Free Fallouts in Portugal


Vault Consort
Staff member
Briosafreak from Planet Fallout tipped us off that issue 133 of Portuguese magazine BGamer comes with free copies of Fallout and Fallout 2. A new generation of that particular corner of Europe will now get to marvel and rage over 4-pixel chairs.

There have also been whisperings from Ausir of The Vault that the 1.7 "patch" to Fallout 3, adding in the Zeta achievements, has been released on GfWL, although there's been no official word yet. Those of you who need it surely know how to get it.
I can confirm that the achievments were added in the patch, and you can add them by using addachievment 69-72.
Might i add and i can almost bet its not the first time they do this with Fallout, they offered it a few years back along with the magazine, Fallout 2 :)
Finally that annoying Broken Steel issue has been fixed.

Now I won't have to see task manager everytime I play.
Lagarto said:
Might i add and i can almost bet its not the first time they do this with Fallout, they offered it a few years back along with the magazine, Fallout 2 :)

Good people, them Portuguese... :clap:
Lagarto said:
Might i add and i can almost bet its not the first time they do this with Fallout, they offered it a few years back along with the magazine, Fallout 2 :)

Yep I got Fallout 2 for free in an issue of the now extinct Play magazine in 98 or 99, and saw the first in another mag a couple of years ago.
Dragula said:
I can confirm that the achievments were added in the patch, and you can add them by using addachievment 69-72.

Jeez, i read this fast and for a second i understood that archivements had been added to FO1 & FO2 :P :oops: For a second there i panicked a little.

This is great, i remember that time when an issue of PC Gamer included X-Com: UFO Defense... ah, the joy.

Too bad i can't get this in my country.
pretty common for mags to give full games out really.

sadly in europe, it's usually the localised variant of the game, in which translations and voiceacting sucks donkeydick.
SuAside said:
pretty common for mags to give full games out really.

Seriously? What Belgian magazine(s) are you talking about? If I could find a mag that gives old games for free now and then I might just start buying it. Especially if it would be giving out stuff like Wolfenstein 3D or Commander Keen and stuff.

Also: everyone to... PORTUGAL! :aiee:
Pretty damn common in Poland. They've been added to magazines several times now here.
SuAside said:
pretty common for mags to give full games out really.

sadly in europe, it's usually the localised variant of the game, in which translations and voiceacting sucks donkeydick.
Not here in Portugal though.

Ausir said:
Pretty damn common in Poland. They've been added to magazines several times now here.
Small markets, obviously. I don't see large countries having gaming mags like that.
alec said:
Seriously? What Belgian magazine(s) are you talking about? If I could find a mag that gives old games for free now and then I might just start buying it. Especially if it would be giving out stuff like Wolfenstein 3D or Commander Keen and stuff.
that's because belgian mags suck donkeydick. you can choose between extremely low quality rags and badly near literal translations of english mags. wow, what a choice!

i was subscribed to the french Joystick for years (not anymore though, the mag lost much of it's old charm). for a period of a year or two, they gave out free games each month. don't know if they still do it though.

from classics like Deus Ex to shadier E.D.E.N. over popular games like Prince of Persia and Splinter Cell. most of them were localised versions though without the possibility to switch to original english.
Morbus said:
Ausir said:
Pretty damn common in Poland. They've been added to magazines several times now here.
Small markets, obviously. I don't see large countries having gaming mags like that.
France? small? :)
Ausir said:
Pretty damn common in Poland.
Common practice with old games here in greece too, usually followed by walkthroughs. I still play my Fallout 1 & 2 cds from a 2004 PC magazine.
Poland actually has a large market Morbus, it's a huge country, the maps we use just aren't correct, because of the perspective.
Free is good, but I always feel a bit guilty not giving something back to a company that makes a game I love. :lol:
Rufus Luccarelli said:
Free is good, but I always feel a bit guilty not giving something back to a company that makes a game I love. :lol:

It's on the OEM list, that means they do get royalties.