FOOL developer quotes round-up


But best title ever!
While lately the wacky legal shenanigans between Interplay and Bethesda have definitely been the focus of most of the news related to Fallout Online, Interplay is certainly still working on it. In fact, Ausir just rounded up some quotes from Chris Taylor on Interplay's official forum.

Playing solo:<blockquote>We're going to have content for solo players (you will be able to play solo all the time, you just won't be able to do everything), groups and guilds. Groups will have access to a little more content than solo players.

Think of it as a pyramid. At the bottom is the majority of content that will be accessible by everyone. As you move up the pyramid, it will take more skills, perks weapons, armor and friends.

Being able to solo is important to us. I personally want to cruise the wastes, looking for trouble and running away screaming like a little ghoul when I find it. </blockquote>Who writes the Fallout Online newsletter?:<blockquote>95% Mark. You can blame me for the 5% that sucks.


pax, -Chris "More like 10% really" Taylor </blockquote>Porting Fallout and Fallout 2 to iOS:<blockquote>[...] the quick answer is no, we can't port Fallout to any other platform. We only have the rights to the original games on their original platforms and the MMO.

I would pay $4.99 for Fallout 1 on the iPad, however. ^_^ </blockquote>
WorstUsernameEver said:
I would pay $4.99 for Fallout 1 on the iPad, however. ^_^

Oh, me too, if I had an iPad. Oh well. Wasn't there some conversion for Fallout on mobile phones at some point? Called POCKET FALLOUT or something?
Ausir said:
Actually, the project is still alive, just moved to

We have some conflict situation with Betheda Spoftworks.
Now official web site of Pocket F.A.L.L.O.U.T. project is !

Thanks for cluing me in, I hadn't found the site. Although it looks like the download link is broken (for me at least). What sort of PDA's does it support? There are a bunch of different PDA operating systems, right? Off the top of my head there's at least PalmOS and Windows Mobile.
How about Fallout on the DS or the 3DS? don't kill me, but i think it would fit perfectly, I could Play Fallout 2 in the bus and not be limited to playing it in my house.
Even 'simple' adventure games like Monkey Island or Indiana Jones are already too complex for me when playing on my PDA while not beeing home. I can't imagine how much more not-fun it would be to play Fallout on such a portable device.
I can't use public transportation here (not that there is much anyway) so mobile gaming is just plain something that doesn't work for me anyway. That said, I see no reason to deprive people and given that there are TRPGs for handheld, Fallout should be fine. The biggest problem would be displaying all of the text.
Well since the Ds has two screens, a change in the lay out of the interface would be optimal, I don't know, superior screen Stats, pipboy, etc all of it managgeable with the buttons, bottom screen the Map and Battle interface that uses the tactile properties, the text just displayed on a text box like in other rpgs, it would need to be more than a simple port however.