So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

With the Lt...........
Does he possess any death anims other than his ultra gory one ?
Does he possess any death anims other than his ultra gory one ?
PsychoSniper said:With the Lt...........
Does he possess any death anims other than his ultra gory one ?
PsychoSniper said:Cant wait til this gets added!
Wild_qwerty said:jsut to check does the lieutent model haev all the same attack options as the marcus model?
Wild_qwerty said:yuo could of course use the following models for Marcus
1) No Armour - Basic Super Mutant Model
2) Mutant Leather Armour - Standard Marcus model
3) Mutant Metal Armour - Mutant lieuteint
Wild_qwerty said:4) Mutant Power Armour - Frank Horigan model (now thats nasty!)
requiem_for_a_starfury said:I thought the Mutants were meant to be equal to the PA anyway
There are only 3 mutant models MAMTNT (green) and MTMTN2 (black) from FO2, and MALIEU (grey) from FO1. Melchoir is MTMTN2 I think.requiem_for_a_starfury said:What model does Malchior use?
requiem_for_a_starfury said:Have Melchior wear the Lt.'s armour, it makes sense that he might of scavenged it from the corpse of the Lt. and then you can always give it to Marcus.
dude_obj said:Question ... has anyone tried adding new ammo of new caliber, outside of the original set of calibers?
I added some new calibers for .303, 30.06, 40mm grenades (for grenade launchers), harpoon for the speargun. In the mapper proto editor, when you edit an ammo type, there is a caliber selection, there is a list of the available calibers. I haven't found a way to add new calibers to that list, and I suspect that its not possible.
For the new calibers, I set the caliber to None, but I can still set the "Ammo PID" for a weapon to point to the new ammo type I created. I noticed that they did it this way for BBs for the BB guns.
But if I have a gun that wants .308 caliber, it seems that it will actually reload both .308 and .303 caliber, probably because there is no "standard" calibers for these configured in the system. The guns work, but unfortunately they don't work quite the same as the other guns where ammo caliber was originally configured/supported. Adding new sub-types of existing calibers is no problem, for example I added 4 new 12-guage ammos and that works fine.
I'm wondering if Corpse or anyone else has encountered this limitation, and if there's anything I might be missing. Damn I wish I had the source code for the engine![]()
Cool, wait a minute; did you manage to get the combat control interface to work?...I have Marcus wearing armor (lieutenant apperarance), and it works with Marcus' dialog combat control screen (Armor Used / Use Best Armor). If I make a FO2 version, would you be willing to test it?
I could give hime a lewis that bursts 5 rounds of .308. But I'd have to make sure buster and the SF shops stock that ammo type.
requiem_for_a_starfury said:That's a good idea. The only problem is that the military base is the place where marcus really needs the better armor. Still, it would be a cool way to end that area, with the prize for finishing it being both the gauss pistol and new armor for marcus.
Corpse said:If you use the editor to edit the prototypes you will run into this limitation; you need a hex editor to fix the ammo type hex on any new ammo and weapon prototypes after editing the basics in the editor. I was able to add 31 new ammo types this way before.
Cool, wait a minute; did you manage to get the combat control interface to work?...How?..
Normally I would have just scripted it to equip the armour so I am curious to know.
Just a suggestion: make 2 prototypes of the same armour; make one an armour type and the other a generic item type.
This way, you only make it available in its item form and the PC can't wear it. Then you script it so if Marcus is carrying this item PID (when you give him the armour item), it gets switched to its armour form and he can equip it.
Also you would need to script obj_dude and other party npc scripts so if a character other than marcus is carrying this armour pid, it gets switched back to its dud item pid so it can't be equipped by anyone else.
Just nitpicking dude, the lewis should fire .303, not .308.
dude_obj said:Corpse said:Just nitpicking dude, the lewis should fire .303, not .308.
Crap, I was confused with the .30 cal ammo in FoT. The images were named 30 cal and 303. I made the 303 into .308 and the 30 cal into .30-06. Is it worth having all three: .303, .308, and .30-06?
Also, do these look right:
Browning Auto Rifle uses .30-06
Bren Machine Gun uses .308
M1 Garand Rifle uses .30-06
M14 Rifle uses .308
Or do I have these all messed up?
The Bren should fire .303
If you are going to add an AK-47 you are going to need a new ammo type (7.62x39mm M43)
I also suggest adding 5.7x28mm to fix the P90 if you haven't already
dude_obj said:
The AK-47 is already set up to use 7.62mm. Are you saying I need two 7.62mm ammunitions?
If so, what do I call the other one (7.62x???) There is now a bunch of guns that use 7.62mm:
MEC Heavy Minigun (I gave it that name, it was heavy minigun in FoT)
M60 Machine Gun
FN FAL (4 versions including HPFA with 20 round burst)
H&K MSG90 Sniper Rifle
So if there are different lengths of 7.62mm, which should the above use? Also, what would be the difference in the ammo stats? If none then does it make sense to have two of them?
The FNP90c is set up for 9mm and I have JHP, AP, and FMJ. I deleted the original H&K P90c because it doesn't make sense to have both. FNP90c was set up for 9mm in FoT. It should be 5.7mm? Got any images for this ammo?
Do you have FO ammo stats (DR adjust etc) for all of those new ammos you made?
Keep in mind .223 is highly overrated in fallout when you compare its damage to .308 weapons.