FOnline SDK released!

really? i didn't find any. you can give me some link for tutorials about the fonline engine and a single player game?

Once you download the SDK, you can start a single player game very easily.
1. Go to %FOnline%\Client\
%FOnline% is the directory to which you downloaded the SDK
2. Locate FOnline.exe
3. Rename FOnline.exe to FOnlineSingleplayer.exe
4. Double click FOnlineSIngleplayer.exe to start a new game

It seems there's quite a bit of information available but, like the documentation, it is not in English. Well, I haven't been looking particularly hard for it, either.

Surf Solar might be the one to ask. His project is here:
I am interested in the server and client architecture. I don't see the source code of neither of them in the repository. I assume it's forbidden. However, I've been developing MUDs for 5 years and have a lot of C++ experience and I am now looking forward to understanding the architecture of MMOs. Is there any way to learn more about FOnline and how it's built? Is the communication protocol between the client and the server open? So one could make its own graphical client for the server for example. I think you guys have done a great job here and if there is any possibility that you could accept new faces in the development team I would be glad to help.
Hyena said:
I am interested in the server and client architecture. I don't see the source code of neither of them in the repository. I assume it's forbidden. However, I've been developing MUDs for 5 years and have a lot of C++ experience and I am now looking forward to understanding the architecture of MMOs. Is there any way to learn more about FOnline and how it's built? Is the communication protocol between the client and the server open? So one could make its own graphical client for the server for example. I think you guys have done a great job here and if there is any possibility that you could accept new faces in the development team I would be glad to help.

Yes, of course you can download sdk and check it. FOnline based on AngelScript which is similar to C++. I do not know exactly how is it build but you always ask other peoples who build FOnline - cvet.

im trying to get FOnlinesingleplayer to work and this is what I get in my FOnline.log. Thanks for any help. Just cant seem to get the anything to open.

Singleplayer mode.
Starting FOnline (version 0399-DF)...

Engine initialization...
Sprite manager initialization...
OpenGL extension 'ARB_framebuffer_object' not supported. Not critical.
OpenGL extension 'EXT_framebuffer_multisample' not supported. Not critical.
OpenGL extension 'ARB_texture_multisample' not supported. Not critical.
OpenGL extension 'ARB_get_program_binary' not supported. Not critical.
SpriteManager::CreateRenderTarget - glRenderbufferStorageEXT( GL_RENDERBUFFER_EXT, GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8_EXT, width, height ), error<0x00000500>.
Take the FOnlineD3D.exe and rename it to the singleplayer one and try again.
New revision is very bad optimized and has a lot of bugs so we must wait for fixes or use older revisions.
Just wondering: has anyone came out with a converter or a way to convert FOnline maps (.fomap iirc) into Fallout 2 map files?
Nope, no such thing exists. With latest FOnline not anymore anyway, because of all the changes and stuff.
Oh damn. If I want to map in Fallout 2, then I've got to say bye to easy mapping then :(
Ok look there needs to be a list for all the TUTORIALS and DOCS for this thing, im getting tired of learning this thing by trial and error...

I want to work with this thing i want to make something, i just need help and i dont want to be that guy who asked 1000 question (mostly dumb ones that are probably real simple) when i can just read how to do it.

On the other hand if no one minds if i start asking questions i will lol.

Scripting is going to be a choir to learn im sure but i dont even know where to start...
just simple thing i guess, HOW TO EVEN MAKE A SCRIPT, adding dialog to someone.

Making dialog as well, oh and how the fuck do i set roof titles in the mapper lol?

mapper commands would be a big help as well as i lost the list of ones i had saved.

But I get what you mean. Bastard thing is that there probably is a lot of useful documentation, but it's all hiding behind the iron language curtain. :(
Izual said:
Oh damn. If I want to map in Fallout 2, then I've got to say bye to easy mapping then :(

Mapping in Fallout 2 is easy enough, but tedious. Everything has to be hand placed. It's probably better to stick with FOnline until someone makes an improved mapper for Fallout 1/2. Anyway from what I've seen FOnline is a much better engine, the lighting looks great.
.Pixote. said:
Izual said:
Oh damn. If I want to map in Fallout 2, then I've got to say bye to easy mapping then :(

Mapping in Fallout 2 is easy enough, but tedious. Everything has to be hand placed. It's probably better to stick with FOnline until someone makes an improved mapper for Fallout 1/2. Anyway from what I've seen FOnline is a much better engine, the lighting looks great.

Yes, I work with FOnline and it's very good. There would be some problems with some newt versions, but you always could download stable sdk.