Frank Horrigan


First time out of the vault
After beating Fallout 1 twice, I decided to finally go back to Fallout 2. I loved it, so much content. On my way out of Navarro my companions Marcus and K-9 got slaughtered. REVENGE!!!!! Now is to have my revenge, but its not working out. Im an unarmed character going against Frank Horrigan. On top of that, I dont have enough speech to convince to Enclave soldiers to help. And on top of that, for some reason even though I have the presidential access key, I can't turn the turrets friendly! I have the RP if that matters.
Can't you boost your speech skill with drugs or something. Been too long, can't remember.

Or just start over. :D
The first time fighting Frank Horrigan I was on so many drugs that all my SPECIAL stats were at 10. Don't know why the presidential keycard won't work on the turrets though, sounds like a bug.
When Im in the dialogue, I click log on, then it says enter user id. The only options are back and "I think I better do this somewhere else". When Im out of dialogue and I try to use the pass key, it just tells me how much time until the place blows sky high.
I guess Ill just start over. Naw, Im playing FAllout 1 as a melee character which I havent done.
You should get the "somewhere else" message if you aren't currently in the room with the turrets.

Please don't double post.
This got me puzzled as well.

Frank has 999 hit points i am not joking or anything if you have awareness perk then you could see his hit points.

The turrets are a big problem, on the level where the scientist that you can trick into blowing up the rig there is a terminal that will turn the turrets on horrigan activate that with the presidential key card.
It will tell you that the turrets can be activated from somewhere else.
Go back to the main room where horrigan is, DO NOT go near him instead go to the southwest side of the room and there should be a terminal that will make the turrets be on your side.

Also in that room is a squad of enclave soldiers that you can convince to fight with you. Speech is the most important thing in the game. Just save before talking to him. There will be an option for him and his squad to fight with you. But if you don't find it reload that part and try again.

Just reply to this if you have any questions
Heheehee. Guys I restarted the game as a small guns char. I convinced the enclave to help, turned the turrets friendly, and I proceeded to crit Frank in the eyes repeatedly with my trusty Gauss Rifle. He didnt even last 30 seconds. I think the glitch was caused by the restoration project. This playthrough was with the GOG version. It was a great deal, only 3 bucks and it came with the bible, the manual, avatars a wallpaper and the original soundtrack.