G4 TV Fallout: New Vegas demo show

The short 5 minute G4 video is definately worth watching to see the classic P94 in action as the "Plasma Caster". Looks very much like the classic p94 plasma rifle mod on Fallout Nexus except more professional and without the bug where the plasma bolts shooting below the crosshair. ;)

I like the glowing green tube things that are on the front (can only be seen in reloading animation since he never switches to third person or VATS while using it).

I also like the fact that while some areas like the claws look a little rusty and worn, other areas are nice and shiny and polished. Makes a change from everything being so weathered and scratched and stained.

Weighs alot though... has an WG of 20. No idea if it will be like that in the final game though.

Also noticed there was another weapon in the list in the pipboy, "Plasma Defender". The icon was of a revolver but that was clearly just a placeholder (the Light Machine Gun had combat shotgun icon).
Also, the colors in the G4 video seem much better. The other one had a yellow tint over it that this one hasn't.
*gasp* Fallout 3 is finally reaching combat quality of Call of Duty 1! Including graphics, weapon physics and character models\animations.
The gun-sounds are actually pretty good in this one. In F3 they sounded pretty blunt. Don't know if that's the right word to use, but hopefully everyone will get the idea.
wow, that sucked. nothing new at all and they wasted a lot of time just screwing around.
Yeah, pretty pointless. Also Larry Liberty looks incredibly dorky with those shades.

I really can't stand the look of New Vegas. The architecture is right but it looks so friggin' bright, this is getting towards Fallout-style sci-fi, rather than Fallout post-apocalyptic. Obsidian learned so little from Fallout 2.
I kind of agree, but keep in mind that we've mostly seen the New Vegas Strip where things are intact, bright and flashing.

it looks like the surroudning "wasteland" will look a lot rougher and keeping in mind that it will be mostly desert, and that they've said points of interest will be further apart, I'm pretty confident that there will be sufficient post-apocalyptic atmosphere to go around.

oh, and I just have to say, an obvious cliché as it might be... Jessica Chobot is pretty damn hot.
Brother None said:
Yeah, pretty pointless. Also Larry Liberty looks incredibly dorky with those shades.

I really can't stand the look of New Vegas. The architecture is right but it looks so friggin' bright, this is getting towards Fallout-style sci-fi, rather than Fallout post-apocalyptic. Obsidian learned so little from Fallout 2.
I kinda like it. Takes the boredom away from staring at grey rocks and brown dust the other 80% of the game.
Brother None said:
Yeah, pretty pointless. Also Larry Liberty looks incredibly dorky with those shades.

I really can't stand the look of New Vegas. The architecture is right but it looks so friggin' bright, this is getting towards Fallout-style sci-fi, rather than Fallout post-apocalyptic. Obsidian learned so little from Fallout 2.

Solution is simple: don't walk around New Vegas at night. :lol:
I don't mind the visuals at all, I think it's a pretty refreshing change. Of course, I hope it's mainly contained to the strip itself. For Vegas itself, I just hope they manage to make it feel fleshed out in terms of gameplay content. If they make it so that Vegas is still fairly intact, there better be lots of shit to do there.

Also, the real kicker for me will be whether OEI manages to make Vegas feel plausible in the context of the game-world. I have my doubts about how it will fit in but if it's fun enough in terms of gameplay, I can forgive it.

EDIT: I didn't like those police robots at all before. But they are kinda amusing in a creepy way, staring away with those policemen faces.