FOnline: 2238 third open beta in progress

Yeah, it won't connect to the server. I guess it is down. And I just registered too, hopefully it will be fixed soon, I want to try this out! :)
Guys, I suggest you get on the irc for it if you want to know what's going on with the server being down a lot. Because the devs are on the irc channel you can ask them what the updates are for most of the time if you're confused about it.
FOnline irc data:
Channel: #fonline

Our irc data:
Channel: #2238
Yes, "bros" are hated on 2238 server, I get the feeling. The 4chan crowds are roaming the towns, killing everything.
is the server again down? after 7 hours ive finally connected, to die and lose a smg and ammo... had luck that this little pricks havent took my metal armor... but now im again unable to connect...