Exactly. In Croatia it's illegal to walk around with a gun (display a gun in public and people would start screaming and phoning the police in no time), and if you shoot somebody, even if you thought it was self defense, you still go to prison for 2nd degree murder. It's also quite difficult to get a license for even a hunting rifle or a small caliber handgun (you need to pass like a million psychological tests and stuff), and having a more powerful handgun, a machine gun or an assault weapon of any sort is highly illegal. Even a soldier who takes his assault rifle outside the perimeter of the base is breaking the law and can be arrested by the military police.
I guess we Europeans just don't have the trigger-happy mentality of you Americans.
I'm sorry Sander, but I think that this deserves a response.
I can't say that I know Denmark's weapon control laws in and out, but as a police officer once exlpained to me: Everything that can be used as a weapon is illegal to carry with you, unless you have a good exceuse (ie. if you are searched by the police and have a screwdriver in your pocket, you better have an excuse, not that it's difficult to explain the escrewdriver).
Anyway, having a gun, or a knife for that matter, is illegal. And using it to harm another human being is obviously illegal too, regardless of your intentions.