From Kotaku: First Bioshock 2 trailer?

It's not scary at all, maybe for the first ten minutes if you're a pussy faggot, but otherwise it's not a System Shock 2, hell it isn't even a Doom.

Just too easy to be scary, and the slightly jumpy start soon devolves into simple rooms packed with enemies and random drops.
Eyenixon said:
It's not scary at all, maybe for the first ten minutes if you're a pussy faggot, but otherwise it's not a System Shock 2, hell it isn't even a Doom.

Just too easy to be scary, and the slightly jumpy start soon devolves into simple rooms packed with enemies and random drops.

I'm not a "pussy faggot," rather, I just don't like playing games that involve shitloads of dark, poorly lit corridors with baddies jumping in my face every 3 mins.

Bioshock struck me, from the screenshots, as something that might have fallen into that category, but I guess it was just marketed that way. I'll try the demo, and see what I think.
I said "if", didn't mean to offend you, just coloring my language.

There aren't any real jump scares either, occasionally the game will attempt to spook you out with its atmosphere or tense situations, but there are only a few jump scares and those are all within the first hour.

Quite frankly, go ahead and try it if you want to - it's not scary at all unless you're sensitive or play it on Hard with the Vita-Chambers off, although that isn't even very tense.
Confalone said:
Then there’s the fact that this game is simply too easy...The problem with BioShock is that every level is absolutely strewn about with upgrades, medicinals, and ammo. Worse, the free-to-use Vita-Chambers mean that you’ll resurrect at no cost,

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the game.

But it's such a waste of potential. It has the setting, graphics, atmosphere and background story that freely sets it up to be one of those games that people call "something special" (Fallout, Planescape: Torment, Pathologic, V:tM - Bloodlines), but the bottom falls out the moment you get beyond the setting/graphics. The gameplay just isn't very good.
Yeah you're right I think most people really wanted another system shock, and they probably should have gotten one seeing as how Bioshock was lauded as a spiritual succession to it. I think the addition of an inventory screen and player stats would have really improved the game and moved it away from a straight FPS. Also, the vita-chambers... I mean c'mon balls easy.
i never really got totally hyped up about Bioshock, so maybe that's why i wasn't totally let down like many people here.

for me Bioshock was good because of the ambience and art direction alone.

sure it aint a great FPS and it aint a good RPG either. but it's fun to play at least and if all else fails, it's great to play tourist in the game environment.
I loved just wandering around, looking out the windows, and that beautiful art-deco architecture/interiors.
Yeah, from early on the developers slap you in the face with " This is a pretty game!" when you walk in and see that big Andrew Ryan staring you down. One thing that really come to mind for me is once of the first tunnels you walk through after getting your first "Fistful of Lightning" I am of course talking about the airplane you were just on smashing through the tunnel just as your admiring how pretty Fleet hall looks from the outside.
SuAside said:
i never really got totally hyped up about Bioshock, so maybe that's why i wasn't totally let down like many people here.

for me Bioshock was good because of the ambience and art direction alone.

sure it aint a great FPS and it aint a good RPG either. but it's fun to play at least and if all else fails, it's great to play tourist in the game environment.

I never got very hyped up either, in fact, I was quite excited for it when it was only concept art and had a vague connection to System Shock 2 as its "spiritual successor" but completely lost interest after awhile.

Still, I couldn't help but feel that even with lowered expectations the game just seems like a decently entertaining walk, you're always going forward due to the absolute lack of challenge, there's really no getting stuck or difficulty. It's pretty fun while you're going, but there's little skill required.

It's definitely suited for casual gamers.