It is a luxury according to Crytek:
A lot of gamers are used to trying a game's demo before shelling out the cash to buy the full game. Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli believes that this is a needless "luxury" that hurts the industry and is about to stop soon. "A free demo is a luxury we have in the game industry that we don't have in other industries such as film," he said. "Because we've had this free luxury for so long, now there are plans to change this people are complaining about it. The reality is that we might not see any free game demos in the future." Crytek studio's parent company, EA, has expressed its intention to sell long "premium" demos on Xbox LIVE and Playstation Network for $10 to $15. Yerli believes that this is a sound move that hasn't been well received by gamers who misunderstood it as a greedy move to milk out as much money as possible from low quality games. "Every time we see a publisher doing something to improve the industry, making things more commercially viable and actually increasing the market, people instantly think this is only some money-hungry ploy," he said. "Yes it is quite unpopular, but this is a messaging issue... there is a genuine interest here to give gamers something more than a small demo released for free." " Whether we do have a [Crysis 2] demo or not, do I think companies need to release so many demos? I think that we'll see more and more games not carrying a demo in the future, because it becomes prohibitively expensive," Crytek CEO concluded.
