Game Informer goes to 11

I keep on thinking about that episode of The Simpsons where Springfield opened a casino and it drove Mr. Burns insane.


Nonsense, we'll take the Spruce Moose.
Sir, that's just a model.
(draws handgun) Get in...
It's a guy called Mr. House. He runs New Vegas. New Vegas has casinos. So that means....

The House always wins. Dohoho you bastards.
More from the guy who posted the second bit of info in the OP.

Thats another thing you cannot carry gun's at least inside the casino they went into. There was someone who you could get a concealed weapon from though, there character had a high sneak skill and got in the place with a pistol. It mentions the bartender having a riot shotgun that you do not want to mess with :]

Ok and here we go Mr. House while in control of everything it does not sound like he personaly has his hands inside of any Casino's. I forgot about reading this, a faction called the Chairmen run the particular casino they were in and the faction is pretty strong & you do not want to mess with them.

One another thing cool is the floor manager will give you drinks and comp you a room if your doing good at the casino.

So it sounds like there are different faction's that run the Casino's its looking like . Mr. House is still in control of Vegas itself though and basicly as long as everyone follows by his rules its all good basicly is what the magazine says. There is also a place called Gomorrah, but all it really says is if sex and vice are what your after check the place out. What really threw me off though about the police robots is when they broke up three drunk half dressed girls flirting with some off duty NCR guys. Again The Strip is very well ran like current Vegas if not more so cause of the police robots hah.

Other then that last bit of info, again everyone should just check the mag out themselves for sure.

Not really what I expected from Vegas, sounds like it could be interesting.
generalissimofurioso said:
I keep on thinking about that episode of The Simpsons where Springfield opened a casino and it drove Mr. Burns insane.


Nonsense, we'll take the Spruce Moose.
Sir, that's just a model.
(draws handgun) Get in...

Yeah, also some of my thoughts when I heard of the Howard Hughes like guy.

In other news, I keep looking for the new screenshots everywhere.
I can't find them dammit.
Damn you all for living in Europe, where you don't get GI. And damn you US folks who have the issue and aren't uploading it.
I have to say, those little story tidbits are sounding swell. I'm really looking forward to that title.
Hey this is lilspankdog on the Beth forums, I hate the name lilspankdog I made it 5 years ago as you can see as I registered on there 5 years ago along with MKSaibot under my signature. Ive been meaning to register again on here for awhile as this is the place to be for all things Fallout :D .
Some of us hated and some loved new reno. Frankly the basic idea here isn't bad. This was a stylized version of raider gangs. Groups of criminals fighting each other. Only New Reno took the idea and went overboard with the stylization. It painted the whole thing like a 50-s cosplay convention, very cliche and not quite "Fallout-y" enough.

I hope they don't make that error here. On one hand some stylization is needed - otherwise every location would be another boring town whose name you'd never remember or associate with anything. But on the other hand such stylization needs to know it's limits and respect and relate to the whole of the fallout universe.
I'm going to gamestop in a little bit to see if they have the issue in, if so ill put up some HQ scans

EDIT: nevermind seems there already are some on the site :P
and i remember reading them already... where is my mind...??