Fool waving gun gets shot. Shocking!

I can't understand why anyone thinks the guy actually thought it *Was* Osama Bin Laden; his thoughts were probably "Holy shit! a man in a mask with a gun!" Nearly anyone you ask will tell you that mask+gun=crime. Simple as that, really. The guy who got shot needs a Darwin Award honorable mention for monumental stupidity. His survival renders him ineligible for the full measure...
PsychoSniper said:
In public, you dont expect to see any guns openly displayed (minus cops and gangbangers)

funny, i can walk around almost any city around me with a loaded gun and not be arrested or shot at.

You've never been to Ohio or Texas have you? Open carry of firearms is perfectly legal in many states, its the concealed carry that you need to worry about. Running around with gun in hand jumping out at drivers is a completely different matter though.
PsychoSniper said:
VD........I think the majority of 'waving the gun' that people here do involves their right hand (unless theyre a leftie) and some lotion...........

Hey man, I'm deadly with a lotion (did I just dis myself?).

Anyway, I don't about any other place, but here in Denmark the guy shooting would be arrested for just having a gun, and he would pobably be charged with manslaughter too.

This "war" against terrorism has gone a few steps too far in my opinion.
Flop said:
Anyway, I don't about any other place, but here in Denmark the guy shooting would be arrested for just having a gun, and he would pobably be charged with manslaughter too.

This "war" against terrorism has gone a few steps too far in my opinion.
Exactly. In Croatia it's illegal to walk around with a gun (display a gun in public and people would start screaming and phoning the police in no time), and if you shoot somebody, even if you thought it was self defense, you still go to prison for 2nd degree murder. It's also quite difficult to get a license for even a hunting rifle or a small caliber handgun (you need to pass like a million psychological tests and stuff), and having a more powerful handgun, a machine gun or an assault weapon of any sort is highly illegal. Even a soldier who takes his assault rifle outside the perimeter of the base is breaking the law and can be arrested by the military police.

I guess we Europeans just don't have the trigger-happy mentality of you Americans.
Ratty said:
Exactly. In Croatia it's illegal to walk around with a gun (display a gun in public and people would start screaming and phoning the police in no time), and if you shoot somebody, even if you thought it was self defense, you still go to prison for 2nd degree murder. It's also quite difficult to get a license for even a hunting rifle or a small caliber handgun (you need to pass like a million psychological tests and stuff), and having a more powerful handgun, a machine gun or an assault weapon of any sort is highly illegal. Even a soldier who takes his assault rifle outside the perimeter of the base is breaking the law and can be arrested by the military police.

I guess we Europeans just don't have the trigger-happy mentality of you Americans.

Geez, even the Croatians. Americant's, especially in Cockxas, really aren't civilized (ref gladiator games in the Roman Empire). Don't worry, though, no empire lasts forever, especially not this one.
Yeah, I was reading about this earlier at DAC; guy deserved it as far as I'm concerned Bin Laden mask or not, too bad he didn't get shot in the gonads so he doesn't reproduce.
Meh. I'm planning to buy myself a non-working AK47 / AK74 rifle.

Exactly. In Croatia it's illegal to walk around with a gun (display a gun in public and people would start screaming and phoning the police in no time), and if you shoot somebody, even if you thought it was self defense, you still go to prison for 2nd degree murder. It's also quite difficult to get a license for even a hunting rifle or a small caliber handgun (you need to pass like a million psychological tests and stuff), and having a more powerful handgun, a machine gun or an assault weapon of any sort is highly illegal. Even a soldier who takes his assault rifle outside the perimeter of the base is breaking the law and can be arrested by the military police.

I guess we Europeans just don't have the trigger-happy mentality of you Americans.

Why would you go to jail if you shot in self defense? I suppose strict firearms control makes sense in some situations, but that doesn't make sense. What if he defended himself with some other weapon and killed the guy? Is this specific to guns, or is it just an example of a "dumb law" that killing in self defense is illegal?
It isn't all that hard to understand, Lord.

Guns are illegal, so naturally killing people with guns is illegal too. Whatever the circumstances under with you shot that man - you were wielding a gun, and have therefore broken the law.
Its one of those stupid policies that Eurotrash have.
They view all guns as "Teh Evil" and froget that self defense makes sense.
PsychoSniper said:

Broad words from someone living in a country that was created by "Eurotrash", and not even able to spell one's language properly.
Wooz said:
PsychoSniper said:

Broad words from someone living in a country that was created by "Eurotrash", and not even able to spell one's language properly.

That's ones, Wooz, ones.

Also, I think you mean "big words".
PsychoSniper said:
Its one of those stupid policies that Eurotrash have.
They view all guns as "Teh Evil" and froget that self defense makes sense.
You know, PS, there's this organization called POLICE. Perhaps you've heard of it? If not, I'll try to explain it to you: "police" is a government-funded force tasked with upholding the country's laws and protecting citizens from harm. It's their duty, and they are paid for it with taxpayers' money. Because we Eurotrash have police to watch over us, we don't need an arsenal of 50 assault weapons under every sofa and every bed in the house.

Jebus said:
Also, I think you mean "big words".
I prefer "bold words".
Police arnt everyware.

If someone breaks into your house, what do you do ? Ask the perp to wait for the cops ?
Dudes, stop it. Gun threads are forbidden here, more or less, because every argument has already been gone over. There is NO conclusive evidence for either side, and all studies contradict eachother. Go read older topics here if you want some more info, but do not start a new gun thread.
Lord 342 said:
Exactly. In Croatia it's illegal to walk around with a gun (display a gun in public and people would start screaming and phoning the police in no time), and if you shoot somebody, even if you thought it was self defense, you still go to prison for 2nd degree murder. It's also quite difficult to get a license for even a hunting rifle or a small caliber handgun (you need to pass like a million psychological tests and stuff), and having a more powerful handgun, a machine gun or an assault weapon of any sort is highly illegal. Even a soldier who takes his assault rifle outside the perimeter of the base is breaking the law and can be arrested by the military police.

I guess we Europeans just don't have the trigger-happy mentality of you Americans.

I'm sorry Sander, but I think that this deserves a response.

I can't say that I know Denmark's weapon control laws in and out, but as a police officer once exlpained to me: Everything that can be used as a weapon is illegal to carry with you, unless you have a good exceuse (ie. if you are searched by the police and have a screwdriver in your pocket, you better have an excuse, not that it's difficult to explain the escrewdriver).

Anyway, having a gun, or a knife for that matter, is illegal. And using it to harm another human being is obviously illegal too, regardless of your intentions.
PsychoSniper said:
If someone breaks into your house, what do you do ? Ask the perp to wait for the cops ?
No one ever broke into my house, and I don't know of a single person in all of Croatia that was every victim of a gun robbery. I don't know what kind of moron criminals you have in USA, but here no burglar would be stupid or crazy enough to try to break into a house while there is somebody inside.
I'm not trying to start a flamewar, but oddly enough I did just read an article in the local newspaper about a man suspected of killing someone in her own home. The man is an admitted burglar who said he enjoys the challenge of robbing occupied homes.

Ratty, you did say it's possible, if not difficult, to get a permit for a small pistol... but if it's illegal to kill in self defense, why have the pistol? Or did I mis-interpret you; did you just mean in the given situation the guy would've gotten in trouble because the nutter in the mask wasn't actually shooting him/attacking him? For instance here in Massachusetts if someone's in your house illegally you can't kill him, but if he *attacks* you in your house, you can. Am I just missing some key difference like that, or is it really illegal to kill in self defense where you are? Thanks in advance for a sensible answer.
Ratty said:
In Croatia it's illegal to walk around with a gun (display a gun in public and people would start screaming and phoning the police in no time), and if you shoot somebody, even if you thought it was self defense, you still go to prison for 2nd degree murder.