FOnline SDK released!

tester123 said:
Anyone are making new servers/mods? :)

Around 10-15 projects in beta/in development at the moment, including mine (!) :)

JCRimmmer said:
Is this good news for future Fallout single player mods\games?
Definitely. Currently I think there's only one singleplayer mod being developed though, but it looks great. (Surf Solar's What Remains)
Yes, it's possible. One "just" has to convert all the scripts to AngelScript and recreate the dialogue files, etc. It's a shitload of work in any case, but not impossible.
Also maps, characters, dialogs etc. Everything :D But that would be quite cool if adapted to multiplayer (LAN games).

Izual, can you put there links for these projects? FOnline engine is awesome!

This is all I can think of for now ;)
It's a repository, there is no other link. You have to download it with software like Tortoise SVN.
Do you happen to have a guide regarding AngelScript in the context of FOnline, Lexx?

I'll get the SVN once I solve a few computer issues with a format tonight.

[What have I gotten myself into? 1.6 GB :D]
is thelink the newest release? will be there some updates for the SDK? (For example the options menu is not finish)
It's a repository server, if you make a checkout, you will download the latest version. Also, the repository is updated all the time.
i heard there are lot of better tools by the fonline 2238 devs. is that true? and will be they available to download?

i have an idea to make something based on the fonline engine (single player) is there any tutorials or docs?
What do you want Wasjok?

You can make Fonline engine single player mod and yes there are tutorials and docs.
What do you want Wasjok?

You can make Fonline engine single player mod and yes there are tutorials and docs.