FOnline: 2238 third open beta in progress

Harahvaiti said:
Reconite said:
I already have. We're called the "Thieves" even though we're not all steal/sneak/lockpick pures. :P
We've taken out a few "Bros" in the time that we've been here, but we need more people to launch a proper attack.

where's you base?
For all I know, you're a "Bro" trying to find rival bases. I'm not going to tell you. If I find someone in-game that is cool and not stupid towards people I might go through the recruitment process. I'm not going to make it as easy to join "Bros". You're just going to have to keep your eyes open for me. :)

Revealing base locations are not a good idea in this Dog eat Dog FOnline world. :?

Heres a tip though: We usually hang around in the Fallout 2 part of the map (NCR, New Reno, San Fran, Broken Hills, Modoc).
Few minutes ago, there was a big battle with Bros vs. Fenchies in Klamath. Frenchies owned most of them, as far as I could see. It was like 50 vs. 2 ... and the Bros have been the 50.
Reconite said:
For all I know, you're a "Bro" trying to find rival bases. I'm not going to tell you. If I find someone in-game that is cool and not stupid towards people I might go through the recruitment process. I'm not going to make it as easy to join "Bros". You're just going to have to keep your eyes open for me. :)

Revealing base locations are not a good idea in this Dog eat Dog FOnline world. :?

Heres a tip though: We usually hang around in the Fallout 2 part of the map (NCR, New Reno, San Fran, Broken Hills, Modoc).

yes im a member of 4c intel... :lol:
Huh? Is that why everyone is calling me "bro"? I thought they were just surfers or something...

I prefer to go it alone.
Reconite said:
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
I think we need to start a rival Bros group, put those douchebags in they're place.
I already have. We're called the "Thieves" even though we're not all steal/sneak/lockpick pures. :P
We've taken out a few "Bros" in the time that we've been here, but we need more people to launch a proper attack.

the " bros " seem not so good after all

but Russian are very similar to " bros "

They both kill everything that moves.

Somebody should teach them a lesson.
Grr... while I was talking to the gun shopkeeper in NCR, going to sell my stuff, some asshole steals it all as I am stuck in the dialog mode and runs away. Frustrating...
Guys bros are not a threat. Yea they have numbers but most of those players are lvl 1 with no items or weapons.

They just like to swarm on people and beat them to death.

Also...Brother got your ass kicked. :wink:
ok a few points i'd like to make:

1) the 'bros' are a bunch of stupid assholes whom most of have never played fallout before.....they come into fonline during obt2 and act like dicks. Now they come back, acting like even more obnoxious fkn losers.

Http:// worst designed website I've seen in ages...good work bros

2)@brothernone....i tried to help u but got lag killed by a bunch of aforementioned douchebag 'bros'

3)thought this would be a cool experience, having the chance to be away from russians, on '2238' but the possibilities of this are slim to non, with the bros around.

wow, looks like my point in general is that BROS FAIL
bros=epic fail

/end rant...for nao

BunkerBud said:
bros=epic fail

People are going to play the game in any way that's allowed by the game mechanics.

If you don't like people killing each other as soon as they enter the towns, hassle the devs to make that kind of behaviour impossible - place guards in all town entrances, allow towns to be entered from more than one point, place guards at traders.
Lol, he said i will be on thier hit-list.



I don't like being lied to :evil: .

Oh and about the Ni****" and Faggoth and curses, i don't want to press charges :P I would like to meet this person again, in the wasteland, and talk things over. :twisted:
I lol'd at that conversation.
But there is a lot of racism in FOnline, most of it coming from "Bros" like that guy you killed. :roll:
Good job killing a "bro". :)
Rufus Luccarelli said:
Grr... while I was talking to the gun shopkeeper in NCR, going to sell my stuff, some asshole steals it all as I am stuck in the dialog mode and runs away. Frustrating...

hehe... I got shot when I was doing my business in the bank. I think my leather jacket draw too much attention. :D But yeah, it's hard to keep attention on your surroundings when in dialogue, I only noticed my situation when I heard the ribs-off "YEEARRRRGH" death scream.

Which comes to other point - what's the use of guards if someone can be shot in the middle of casino without no consequences? These places should be safe havens from a bunch of gun-trotters. If the gun-trotters can take on the guards, it's a different story.
Meh said:
Which comes to other point - what's the use of guards if someone can be shot in the middle of casino without no consequences? These places should be safe havens from a bunch of gun-trotters. If the gun-trotters can take on the guards, it's a different story.

Hiring guards in organized areas that warn/instantly correct people who wields any weapon would maybe help some. It does not completely prevent a mad man from drawing a weapon and attacking someone, which I think is good, but it makes it harder to kill as he would be quickly penalized for the act.

Edit: And yes - the guards would have to be strong. :P
Wouldn't be bad to start topic with screen of PK (Player Killers), so ppl could be awere of them! I just been killed by played Apple along with two other czech players. Whoever kills him makes me happy!
Tom9k said:
Wouldn't be bad to start topic with screen of PK (Player Killers), so {It's "people". You can write legibly. Don't bother crying about it.} could be awere of them! I just been killed by played Apple along with two other czech players. Whoever kills him makes me happy!
That's what the bounty system is for.
Go to a sheriff of a town and you can set a bounty on someone's head for an amount of money. That way, if someone sees the bounty, kills the guy, then comes back, they get the pay. It's the way of paying for revenge on ass holes. :P
What stops bandits in one group to kill each others and collect bounty? They get money and don’t lose anything.
I just downloaded the Fonline and extracted it to a folder I named Fonline. However, when i double click on the EXE file, I get an error message saying I am missing the Master.dat file.
Use the config tool to set paths to your master.dat and critter.dat from Fallout 2.