Gain skill points by using skill?


First time out of the vault
When I remember correctly you can gain skill points when using a skill.
Is there a system behind it or does it happen randomly?
Anyway of raising the chance for getting skill points this way?
BigDuke66 said:
When I remember correctly you can gain skill points when using a skill.

No you don't.

Thank Frith for that, too. The concept of using skills to gain skill points may be realistic, but it sucks as a gaming concept.
Using doctor, first aid, steal and lockpick will gain you experience points, though. You'll get a message when it happens.
Kharn said:
Thank Frith for that, too. The concept of using skills to gain skill points may be realistic, but it sucks as a gaming concept.
I have to disagree.
It worked very well in Adom.

But from the other side S.P.E.C.I.A.L. is the only cRPG character developement system that works very well without it.
I could swear that you could also gain skill points that way.
Maybe I messed that up the Jagged Alliance.