Gamer offs himself, Jack Thompson proves he's an asshole


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Gamer commits suicide, media misreports

Earlier this month, gamer named Mitchell S. with the online screenname "Kuja105" who posts on a few online videogame forums (including and committed suicide.

Jack Thompson quickly jumps in with comforting words for everybody

Jack "the motherfucker" Thompson said:
"Your "gamer friend" will find peace through the Lord, Jesus Christ, but sadly it's too late for that.

There is a void in every heart. You can fill it up with the things of God, or the things not of God. This unfortunate soul chose to fill it up with combat games. The playing of these video games is masturbatory activity, meaning senseless self-stimulation. If you gamers could use a dictionary you would know that that term is not necessarily a sexual one.
Jack Thompsons only meaning of existence is to piss people off.
And this proves it

What he hopes to receive by insulting gamers? Jack "the motherfucker" Thompson raises idiotism to whole new level.
Apparently, this thompson guy didn't listen to the voice of gamers very, very well. I fear he will drown in his so call 'crusade' dream... :roll:
Good post DDD.

Thompson is an asshole and this suicide is a tragedy. Jesus- drinking antifreeze? That's pretty tragic.

Note to posters- No suicides allowed. We get this every once and awhile were a poster starts pleading for consideration and attention. Often suicide is plea for attention, or the final act of a despondent person. It's tragic, especially when its due to some psychological issue that person has. But it's also pathetic when a person threatens or actually commits suicide as a plea for attention or a final act of revenge.

As for playing games as a masturbatory waste of time...
Ok, but the tragedy aside, have you ever had that feeling after playing a video game for like 10 straight hours that you've utterly wasted a day and have nothing to show for it? Z

While I think Thompson is peckerhead, and that he's using this person's death to make a stump speech is bullshit. Likewise, I am wondering if this web-site got closed down by a government agency that was looking for a pretext and a precedent to shut down a site. God knows, free speech on the internet through a bulletin board is a "bad thing" for some countries.

And I am not saying stop playing games, a person should learn moderation in all things. God knows I have lost days playing video games and later wondered what it was all for.
What a dick. This pissed me off so much I dropped him an e-mail:

I said:
Dear Mr. Thompson,

For months now I have casually and with mild amusement observed your bold crusade against gaming. Your controversial
claims, charming public appearances and feeble paddling in the waters of the American legal system have all been a great
source of entertainment for me in an otherwise dull year.

Until recently, your anti-gaming activities - much like your professional career and your entire persona - have been little more
than a harmless joke, something to bring up and snicker about with colleagues during lunch break. However, even the best
joke becomes insipid if repeated ad nauseam, and the line between welcome controversy and detestable obscenity is thin.
Yet with your latest stunt, you have completely and irreversibly crossed it.

I don't mind when you say or write nonsensical claptrap about gaming or game culture that anyone with half a brain can easily
debunk. I don't even particularly care when you make pathetic personal attacks against gamers and insult their character, dignity
and mental capacity, because such attacks say more about your own character, dignity and mental capacity than about theirs.
The way you and the likes of you beset and vilify games and gaming community like a pack of rabid dogs, all in a shameless
pursuit of publicity and self-promotion, is despicable, but also, in a way, amusing, much like it is amusing to watch right-wing
Christian fundamentalists foam their mouths about minor social issues like homosexual marriages. However, the way you
immediately tried to abuse the case of Mitchell S. for your own inane agenda when the poor man's corpse hasn't even cooled
yet is despicable, diabolical and utterly unacceptable in a civilized society. It has proven beyond doubt that you, Mr. Thompson,
are a filth of a human being, a callous fiend and an embarrassment to your profession, America and the entire mankind. You
have no dignity, no morals and no shame. You puport to be a Christian, but what you have done is so deeply un-Christian,
unethical and inhumane that it has unambiguously profiled you into a pariah of the civilized world, along with cannibals, pedophiles
and other social dregs. I hope you enjoy the distinction.

Tomislav Pejša, a Croatian gamer
Jack Thompson is getting old really, really fast. Either the guy's a huge troll, and a damn good one at that, or he's like so many other crusaders who are completely convinced of their cause, making all hate-mail they receive only another proof that those they are fighting really are morons/evil/in the hands of satan.

Frankly, I'd say that all attention that goes to people like this is too much attention. Better to let them die an unpublicized death, because they're really just after attention, than feed them with more attention and hate-mail.
I cant believe someone who says he's advancing the word of God would try to use someone for publicity when I'm sure they just want peace. Its shamefully exploitive and completely contrary to Christian ideals. I at least think so...

Humble people keep quiet and simply learn by watching without the need to give an opinion unless asked.

The Vault Dweller


Nice one Ratty.

By the way what would this guy think if he saw Tetris? Think he'd find a way to portray it as evil?
By the way what would this guy think if he saw Tetris? Think he'd find a way to portray it as evil?
Tetris is evil! It hints at fornication, that is a common known fact, proven by the existence of sex-tetris. So this is nothing more than just another masturbatory activity that distracts us from worshiping God. Shame on us for not spending our days in prayer and contemplation! It is clear that all this mental masturbation is nothing short of the work of Satan himself!
I hope this only counts for humans right?

*plans his suicide after the domination of the world. Then it's time to dominate heaven! (or hell, in any case...)*

Ps. Nice one Rats.
Female Advice Forums
Yet another argument proving that ass-evangelists deserve to be shot. And no, I'm not joining the Khmer Rouge.
IIRC Tetris was invented in Soviet Russia.

Soviets are atheists.

Q.E.D., again.
Once people stop giving credit of any kind to people like Jackass Thompson and Jerry's Kids Falwell, then they will finally learn to go away.
Roshambo said:
then they will finally learn to go away.
But this might not be the best idea, for the human race, if you can call it that anymore, to turn it's back on evolution, to climb back to the trees and forget the opposable thumps as a bad idea.
Jarno, explain to me how it could possably be a bad thing for people like Jackass Thompson to go away...
There must be mountains to clime, and if you don't know how to clime a mountain, how in the hell can you learn to fly.

It is better to ask a dumb question, than just to do a dumb thing, with out even questioning is it possible.

I don't know who the hell Thompson is, but apparently he might be a jackass, but let me do the judging, and don't embarrass your selves and knocking your selves out from the gene pool by just plainly advertising your opinions in flags that will get yourselves(and your children) in trouble when a few years (or centuries) have gone by and you have lost everything you had.
Jarno Mikkola said:
There must be mountains to clime, and if you don't know how to clime a mountain, how in the hell can you learn to fly.

It is better to ask a dumb question, than just to do a dumb thing, with out even questioning is it possible.

I don't know who the hell Thompson is, but apparently he might be a jackass, but let me do the judging, and don't embarrass your selves and knocking your selves out from the gene pool by just plainly advertising your opinions in flags that will get yourselves(and your children) in trouble when a few years (or centuries) have gone by and you have lost everything you had.
