Further Level Cap Increases Could Unbalance 'Fallout 3'


Stormtrooper oTO
Because it is not already unbalanced with the God perks from Broken steel:
<blockquote>"In an email interview with Jeff Gardiner regarding August 3rd's release of the next "Fallout 3" DLC, "Mothership Zeta," I asked if it would even be possible to increase the level cap from its current 30 (as set by "Broken Steel.") Specifically, if the stat caps were boosted beyond 10 and skill caps were boosted beyond 100, would the game system simply break?"</blockquote>Link: Bethesda: Further Level Cap Increases Could Unbalance 'Fallout 3'
I'm beginning to suspect that Bethesda is simply a company unlucky enough to have gathered the worst gamers ever. sure, making games is fun and all, but I bet these guys couldn't finish the first level of Super Mario Bros even if they had a walkthrough.
aenemic said:
I'm beginning to suspect that Bethesda is simply a company unlucky enough to have gathered the worst gamers ever. sure, making games is fun and all, but I bet these guys couldn't finish the first level of Super Mario Bros even if they had a walkthrough.

So that's why Miyamoto is implementing the auto-complete feature into his video games, now. Because there really are people that stupid.
i thought it was possible to max all your skills by like level 12???

how would a higher level limit unbalance the game? its already broken once you get past level 10...
First off, no need for an even higher levelcap. A lvl 30 character can already easily take on every enemy in the game (esspecially with V.A.T.S.). And secondly, unbalance FO3 (even more)? Not possible. I bet an average PC in that game could easily exterminate Mariposa without ever having to use chems.
rehevkor said:
It's not like any char in Fallout 1 & 2 isn't already unkillable at that level.
But those games lacked the most powerful weapon devised in the wasteland: TEH MIGHTY SHOVEL! Mix with inbred hillbilies and not even the Vault Dweller himself could survive at lvl 50.
Method Acting And The Video Maze

Method Acting And The Video Maze

A broodin' BRAN-do larps upon this world stage...""Stella, SSSSTEELLLAA, w'attzs mah moti-Vah--tion?""

Immersion in a virtual sandbox, is that the motivation?

Immersion in an industrial rotarian/booster award winning, rolling donot, story line, is that the motivation?

Immersion in the eminent/imminent/immanent memory functions of repetive eye/hand motor 'skillz' -simulated, stimulated -
teh good ol' boy - 'f-ckin' -'n'- f-ghtin'! is that the motivation?

Nope, something missing in that trinity, appears that the action/satisfaction ain't covered the home plate , -----> the grind.

The cheese at the maze's "pass-go" for all us powah gamers! And there's always mo' cheese!

Seeking a 30-plus level - a gold star - a token that may have no impact on game play? Enterprise for a booby prize?
BUT it worked in 2nd grade and it works now in WOW.

The perscription of addiction!

Holy pixelated tits and ass, that's a carrot and (fetching)stick reward loop to keep the Pavlovian Gamer salivating!

Imagination: image, object, and illusion, reinforcing rituals of self adulating aggrandisement!

Bethesda seems to have the world on a string, or the gamer on a 'methodical' methadone leash. ;)

We’re very happy that people enjoy Fallout 3 so much that they want to keep playing it, and I’m sure we’ll look into addressing these concerns in future games

Well I'm sure they know their leveling system sucks greasy hairy butt, but like there going to admit to anything until after they are dragged through a court of law... but what I find interesting is...

They didn't expect anyone to (his own words) "enjoy Fallout 3 so much that they want to keep playing it" but they are going to address people wanting to play it for a extended time (like in F1 and F2) in their future games.

Is it just me or did he admit that his games is meant for, or sucks so bad it is for short term use only?
rehevkor said:
It's not like any char in Fallout 1 & 2 isn't already unkillable at that level.
Unkillable by molerats, radscorpians, lizards, your average highwayman, or even laser pistol-wielding gangsters? Sure, with the right equipment. But try to take on remnants of the Master's Army (super mutants) or Enclave patrols. Hell, try to take on some of the fire-breathing lizards. (Not saying it's not doable, of course, but it's not as much of a cake-walk as pretty much of all Fallout 3 is.)

You'll also notice that most Fallout fans agree that combat and the skill system are areas of the originals that could've used some work. You can't possibly suggest, however, that Fallout 3 is an improvement in those areas. They succeeded at retarding the series in those areas as well as they did in dialogue, choice and & consequence, world design, character design, art design, quest design, and really pretty much an area you can think of.

I will concede, however, that Bethesda really outclassed the originals as far as PR goes. No question.
rehevkor said:
It's not like any char in Fallout 1 & 2 isn't already unkillable at that level.
If you know the system. Then yes. If you know from where to get any powerfull item, armor and what skills are the most usefull ones and how to exploit the character build. But we are talking about the usual gamer here. Not the Munchkin (role-playing games).

The first 2-3 times I played the old Fallout games it wasnt that easy and yes I even died a lot and had to reload when one of my companions got killed again. Why ? Cause if you believe it or not the choice you make with your character creation have a meaning in the game. In Fallout 3 not. As some people here proved just nicely you can have in Fallout 3 a character that would be suicidal to play in Fallout 1 or 2 and still achieve succsess in Fallout 3 cause the ingame mechanics are a lot more forgiving and cause its mechanics work very similar to Oblivion. In Fallout 3 its nonrelevant if you use your fists, small arms or energy weapons to fight against the enemy cause all weapons deal "one" damage and there is only "one" form of protection. So its only a matter of time and potions till the enemy hits the ground regardless if the enemy has 10 or 10 000 health points.

This was a bit "more" complex in Fallout 1 and 2 and the chance to kill enclace troopers with your fists if you did not had the right armor was almost zero. And even then it wasnt some easy task. Yet in Fallout 3 hillbillies with shovels can punch trough your power armor while enclave soldiers are the joke of the wasteland.

Yes. At some pont you could definetly exploit Fallout 1 and 2. Just as like you can do it with EVERYT System at some point (D&D Kensai/Mage). But that doesnt mean that it makes the game easier for the usual player. Or that the game was meant to be played that way in the first place. I heard a few times the argument that cause Fallout 1 had a "not perfect system or combat" it would be some kind of excuse for Fallout 3s jack-of-all-trades character system. But its not. Hey?! In Germany we have some issues with our politics, education system and economy that should be changed. But its not that worse like in Somalia or in Germany from 1918, so no need to work on it.

bhlaab said:
The cap isn't the problem, it's the extremely fast growth rate
The real issue is that Fallout 3 is based largely on the mechanics of Oblivion and not Fallout 1/2 which had a quite well working character system from a role playing point (compared to Oblivion). Thats why all the DLCs can do is throw enemies at you which have only more health and eventualy a biger punch.
rehevkor said:
It's not like any char in Fallout 1 & 2 isn't already unkillable at that level.

Yes, but Fallout 1 & 2 was a great experience until the endless random encounter killings, but the game should be finished by that time.
rehevkor said:
It's not like any char in Fallout 1 & 2 isn't already unkillable at that level.
My level 6x character was killed by a lucky crit from a sentry gun on the platform in FO2.
And Bounty Hunters late in game can easily wreck your shit, even if you're level 40.
Well, there are people that like being unkillable walking tanks.My colleague at work is one of them.

Personally, I think it is fucking stupid, and the unbalanced fucked up levelling system that Bethesda implemented is my biggest problem with the game.When I am going to finally properly play it (with all the DLC and patches) I am going to mod that shit into oblivion (heh).
you mean the ability to pretty much max out all skills before wasn't unbalancing enough?

Paul_cz said:
When I am going to finally properly play it (with all the DLC and patches) I am going to mod that shit into oblivion (heh).

The best mod already comes bundled with the game. You can find it in the game folder. Just start uninstall.exe and follow the instructions.
DexterMorgan said:
The best mod already comes bundled with the game. You can find it in the game folder. Just start uninstall.exe and follow the instructions.

Nah, I love that game too much for that.It has many problems (levelling being the biggest one for me) but it is still great and I am looking forward to playing the complete version.Though I am looking forward even more to the New Vegas.
I was watching my friend play FO3 one night last month and he got a level. He opened the stats up and proceeded to put a few points under at least six different skills. Having played through FO1, FO2 and FO:T, as well as having a reasonable understanding of role playing games, I suggested that he concentrate on his tagged skills. He said something along the lines of "no." So I just shut up--he is rather insistent and difficult to convince.

So I watched him go into combat. His accuracy was terrible and he could barely hit a guy sitting fifteen feet from him (15% or something like that). I knew why, of course, but couldn't understand how he made it as far as he had. Regardless of this, he was able to win and it wasn't because of luck. The more I thought about it, the more I began to realize how pathetic and how broken the game was. That shit should be a deathwish.
Black said:
rehevkor said:
It's not like any char in Fallout 1 & 2 isn't already unkillable at that level.
My level 6x character was killed by a lucky crit from a sentry gun on the platform in FO2.
And Bounty Hunters late in game can easily wreck your shit, even if you're level 40.

The crit system in Fallout 1&2 was sort of retarded. Late game enemies will do crits for like 600hp damage, it's ridiculous.