Futurama returns!

Looking forward to it!

one of my favourite Bender-quotes:
[after being kicked out of a theme park]
Bender: Yeah, well... I'm gonna go build my own theme park, with blackjack and hookers.
In fact, forget the park!
Bender: Oh, no room for Bender, huh? Fine! I'll go build my own lunar lander, with blackjack and hookers. In fact, forget the lunar lander and the blackjack. Ahh, screw the whole thing!
Radwaster said:
Takes a while but the BBC gets there in the end. :)

Yes, the British not only lost an empire, they also lost their headstart in reporting 'significant' global events.

hopefully the time on other projects allowed the people working on it to get plenty of inspiration for new content. :)
Verd1234 said:

This has got to be my favorite Futurama episode...I hope it wins an Emmy....

That song, "In the year 252525" is now stuck in my head...

*grave digger perk*
I might have some strong "disagree'ers" on this one but I really do think this has been the best season of Futurama so far. I quite feared the Family Guy effect would happen with the re-creation of the series and it would be a complete downward spiral from there..However, its actually been quite the opposite. I guess the show is a fine wine, after all.
Comedy Central is airing two new episodes of Futurama tonight....

10/9c in United States


Also, starting next Thursday, one new episode per week of Futurama followed by Ugly Americans...

One episode will be about the crew getting their genders switched and the other will have an army of Bender clones or something...