Future Bethesda titles to use Skyrim engine

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
In what will come as a surprise to no one, TES V: Skyrim's engine will be used for future Bethesda titles (read: Fallout 4, unless they buy the Arcanum license to make Arcanum 2 in the interim).<blockquote>“Yeah, I mean obviously, whatever Bethesda Game Studios works on after Skyrim will take advantage of the tech that they have developed,” he said to us in a phone interview last week.

Hines continued: “But what that next product is or what it’s going to be? Everybody’s gonna have to wait and see.

“Right now, it’s been used for Skyrim and that’s what our focus is on. We aren’t saying what they’re going to work on next.”</blockquote>Read up on Skyrim's Engine - dubbed the Creation Engine - on GameInformer.
I love it when they post bits of interviews one by one instead of just posting the whole thing.
It gets hits, Ausir. You're not exactly shy on pulling out the stops to get hits yourself. It's how gaming sites roll, baby, competitive market. VG247 is massively successful. As for as I'm concerned you're all houwahs.

What I like is how incredibly unsurprising each of their tidbits are. Still gets them hits.

PS: almost forgot to say "told you so" vis-a-vis Bethesda abandoning Gamebryo.
(do have to lulz at Bethesda taking the old concept of randomized sidequest and advertising them as RADIANT STORYTELLING. Oh Bethesda, do you ever change?)
To give the immediate surrounding a more believable look and feel, Bethesda increased the emphasis on the play between light and shadow on the entire world.“Because our worlds are so big all of the lighting has to be dynamic,” Howard says. “That's something we had a little bit of in the past with shadowing, but not on everything. Now we have it on everything. It just makes the whole thing a lot more believable when you're there.”

I still think this image look a bit weird:

Should there not be more shadow in there? Where is the sun coming from? Shouldn't the tower put a shadow somewhere? Like on the rock it's standing on?
The lack of shadows didn't really upset me. Maybe it's in a position we didn't see (behind the stones and the tower) :roll:

But indeed it's much better than GameBryo. That's somewhat of good news, I can't stand that crap engine that GameBryo is.
Elhoim said:
I wonder how much of a new engine it is, though...

In what sense, specifically? I mean they're using Havok physics but that's pretty normal. They kinda make it sound like they're recycling Radiant AI but it sounds more like they dumped that bit of stupidity for something better.

I wouldn't be shocked if it's highly recycled, but still, nothing indicates that, directly.

Candlejack said:
Should there not be more shadow in there? Where is the sun coming from? Shouldn't the tower put a shadow somewhere? Like on the rock it's standing on?

Shadows are last-gen.

maggit said:
Where did you get that from? Fallout? I doubt anyone remembers that franchise at all. Especially anyone at Bethesda.

Candlejack said:
I still think this image look a bit weird:

Should there not be more shadow in there? Where is the sun coming from? Shouldn't the tower put a shadow somewhere? Like on the rock it's standing on?

I agree, the image strikes me as odd, neither the ledges and protrusions of the tower or the shrubbery to the right of the tower seems to project any shadows, and if the sun was in the middle of the sky it would. Seems the light is coming from "everywhere".
maggit said:
Where did you get that from? Arcanum? I doubt anyone remembers that franchise at all. Especially anyone at Bethesda.

BrotherNone said:

I meant the speculation about Beth buying Arcanum IP, Brother None. That would be just adding insult to injury from Beth. I thought you were being serious. And that just made me panic.

Nevertheless. I'm sure the press will love Skyrim even though there won't be any plot at all. :roll: Oh right, it'll be randomized and completely devoid of you feeling engaged in it.

There was only one time I felt immersion/engagement in Oblivion, when my character turned into a vampire and I wanted to reverse the process. Just this once. Apart from that I didn't even bother finishing it. Just like Fallout 3.
Mettle said:
Candlejack said:
I still think this image look a bit weird:

Should there not be more shadow in there? Where is the sun coming from? Shouldn't the tower put a shadow somewhere? Like on the rock it's standing on?

I agree, the image strikes me as odd, neither the ledges and protrusions of the tower or the shrubbery to the right of the tower seems to project any shadows, and if the sun was in the middle of the sky it would. Seems the light is coming from "everywhere".
Exactly, which is the same way as gamebryo did it, which makes me think it's based on the same algorithms (as in reused). It's like if objects cannot cast shadows but the surroundings (=the height map) can. It makes sense since shadows are usually quite expensive in terms of calculations but the quote from the article says otherwise. The engine is dead! Long live the engine!
You probably would'nt notice it at a quick glance or when playing it, or rather I reckon that most of their audience does'nt really care.

Even so, I am a bit surprised that they don't have those shadows there, I seem to remember quite a bit of criticism about it.
Mettle said:
Candlejack said:
I still think this image look a bit weird:

Should there not be more shadow in there? Where is the sun coming from? Shouldn't the tower put a shadow somewhere? Like on the rock it's standing on?

I agree, the image strikes me as odd, neither the ledges and protrusions of the tower or the shrubbery to the right of the tower seems to project any shadows, and if the sun was in the middle of the sky it would. Seems the light is coming from "everywhere".

The game is months away and the engine is brand new.

I doubt they're reusing much as gamebryo is not by them.
Then again the Source engine reused old q3 engine parts and was hailed as the nonplusultra.
Mettle said:
You probably would'nt notice it at a quick glance or when playing it, or rather I reckon that most of their audience does'nt really care.
Ahh but we do notice it unconsciously whether we want to or not. This is of course a minor issue for a game (since gameplay is far more important), but stating that they fixed it explicitly in the new engine is stretching it in my opinion. On the other hand I am judging a graphics engine from one picture here so there's not much backing my words really (I do like to be the first one to point out shadow problems when ever I get the chance though).

Mettle said:
Even so, I am a bit surprised that they don't have those shadows there, I seem to remember quite a bit of criticism about it.
Yeah, if they wanted to show something like that off they should have included pictures illustrating just that.
Fun graphics , but most will dump shadows to low . So all that "sparkle" is going to hurt eyes .
Unless we all pack 200+ $ video cards .

And wiki says children will be present hahahaha !
Another mod for killing children is preparing .

Also this look much better from third person view than from first person . Similar to Gothic , 'course Gothic 4 failed miserably and not from graphics .
If Skyrim is just graphics , well then , whoever buys it has either too much money or doesn't know internet that well (a complete retard) .
Candlejack said:
I still think this image look a bit weird:

Should there not be more shadow in there? Where is the sun coming from? Shouldn't the tower put a shadow somewhere? Like on the rock it's standing on?

there is a problem with the shadows.

the tower casts shows down making you think the light is above it

then you look at the rocks under it and the shadows are cast right making you think the light source is to the left of the tower

then you look at the little building behind the tower and it has no shadows on its face making you think the light source is on the right hand side.

the pic has shadows, its just that each object picked a light source at random and cast its shadows per that light source ignoring all the others.

thats why it looks "wrong"