way we'll not see hordes of PA/APA guys running around, and people will not look at them in way "Gosh, it's pointless to fight with them 'couse they'll respawn with armor and don't drop it at all". I'm not going to say what onslaught we will see when some players will actually steal one of those from Enclave/BoS. It's not smart to mess with those guys :>
And I'm sure that there are many groups in the wasteland who will just try to steal something hi-technology like this.
Of course those are my thoughts only. I'm just against any form of soulbond. Moreover - I'm against any form of items which can be grant only by GM to "Specific players". I'm sure there will be players who will accuse GM's about "Friendships" and stuff. Don't make the same mistake many UO shard's did.
Well, I believe that our great DEV team will do something neat about it, so everyone will be happy :>
Sorry for my chaotic English. Time to take some sleep :P *Yawns sleepily*

*Cheetah's pawstep.*
Well, at the moment, it is not possible to get a PA or APA. If you see someone running around with this, he is either a special story relevant character OR a game master.
Yep. And I'd most likely run like an idiot after said person.

Yeah, I must like to be shot. But really, if PA is gonna be scarce and I see someone running by in it, I'm gonna follow his ass and see what he's doing. I mean, it's probably alot more interesting than whatever low-lvl tripe I was off to accomplish. >_>

I was wondering, will certain factions have an easier time manufacturing certain items compared to other ones? Because, I could imagine a ammo-specific clan doing quite well. Or just a Batteries'R'us who just make energy and fission cells. Even if the amounts are small, having a handful to sell (especially to car dealers/drivers!) would be a stead if not tidy profit. *Shrugs and muses idly.* One week to liftoff, wee...
What's the protocol regarding new characters going to be?

Is it the same as OBT2, and we're going to start with nothing but a $200 radio to sell for gear, or is there going to be a more useful system?

Will there be any guns that a player can afford right off the bat, like BB guns? Maybe slightly more powerful versions of their vanilla counterparts? Or are all players going to spend their first level shovelling shit?

Those brahmin pens are gonna become battlegrounds.

I only ask because I believe that if you keep with the current system, people will just make a multitude of alts to be able to arm their 'main' from the start.
Grayswandir said:
Fonline 2238 has a level cap of 20, or so, wich can be reached after one week, maybe two. After that, many of those who play to become an überplayer will transfer to The Life after, that doesn't have a level cap, allow the player to get the PowerArmor and badass weapon.(correct me if I am wrong)
Wow, that’s quite interesting.. So, player will have a choice after reaching 20 lvl, to transfer automatically in his current state (level and stuff) or to stay here? ..And if he will choose to stay, can he somehow “reconsider” later?
This is good news (if it’s true), this mean we will see some of you guys at our russian server after all.
Suppose two players mutually consented in settling an issue with a duel, lethal or not. Being that said players are whithin a city, if they begin the duel will they be shot down by the guards? Or is there some party/duel system to avoid this?
First things first, I guess.
Ezekial said:
...could you give an example of weapons which you guys believe will be v.good, "top shelf" but still possible to acquire in the wasteland, and weapons that you probably won't see in the hands of normal players (besides admins etc.).
Admins and GMs won't have any obvious equipment advantage, using a certain "top shelf" piece of gear will be arranged for some special events or quests only. Misusing the GM rights may (and probably will be) sanctioned promptly, probably by removing the GM rights.

It's hard to tell line where the hi-tech gear will be available and if you'll be able to obtain it somewhere. It will be determined during the game (i.e. events), and yes - it will be possible to lay your hands even the best gear in game sometimes. I'll try to picture it for you: if you want a Gauss Rifle, you might hear about an expedition to a place where some could be found. Take part in the expedition (event) and you might find it (this was a very banal example).

Derajo said:
But really, if PA is gonna be scarce and I see someone running by in it, I'm gonna follow his ass...
... and wait for the first opportunity to catch him off guard. Possessing top equipment has its drawbacks as well.

Derajo said:
I was wondering, will certain factions have an easier time manufacturing certain items compared to other ones? Because, I could imagine a ammo-specific clan doing quite well. Or just a Batteries'R'us who just make energy and fission cells.
Already implemented. E.g. VC possess the best knowledge about medicine, while Encave and BoS are the battery people.

Hexuss said:
So, player will have a choice after reaching 20 lvl, to transfer automatically in his current state (level and stuff) or to stay here? ..And if he will choose to stay, can he somehow “reconsider” later?
No, he meant they will be "switching to another server". You can't use the same char on different servers.

Reaching 21st level in one week? Hard to say, probably possible if you play 20/7. Such players are welcome to switch to another server anyway, because we don't want power-gamers hunting the best stats and equipment, but role-players which know how to enjoy the game and make the right atmosphere in it.

Hausen said:
Suppose two players mutually consented in settling an issue with a duel, lethal or not. Being that said players are whithin a city, if they begin the duel will they be shot down by the guards? Or is there some party/duel system to avoid this?
In some towns they will be shot, in others not. Depends on the security policy of the place and the guards. I can think of at least 10 towns/bases/locations where you can do it safely.
Hexuss said:
Grayswandir said:
Fonline 2238 has a level cap of 20, or so, wich can be reached after one week, maybe two. After that, many of those who play to become an überplayer will transfer to The Life after, that doesn't have a level cap, allow the player to get the PowerArmor and badass weapon.(correct me if I am wrong)
Wow, that’s quite interesting.. So, player will have a choice after reaching 20 lvl, to transfer automatically in his current state (level and stuff) or to stay here? ..And if he will choose to stay, can he somehow “reconsider” later?
This is good news (if it’s true), this mean we will see some of you guys at our russian server after all.

but i hope just only when you reach level 20
because the russian server seems to me like more a HellRaiser movie than a Fallout game.....
I've misplaced my Fallout 2 CD, but have access to the master and critter .dats. Could I copy those files to other computers so that they may be able to run FOnline?

(And if this is tantamount to warez talk, the administration has my apologies.)
[spoiler:4d3dfff3a3]What are characters expected to do upon character creation? I can't see any possible routes to glory besides shovelling shit and crafting, but that's only if you tagged science and repair.

I guess you could just punch geckos to death, but I hoped FOnline had moved beyond level 1s in vault jumpsuits pumelling Klamath's gecko population.

I don't want to be telling every new player that their first level will be spent knee deep in shit, fighting with other players for shit to shovel. If people, at any point, are fighting over fecal matter in a video game, something has gone wrong.

Are there any junk guns that can be manufactued? Anything cheaper than a 10mm pistol I can buy?[/spoiler:4d3dfff3a3]

Useless post under spoiler tags.

Edit: Scratch that, let me just reiterate my last point.

Unarmed and melee have easy access to weapons from the start, small guns doesn't when it did in the previous games. Melee is obviously very cheap, unarmed is free. Zip guns and pipe rifles are not in stores nor are they craftable, so small gun users need a way to arm themselves upon creation, without having to shovel crap for 20 minutes.

Make BB guns available in stores, both the regular and the Limited Edition, both of which now do say 5-10/6-12 damage. They cost about $30 and $50 respectively. BB ammo is now available in stores, obviously cheap. It should only take a few minutes to get the cash together, and boom! You're actually having fun and not shovelling crap for a $300 pistol that's very easily lost.

This way, more characters will be able to start playing in their chosen style from the start.

Died and lost your BB gun? No problem. They're cheap. You can get back on your feet in no time.

Yes, I know, I'm not on the dev team meaning anything I say can't be listened to, but what does everyone else think? You have to consider how easily lost all gear is in FOnline. Giving everyone who wants one a crappy gun isn't cheating.

Bear in mind that you only get your free $200 radio upon character creation. If you die once, you have nothing.
I don't know if this has been addressed before, but will there be some sort of storage system for some of your gear? Maybe you could store it in some sort of Bank, or in some personal cabinet, hotel room, NPC... Wouldn't need to be a physical location either, as server resets would certainly doom that hypothesis
Hausen said:

You can rent a hotel room for $500 for 60 ingame days. You can buy a base for 25,000 or more to store your stuff. Or a car for 25,000+.

You can store cash at banks, they cost $100 to open an account. They all run independently of one another. If someone robs it, however, you won't be able to access your funds.
And it is pretty much impossible right now to rob hotel rooms or banks.
Few more questions concerning 2238..
1) 15 April release is final and you gonna implement updates (if it is necessary) during the game, or you planning to close it after some time for revision?
2) Would it be some Global Quest, after completing which game is wiping and restarting, as it would be in The Life After, or no?
3) Concerning “Unarmed” skill.. Is it possible to live (as a fighter) just with this skill, without points in guns, are there any changes in developing this skill relative to F2? ..I mean in FOnline: The Life After’s forum there are some suggestions like: “let’s do unarmed fighters like a monk in D&D and give them bonuses if they aren’t wearing some armor (or at least in robe), coz there was a lot position, with 200+ points in unarmed skill in original F2, when it was more karate and it is stupid in APA…. etc.”