Forging the Steel

Neolk said:
The uniqueness is the concept. Besides, I doubt they are just gonna give the radscorpion a new texture, they are probably gonna include a new model, and if not, I concede to you. When was the last game you fought an albino enemy?

When was the last time you fought a magenta enemy? Ok. I'm going to take a person, color him purple. Look. Innovation.

What's most amusing about this strategy is that it's not innovative. Colored enemies (marking different damage/defense) is Blizzard's Diablo. The first one. Covering it up by saying the animal's albino doesn't cut it.

Why switch fallout to first person? It's innovative? No. It's easier.
Why just color the monster differently? It's innovative? No. It's easier.

Bethesda is actually pretty consistent.
sai | GLYPH said:
When was the last time you fought a magenta enemy? Ok. I'm going to take a person, color him purple. Look. Innovation.
As I said, they are probably going to include a new model also.

UncannyGarlic said:
I'll be surprised if the Albino Radscorpion model is radically different from the standard Radscorpion model but we'll have to wait and see for that. As far as it being Albino, I'll have you know that it's a genetic deficiency which results in such animals usually dying in the wild. That aside, it's a stupid idea as the differentiating factor which makes them more powerful than others of their species. All in all, it's just plain not that well thought out and they could have white Radscorpions without making them Albinos.
I expect the model to be different, otherwise I'll be in the same boat as you. That being said, just because they are called Albino Radscoprions doesn't mean that they are cannonly. It could just be what the locals call them. Like, look at Centaurs or Floaters. Those are just names that people use. When people saw a white radscoprion they probably said, ''Oh fuck, Albino". But it probably isn't albino at the genetic level, more of a new creature entirely.

I don't think the new 'Flame Thrower' is a 'Flame Thrower'. As I said, from what I've seen it shoots projectiles not a volley of flame. More like explosive rounds.

For the mutants, I agree with you, a good looking model.
Neolk said:
I don't think the new 'Flame Thrower' is a 'Flame Thrower'. As I said, from what I've seen it shoots projectiles not a volley of flame. More like explosive rounds.
Is this the picture you're talking about? If so and if that is how it actually looks and works when it shoots, I'm going to have to say that it's stupid. That said, I'm not so sure that it is shooting out the green lighting bolt, in fact I doubt it given that he's not even looking the direction the shot was fired and that it looks like a plasma trail.
Neolk said:
sai | GLYPH said:
When was the last time you fought a magenta enemy? Ok. I'm going to take a person, color him purple. Look. Innovation.
As I said, they are probably going to include a new model also.

You asked... "when was the last time you fought an albino enemy?"

Maybe you meant to ask something else?
Pity beth's RPGs are entirely about your enemies. It'd be more interesting to hear about developments in the plot or...

Ah hell, no it wouldn't be. Bethsoft expansion packs: LOOK! NEW AND BIGGER ENEMIES.

It's not what the enemies are that's the problem, it's the fact that's the entire focus of their work.
Trithne has hit my nail on the head

I have no problem with new enemies or big robots, a little variety is great (like death claws and the big mama death claw)

But is that exciting in itself? How about some big decisions, inspired story writing, and interesting set pieces? That would be sweet.
Neolk said:
I bet if half this shit was in the first Fallout you guys wouldn't give a shit. Sometimes you guys take things too far. Yes, fallout 3 wasn't a great game, but that doesn't mean everything for it is shit.

The Overlords Look cool, and the Albino Scorpion sounds unique. The incinerator sounds very cool as well.
To fill the gap for the Feral Ghouls we added the Feral Ghoul Reaver, which wears worn out armor, has special effects emitting from its body, and a new ranged attack, making it visually distinct from the normal Feral Ghouls as well as the Glowing One.
Didn't know there was a feral ghoul gap....What about quest gaps? Ah who cares. Armored ghouls rock.

For the Rad Scorpion, we made the Albino Rad Scorpion - a formidable foe that roams the Wasteland, dealing out great amounts of damage, and is much more resistant to attacks than the Giant Rad Scorpion.
So it's "formidable" deals out great amounts of damage and more resistant to attacks....ok great but does it actually POISON YOUR ASS! If you get stung by one and make you drop dead if you don't have antidote? You know how deadly a scorpion would be like if it were really that big? If not then I don't care about mr albino rad scorpion or if he has a new model or not.

For the Enclave, we introduced a new elite fire-based ranged soldier who not only wears new fire-resistant armor, but also wields a new and powerful weapon, the Incinerator. The Incinerator is a powerful ranged fire attack that ignites its victims upon impact.
Why not just un-gimp the regular enclave soldiers? Are they wearing power armor or paper mache costumes? Oh well I really don't care anymore....just here for the laughs at this point.
Why switch fallout to first person? It's innovative? No. It's easier.

Other than the fact that they could use the same engine setup as Oblivion, I'd say making it first person would actually be harder, due to the amount of graphical detail required, and the fact they can't do things like not draw the back wall of something (like you can in an isometric or top down).

On the rest of the stuff though? Yeah, they took the easier and safer route.


About the "when was the last time you fought an albino" question, someone pointed out that there was albino scorpions in Brotherhood of Shitbuckets. So not only is this idea NOT original, its using what 99% of FO fans consider to be nearly a spit in the face as where they ripped the idea from.

The new mutant is the only idea that seems to be fully fleshed out graphically and mentally, however over all I'd say it wasn't a very big stretch to make a new super mutant.

Overall bethesda is handling this game like this: FPS first, Action second, RPG twentyfirst.
UncannyGarlic said:
Course, it isn't the original Fallout Flamethrower, but it's a step in the right direction, though on the big side and I'm still not overly fond of the nozzle (?).

Aww, you've remind me that there is still no texture done for it. :(
Lexx said:
Aww, you've remind me that there is still no texture done for it. :(
It's a real shame considering how good all of your models look. If I knew anything about texture mapping and 3D modeling I might try my hand but sadly, I do not.
Also I think too that Bethesda wanted to go more in the original direction with the flamethrower design, but like everytime they have overdone it and now it is some big fat whatever. The same with the new enclave armor: They "fixed" the ugly shoulder/ trash can thingy and made the armor a bit bigger too. Still it doesn't look that good to me, but... that's maybe just me.
the Overlord would eventually grow to become a Behemoth
...and when he's grown up, he marry his Super Mutant Husband and adopt some Super Mutant Kids :clap:

Neolk wrote:
Why is it hard to imagine that Mutants mutate further? Behmoths obviously came from somewhere. It makes sense that Super Mutants that are exposed to more radiation but not enough, meet a further step.
Yeah, Behemoths came from Bethesda's collective, evil mind :twisted: This whole mutant class division is senseless..

When was the last game you fought an albino enemy?
Hitman: Blood Money :lol:
I couldnt care less about the added enemies right now. I want to know if everybody is dead if I put in the FEV. They should also include the possibility to become a ghoul, the engine have support for it (Vampirism anybody?) and it would add some needed depth to the damn game.
I was reading the dev profile for "jon paul duvall" and he states:

What other games have you worked on?
Getting hired at Bethesda was my first game industry job. Before that I had various careers in the indie video, radio, and television industries. I came on board as the team was polishing up Oblivion. After that, I’ve been involved with Shivering Isles, Fallout 3, and all of the various downloadable content for Fallout.

As well as:

Todd Howard (Executive Producer, the boss of the dev studio) does a really good job hiring talented, hardworking, and humble people. He also seems to know, all other things being equal, when it’s right to hire the less experienced person because he/she will fit in better with the culture we have here.

My own personal story goes something like this:
Keeping tabs on Oblivion (because I am a rabid Elder Scrolls fan), I noticed a link for “Jobs.” I clicked it instinctively. I read the job description for an open Quest Designer position. With the exception of game industry experience, I felt I had all the qualifications. It seemed like a long shot, but worth it, as it was my dream job (quite literally).

Yes, Todd Howard definatly knows when to hire less experienced person, the best time to that is when you have a huge undertaking after absorbing a classic IP with a rabid fanbase, that way you can half ass it and blame it on the new guy.
Neolk said:
the Albino Scorpion sounds unique.

Palette swapping, unique?

UncannyGarlic said:
Neolk said:
I don't think the new 'Flame Thrower' is a 'Flame Thrower'. As I said, from what I've seen it shoots projectiles not a volley of flame. More like explosive rounds.
Is this the picture you're talking about? If so and if that is how it actually looks and works when it shoots, I'm going to have to say that it's stupid. That said, I'm not so sure that it is shooting out the green lighting bolt, in fact I doubt it given that he's not even looking the direction the shot was fired and that it looks like a plasma trail.

The Painkiller game had a weapon that shoots shurikens and lightning.
Public said:
UncannyGarlic said:
Neolk said:
I don't think the new 'Flame Thrower' is a 'Flame Thrower'. As I said, from what I've seen it shoots projectiles not a volley of flame. More like explosive rounds.
Is this the picture you're talking about? If so and if that is how it actually looks and works when it shoots, I'm going to have to say that it's stupid. That said, I'm not so sure that it is shooting out the green lighting bolt, in fact I doubt it given that he's not even looking the direction the shot was fired and that it looks like a plasma trail.

The Painkiller game had a weapon that shoots shurikens and lightning.

It could only be better if it had tits and was ON FIRE!
Public said:
Transformer comes back.

I remember trying very hard nuking Prime at the end phase of the game with more than a dozen of mini nukes (100 in Big Guns, Fatman in perfect cont.) but that damn thing was barely scratched.

Transformer indeed. :D

Bring on the heavy stuff, mamma!!
Apparently, “the bigger, the better”, is Bethesda’s approach to excitement.
It reminds me of my teenage years.
Oddly the damage the shurikens and lightning do is pants compared to the other guns.

Wonder why a radscorpion with albinism is more awesomz than a normal one, surely it just means it has impared vision and a tendancy to burn easily in sunlight.