The more I thought about it, the more I began to realize how pathetic and how broken the game was. That shit should be a deathwish.
Welcome to the glittering gem of hatred community.
The more I thought about it, the more I began to realize how pathetic and how broken the game was. That shit should be a deathwish.
bhlaab said:Black said:My level 6x character was killed by a lucky crit from a sentry gun on the platform in FO2.rehevkor said:It's not like any char in Fallout 1 & 2 isn't already unkillable at that level.
And Bounty Hunters late in game can easily wreck your shit, even if you're level 40.
The crit system in Fallout 1&2 was sort of retarded. Late game enemies will do crits for like 600hp damage, it's ridiculous.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:Having random one-hit kill attacks isn't good design. Especially in a game like Fallout where if the main character dies the game ends.
Blackened said:Welcome to the glittering gem of hatred community.
Well thats one aspect cRPGs particiularly those with PNP roots in them. As one explained nicely its meant to somewhat have a form of verisimilitude. The exact same thing that counts for the player also count for the enemy and allows you to eventualy kill larger opponents with a well placed shoot as like for the eyes. A shot to the groin in the past games even had the chance to bypass the armor values completely.Stanislao Moulinsky said:Having random one-hit kill attacks isn't good design. Especially in a game like Fallout where if the main character dies the game ends.
Crni Vuk said:As it simpyl offers a lot more options and more diversity. It makes for a more challanging game in general which is the point.
Great game except that battles take way too long (mostly due to the animations).Kashrlyyk said:Then I recommend you never play Wizardry 8. Critical hits are always deadly there.
That entirely depends on the design of the system but in truth it works fine for Fallout because of saving and loading. Does it mean that you'll be quick saving and quick loading a lot? Yep. Is that bad design? It all depends on the system (Fallout does fine with it because it's rare to fight for an hour, get killed, and loose that hour of gameplay [that would be a player error]). The big flaw in Fallout's combat is it's lack of cover and such.Stanislao Moulinsky said:Having random one-hit kill attacks isn't good design. Especially in a game like Fallout where if the main character dies the game ends.
...and this is bad? I think it's good when combat in a game is difficult enough to kill the player regularly. Can it be frustrating? Yes. Does it prevent characters who suck with weapons from being able to fight their way through the game? Yes, very effectively.Stanislao Moulinsky said:You can fail even without that. The only thing that a design choice like that does is forcing you to save everytime there's a battle.
Kashrlyyk said:Then I recommend you never play Wizardry 8. Critical hits are always deadly there.
Crni Vuk said:The first 2-3 times I played the old Fallout games it wasnt that easy and yes I even died a lot and had to reload when one of my companions got killed again. Why ? Cause if you believe it or not the choice you make with your character creation have a meaning in the game. In Fallout 3 not. As some people here proved just nicely you can have in Fallout 3 a character that would be suicidal to play in Fallout 1 or 2 and still achieve succsess in Fallout 3
Crni Vuk said:If you dont like such kind of mechanics. thats O.K. but calling it bad "design" is not. Is Chess bad design cause you maybe dont like to play a game with tourns? No it isnt. Its just not your taste.
...and this is bad? I think it's good when combat in a game is difficult enough to kill the player regularly.
Does it prevent characters who suck with weapons from being able to fight their way through the game? Yes, very effectively.
eternaut said:Kashrlyyk said:Then I recommend you never play Wizardry 8. Critical hits are always deadly there.
Funny you mentioned Wiz 8, i just got it, and was gonna give it a spin. Any pointers?
Yes, it is. The game gives you the load/save option, doesn't it?Stanislao Moulinsky said:Having random one-hit kill attacks isn't good design. Especially in a game like Fallout where if the main character dies the game ends.
Black said:Yes, it is. The game gives you the load/save option, doesn't it?Stanislao Moulinsky said:Having random one-hit kill attacks isn't good design. Especially in a game like Fallout where if the main character dies the game ends.
I'm not sure when the "players shouldn't die in games" happened in the industry.