Game Reactor interviews Emil Pagiarulo

VDweller said:
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what you can make with a gas can and an old sword blade. Speaking of which, what old sword blades are doing in my motherfucking Fallout universe?

And since when can gas cans last 200 years? Gasoline is volatile, in the sense that it can't possibly be kept in a can for 200 years.
VDweller said:
Unless the can is magical. You are just not open-minded enough.

gas starts to seperate after 2-3 weeks and within a year its just not going to function very well as gasoline...

i know from experience. i had a car sit around for a year between driving it and the performance was really shitty till i drained the gas tank and filled it up with new gas.
TheWesDude said:
VDweller said:
Unless the can is magical. You are just not open-minded enough.

gas starts to seperate after 2-3 weeks and within a year its just not going to function very well as gasoline...

i know from experience. i had a car sit around for a year between driving it and the performance was really shitty till i drained the gas tank and filled it up with new gas.

Right, but let's not forget that the cars in Fallout 3 use nuclear material for fuel (That is still somehow capable of exploding in a miniature mushroom cloud), yet people are still using gasoline for motorcycles.

Around the corner of the fire hydrant, the PC spots what Pete Hines describes as a "red rocket fuelling station" and a 50s looking car, with an ant crawling about nearby. Taking aim, Hines explains you can start a chain reaction by shooting at the no-longer-working-but-still-fuelled engine. Doing so, the engine can be seen visibly catching fire after two shots, before the chain reaction happens in about 5-8 seconds, which shows an intense nuclear explosion with a small blast radius (about a meter or two), which results in a beautifully crafted mushroom cloud. These car explosions are noted by Hines to be "an effective tool in combat." Walking up to it, a warning is shown of +1 radiation per second, and Hines explains the radiation will disperse after a while.

An amazing amount of logic was placed in the creation of Fallout 3. :|
I would quietly remove that little turd of a weapon and never ever mention it again if I was working for Bethesda.
The first fallout games were set in California, while Fallout 3 takes place in nuclear wasteland that used to be Washington DC and vicinity. Perhaps it's not a coincident that Bethesda softworks are located 20 minutes from the capital in Rockville, Maryland

Yeah... and if the next Fallout developer will be Capcom, the setting will be in Tokyo?

...what to do with the kid? Will you find him a family? Or will you leave him to DIE ?

Wooopie! It will be possible to kill kids in one way or another :D
Edge386 said:
I would quietly remove that little turd of a weapon and never ever mention it again if I was working for Bethesda.
What do you mean? By mentioning flamyn sordz!1 Emil made FO3's target audience feel more comfortable.
Of course, that doesn't count for Fallout fans, but who would care about FO fans when it comes to Fallout game?
yea... when i went through my drivers ed training class they said its far more likely for your car to catch on fire OUTSIDE of an accident rather than during an accident.

they have even done studies on shooting with a gun into a filled gas tank. they found that if you shot a bullet into the gas tank and the bullet went INTO the gasoline that it would not catch fire, but if you shot the gas tank and the bullet did NOT hit the gasoline, THATS when the fire danger occurs because when it hits the other side of the gas tank and sparks/metal shards can light the fumes. when the bullet goes into the gas, it cools and slows down so fast it doesnt have time to catch on fire.

of course all bethesda will say is that its really a nuclear reactor, but what makes nuclear reactors fail and blow up is not being hit, but rather losing the cooling. so 1 shot would make it overheat and go critical, but the chances even then of exploding are slim as there are no accelerants like there are in explosive nuclear weapons.
TheWesDude said:
yea... when i went through my drivers ed training class they said its far more likely for your car to catch on fire OUTSIDE of an accident rather than during an accident.

they have even done studies on shooting with a gun into a filled gas tank. they found that if you shot a bullet into the gas tank and the bullet went INTO the gasoline that it would not catch fire, but if you shot the gas tank and the bullet did NOT hit the gasoline, THATS when the fire danger occurs because when it hits the other side of the gas tank and sparks/metal shards can light the fumes. when the bullet goes into the gas, it cools and slows down so fast it doesnt have time to catch on fire.

Or you could just use a tracer. :)
TheWesDude said:
yea... when i went through my drivers ed training class they said its far more likely for your car to catch on fire OUTSIDE of an accident rather than during an accident.

they have even done studies on shooting with a gun into a filled gas tank. they found that if you shot a bullet into the gas tank and the bullet went INTO the gasoline that it would not catch fire, but if you shot the gas tank and the bullet did NOT hit the gasoline, THATS when the fire danger occurs because when it hits the other side of the gas tank and sparks/metal shards can light the fumes. when the bullet goes into the gas, it cools and slows down so fast it doesnt have time to catch on fire.
That's one of the reasons I drive a diesel. :D
Brother None said:
*"Flaming sword" with gasoline. .

Good to see that in a world where water is so scarce you drink from a toilet, there is plenty of gasoline left over to make retarded weapons.
Brother None said:
And since when can gas cans last 200 years? Gasoline is volatile, in the sense that it can't possibly be kept in a can for 200 years.

gasoline will start to break down after about a month unless you use Sta-Bil or some other kind of fuel stabilizer like it. So the likelyhood that there would be any gasoline is very low, unless you have someone making it. :madmax:

Diesel, however, is another story. If there were still operational diesel vehicles (also unlikely) you can run them on almost any kind of oil, provided the viscosity is high enough and it is reasonably free from particulates that might clog fuel lines and injectors. Rudolph Diesel designed his original prototype to run on coal dust, after all (until it exploded and almost killed him, leading him to favor petroleum based fuels).
DarkLegacy said:
Right, but let's not forget that the cars in Fallout 3 use nuclear material for fuel (That is still somehow capable of exploding in a miniature mushroom cloud), yet people are still using gasoline for motorcycles.

very good point. I was waiting to see if someone would catch the apparent stupidity of the concept beyond the whole oblivionesque-flaming-sword-that-doesn't-belong end of it.

Although, what would be worse?

a flaming sword, or a nuclear powered melee weapon?

I'm betting if this stinker of an atmosphere breaking object made it through the design process, the nuclear option was strongly considered...

I must stop now, this line of thinking is beginning to boggle my feeble mind.
I'm somewhat sure that Emil Pagiarulo pulled the 'flaming motorocyle benzin sword' idea out of his; so eloquently put - you know where..

Sometimes when you've got no real content to speak of yet, you'll say anything to impress the people that are listening to you.

I've done it a couple times on occasion about games that haven't been released yet.

However, however, if there really will be a 'flaming motorcycle gas sword' in the final release of the game, then we will be very dissapointed.

Wisen up guys. Either cars blow up in nuclear mushroom clouds like they shouldn't, or everything runs on gasoline.

Edit: I'm sure that I fucked up the tone/gramatics on this, but whatever. 1 o' clock in the morning.
Why they INSIST on doing these dumb-ass weapons pulled outta nowhere? Why can't I instead upgrade my guns with silencers, scopes, laser-aim or expanded magazines instead? Or upgrade my energy weapons with expanded batteries, scopes and other enhancements? Why it's only possible to craft guns outta nowhere with the most absurd ideas ever?
Slaughter Manslaught said:
Why they INSIST on doing these dumb-ass weapons pulled outta nowhere? Why can't I instead upgrade my guns with silencers, scopes, laser-aim or expanded magazines instead? Or upgrade my energy weapons with expanded batteries, scopes and other enhancements? Why it's only possible to craft guns outta nowhere with the most absurd ideas ever?

Because what you said makes sense, whereas Fallout 3 will most likely be the video game equivalent of a 5-year old attempting to draw Picasso's Guernica...

Either that or Dadaist art, a massive compilation of nothing signifying the futility of all...