Frank Horrigan Speech


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Frank Horrigan is notable for being the only final boss whom you cannot reason with or talk yourself our of fighting. But what if it was actually possible? How would that go?
Frank Horrigan is notable for being the only final boss whom you cannot reason with or talk yourself our of fighting. But what if it was actually possible? How would that go?

Simply not possible.

Every fallout villain has flaws which the character exploits.


He's just a big motherfucker who wants to kill you, end of story.

Time for talking is over mutie.

Time to die.
I guess it would be possible to use a voice recorder to record Richardson or a scientist talking about how low they consider Horrigan as a person, and broadcasting through all the Enclave base to make him become insane and kill everything, not just you. Or more ways to sabotage the HQ that would allow you to bypass Horrigan entirely. But i wouldn't imagine any meaningfull conversation with the Horrigan we had in Fo2. For all intends and purposes, Horrigan is considered more as a walking weapon than as a person.

You get to have more useful conversation with Richardson and Curling, the true masterminds behinds the Enclave actions in Fallout 2, and you can convince the latter to change his path.
Or perhaps the Chosen One could have convinced Horrigan that he is more mutant than the Chosen One and his allies are, even going so far as to tell him that the Enclave wishes to destroy all mutants and that once he has served his purpose, they would destroy him. His own kind would call him an abomination and a traitor, and perhaps the Chosen One could have encouraged him to "Strike a blow for your own kind!"
I guess it would be possible to use a voice recorder to record Richardson or a scientist talking about how low they consider Horrigan as a person, and broadcasting through all the Enclave base to make him become insane and kill everything, not just you. Or more ways to sabotage the HQ that would allow you to bypass Horrigan entirely. But i wouldn't imagine any meaningfull conversation with the Horrigan we had in Fo2. For all intends and purposes, Horrigan is considered more as a walking weapon than as a person.

You get to have more useful conversation with Richardson and Curling, the true masterminds behinds the Enclave actions in Fallout 2, and you can convince the latter to change his path.

*Tries to make Horrigan go crazy by showing him how low others think of him*

"The president told me you mutie bastards would lie and twist words, I don't have time for this, prepare to die"

*Combat starts, only targetting you*
Or perhaps the Chosen One could have convinced Horrigan that he is more mutant than the Chosen One and his allies are, even going so far as to tell him that the Enclave wishes to destroy all mutants and that once he has served his purpose, they would destroy him. His own kind would call him an abomination and a traitor, and perhaps the Chosen One could have encouraged him to "Strike a blow for your own kind!"
Horrigan would not care about his fellow mutants. Make that argument and he'd say "Then I'll start with you!"

*Cue combat

He is a monster with too much loyalty to his cause and no traits to exploit. There's no convincing him.
*Tries to make Horrigan go crazy by showing him how low others think of him*

"The president told me you mutie bastards would lie and twist words, I don't have time for this, prepare to die"

*Combat starts, only targetting you*

The option that i mentioned and that you quoted doesn't include a conversation between the chosen one and Horrigan, nor implyied that Horrigan would spare the chosen one.
The option that i mentioned and that you quoted doesn't include a conversation between the chosen one and Horrigan, nor implyied that Horrigan would spare the chosen one.

*Horrigan hears stuff over the intercom*

*Turns mechanical hearing devices off*

"Mutie propaganda tests again? Feh"
1. Find a "Kill Code" in the laboratory for Frank Horrigan in the laboratory.

"Laputan Machine."



2. Bring Vice President Bird with you (with a very low Speech check) and keep him alive as a Follower. Frank Horrigan will let you pass if you've killed the President without alerting the base or gassing it.
1. Find a "Kill Code" in the laboratory for Frank Horrigan in the laboratory.

"Laputan Machine."


Well, there was the Presidential Keycard and the setting for the turrets to auto-target Horrigan was available as soon as you used it on the terminal so I guess the base had a kill command for Horrigan.
FH: Your ride's over mutie. Time to die.
CO: Isn't it customary for the condemned to have a last request?
FH: Fair enough. Go ahead, amuse me with your final request mutie.
CO: Answer this: why would the enclave employ a super mutant like yourself?
FH: Don't be ridiculous!
CO: So what if my DNA has been altered by my time in the wasteland? I'm still more human than you are. I'd like to see what you look like under that helmet!
FH: I am not a mutant! What sort of trick is this mutie?
CO: It's no trick! Look at yourself! Look what you've become! Look what happened to you when they dipped you in FEV! Don't you remember that? Just look at how big you are! No human could be that large! It's FEV, forced evolutionary virus! You consider yourself a superior next generation human, but all you are to the enclave is a freak and an experiment! The only difference between them and myself is I'm willing to say it to your face, considering I have nothing to lose in this confrontation.
FH: (Angrily) Is that so?
CO: More than that, you're an abomination to your own kind, and a traitor for working to exterminate them. All I see is just another monster created for no other purpose than to kill, who has deluded himself into thinking he's doing so for the greater good of his country, and who is so stupid he doesn't realize he's just a pawn in their plans! One which they intend to dispose of the minute he has served his purpose! The moment they release the FEV toxin all over the planet, it's all over for you!
FH: (Shocked) What? B-but that's unthinkable!
CO: Sorry, but your fate was sealed the minute they exposed you to FEV. Truth hurts doesn't it?
FH: All my years of service and loyalty to my government and my country, and this is how they repay me? With my own execution?
CO: The country you serve is no more, gone in the aftermath of the war. Nothing will ever restore it to its former glory. The Enclave's plan is doomed to failure. They just don't know it! Of course, like all good plans, one mistake is all it takes to undo it. The Enclave made the mistake of creating you into what you are now. Imagine the irony of the weapon they created turning on them. So what are you waiting for big guy? Go strike a blow for our own kind!
FH: (Angrily) You bet your life I will! They will all pay for what they have done! You might want to take this opportunity to flee fellow mutiie. Things are about to get very bloody!
CO: Answer this: why would the enclave employ a super mutant like yourself?
Sorry but no. That line of argument would completely fail against Horrigan. He is fanatically loyal to the Enclave and would never consider himself a mutant even if the evidence is presented to him. If you used that argument, he'd ignore it and say, "Time to die."

*Cue combat.

  1. "Horrigan is a mutant, but Horrigan was a monster before his exposure to FEV in the military base (he had many psychological problems which may be included in a Horrigan psychological profile in the future)."
    "It's important to note that Horrigan has never considered himself a mutant; only the scientists at the Enclave would consider him one, but they mostly referred to him as an "experiment," and even then, not to his face. Most soldiers considered Horrigan a walking nuke, something the tech boys built, and they were not generally aware of his mutant status. Most did consider him a freak, however, and there were few soldiers who wanted to accompany him on missions."
    "Horrigan has always been loyal to the Presidency, to the Enclave, and the armed forces - this loyalty was present before his exposure to FEV, and it was reinforced by Presidential Directive through various conditioning and testing programs developed by the Enclave. Horrigan's low Intelligence (which was further damaged by the FEV exposure) made these conditioning programs take root easily."

As per the above quote from the Fallout Bible, Horrigan does not consider himself a mutant and was already a fanatical loyalist to the Enclave long before he was turned into a mutant.

EDIT: He'd follow the Enclave's commands even if it killed him since as the Bible notes, he has been conditioned to always obey (along with his already present loyalty to the Enclave).

Simply put, there would be no possible Speech option against Horrigan aside from convincing the Enclave Control Company to help you take down Horrigan (and they are strong enough to kill him but need your help to ensure that they survive).
FH: Your ride's over mutie. Time to die.
CO: Isn't it customary for the condemned to have a last request?
FH: Fair enough. Go ahead, amuse me with your final request mutie.
CO: Answer this: why would the enclave employ a super mutant like yourself?

FH: I don't have time to answer your inane questions, time to die mutie.

*Combat starts*
FH: I don't have time to answer your inane questions, time to die mutie.

*Combat starts*
For some reason, this reminded me of "You wanna have a bad time?"
I would make a joke but I am too lazy and Undertale's community is an abomination, much like FNAF's, the difference being the latter has 4 useless sequels.
For some reason, this reminded me of "You wanna have a bad time?"
I would make a joke but I am too lazy and Undertale's community is an abomination, much like FNAF's, the difference being the latter has 4 useless sequels.

Ahh undertale, a game with bullshit simple programming that everyone wanks over.

I'll keep Dwarf Fortress, which simulates nervous systems.
Look, sometimes you can't talk yourself out of a situation. You have to shoot them in half and watch them crawl across the floor, dying.

To talk your way out of a fight with Horrigan involves a lot more than just a one liner. You'd need to change half the game.