Already answered, Enclave will be the only faction using vertibirds. Also, answered about custom skins. Capacity: 10 seats.Asmodai said:I want to see diferent skins for vertibird(enclave\bos\ random rusty "how is that able to fly" skin...) speaking of vertibird how many people will it be able to transport ?
The idea for quest sounds good, really... The only problem would be that the players would rush to factions like Enclave/BoS because of such fancy technological gadgets, and we would like to avoid that. I hope you understand the issue.Sius said:snip
Marked spots: currently, you can leave your cars in the desert and get back to them anytime. Introducing additional "marked spots" is WIP right now (i.e. mines, which should be prospected first, then exploited for minerals and iron ore).
The Fallout1 map is merged with those from Fallout2, you can spend your time on the southern part of the map if you want. The instructions for downloading and installing client, as well as connecting to one of the servers will be published in one week.RoseKilla said:This looks simply awesome!Although I like FO1 better this still looks interesting. Btw, do you need to download some client stuff too (I understood you need FO2 but that's it or there's something else too?)
We are working on the game manual (PDF).