First time out of the vault

First time poster.
Well what i see and hope with the future of the ncr is this. It would be a House ending with the NCR finally stopped and checked and having to pay for electricity and water. Also Lanius is talked outta his battle and goes back to the Legion controled lands and sets to buffing up their hold on the land. With a winning but a loss at Hoover Dam and with the Legion still active but placing atm, im hoping for civil war in the NCR. The people finally having enough and rebelling and new factions forming. Would be interesting to see what the NCR government becomes and more interesting than imho of simply being nuked. Would go well with evolution because both the ncr and legion would have to put on the brakes and instead of running forward, would have to backtrack and really establish themselves into that area they control instead of simply going thru taking it and moving on. Oppertunities for both sides to change into something else. No wiping of the slate but oppertunities for both factions to have a chance to adapt and change or be broken.
I also think that NCR is in the danger of Civil war. They concurred to much territory they can't really control, which leaves a possibility for other forces to grab the power of certain regions and it don' seems like they would be happy to depend on NCR.