411mania presents a list of "Forgotten PC Games". The odd thing? They list Baldur's Gate II, Fallout 2 and Morrowind. Honestly, those are forgotten gems? Who forgot them?<blockquote>Pure RPG excellence is the name of the game for Fallout 2 and its predecessor. Developed by Black Isle Studios and released in 1999, Fallout 2 is probably one of the greatest RPGs out there. While the sequel didn't receive as many awards as its predecessor, Fallout 2 is typically selected by the community as being the better of the two because there is no mission time limit, but more importantly there is more to do and see. Dripping with an excellent plot, setting and superb character creation/interaction, Fallout 2 can easily be recommended to any fan of the RPG genre.</blockquote>Link: The Forgotten PC Games 06.05.08: Role-Playing Gems on 411Mania.
Spotted on BethBlog.
Spotted on BethBlog.