
A really hard pet store?

Lemme distract you with this:

I mean this is worse than lola bunny.
im not loitering on playgrounds or anything.
Ghoul = Human
Furry = Animal
Well, actually the rule of it all is that there are three questions that need to be answered yes for it to be totally fine.
1. Is it capable of speaking?
2. Is it of the sexually appropriate age for its species?
3. Is it intelligent enough to know the meaning of consent and being able to give it?

If all three are yes then it doesn't matter if you're getting your rocks off to a worm or decapitated undead head.
So even if a "furry" is an animal it doesn't matter so long as the three previous questions are answered "yes".
I mean, otherwise we'd have to sneer on those who get attracted to Asari from Mass Effect or even elves as they aren't human, just humanoid.

Don't be a speciest, man.
Now then, time for me to go schluck to Donald Duck.

Has fish ever pm'd you? Because my god...
Nope, but I PM'd you with some delicious pics. ;)


Also, I find it hard to get aroused by anthro stuff because I just imagine how (for example) a dog's fur feels like and then imagining that all over the body of the one I'm touching? It makes me too uncomfortable.

Now dragon girls on the other hand...
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you guys stop kinkshaming him i have a question though do you wear a fursuit while banging corpses? maybe throw in some handcuffs and lube record it upload it to youtube i'm asking for a friend
you guys stop kinkshaming him i have a question though do you wear a fursuit while banging corpses? maybe throw in some handcuffs and lube record it upload it to youtube i'm asking for a friend

Are you asking me? I'm pretty sure I die of a heat stroke if I even tried anything as stupid as banging in a fursuit. Visions restricted theres little to no Cooling. Fursuits are super fucking expensive. Too expensive to be staining all willy nilly. yeah doesn't even sound worth it much less arousing. Also there are so many things id rather have than a fursuit.
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I've actually seen that picture. It's pretty fascinating that someone was turned on by both dragons and cars and was enough of and artist to put it on paper. Yay for the internet I guess...
If only the Greeks and Romans could see us now....