Games Radar Loves the Story


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
...of Fallout 2. In an article to gather the “15 end-all, be-all of tales to titillate your inner literary critic”, Games Radar chose Fallout 2 as a worthy entry for the list:<blockquote>Why it's the best:
Fallout 2’s amazing opening scene mimics its predecessor, explaining the nuclear holocaust in simple terms, as something we all knew was inevitable, a battle for resources and two super powers finally losing their cool and utilizing nuclear weapons. “War, War never changes.” (...)</blockquote>Well, you know the plot. You can find the rest here.

Link: The Best Videogame Stories Ever @ Games Radar

Thanks Ezekial and the guy of the blog.
Nice read, though I think Fallout is better than Fallout 2, storywise. I'm probably not alone in this am I?

It’s the year 20XX
The game has a calendar dammit. :roll:
PlanHex said:
Nice read, though I think Fallout is better than Fallout 2, storywise. I'm probably not alone in this am I?

I don't know, while Fallout 1's storyline was more coherent, I really like the Enclave, plus the emerging of governments like the NCR.
Games Radar seems to have some problems distinguishing plot from setting, there.

Though, y'know, awesomes that Fallout 2 still gets so much attention.. Too bad Games Radar will probably hail Fallout 3 as the saviour of gaming regardless.
Sander said:
Too bad Games Radar will probably hail Fallout 3 as the saviour of gaming regardless.

No doubt, to me Fallout 3 is the final nail in Fallout's coffin for all the fans who loved the series since Fallout 1, and then were kicked in the groin with releases such as Fallout Brotherhood of Steel for the consoles. (I still like Tactics even though I acknowledge its hard to put into the Fallout canon)
Games Radar said:
Metal Gear Solid
Grim Fandango
The Longest Journey
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Beyond Good & Evil
Astro Boy: Omega Factor
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
Planescape Torment
Fallout 2
God of War
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Final Fantasy VI
Silent Hill 2
I haven't played all of these games but I think with some of them they are commending what is more of a storytelling novelty, and less of a meaty, believable (within its universe) story. Also it's as if they wanted to throw a bone to every type of game fan so that their list (and in video game media lists are a perennial favorite along with previews - and sometimes reviews - of unfinished games) will garner them readership.

One game that I did play was Astro Boy on the GBA. Yes it was a great story - for an Astro Boy game - but it basically boils down to having time travel and continuing changes in future and history as an excuse for going through the same Mega Man/Gradius-like levels over and over again. I'm sure there are plenty of people that can blow similar holes through most of the the Games Radar choices. Lets face it good story in video game terms doesn't necessarily mean good story in absolute terms.
I don't get it. What's the point of making such a list? Surely you will miss out many games worthy of being in it, whether it is because of ignorance of it's existance or simply because you didn't like it.

And having KotOR, Bioshock and San Andreas as games with best speaks for itself.
Such a bloody suckup.
I'm a huge Fallout fan, my FAVORITE RPGs, but even I'll admit that Fallout 2's storyline is one of the most generic "evil elitist society wants to purge the world" there's been, saved only by its unique characters.

It's practically a carbon copy of the original story, just with the details moved around a little.

Sweet Jesus, they also put God of War up there, how dull.
Games Radar said:
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers

Now this warms my heart. It's nice to see a great game get some recognition, even if it is through such a flawed list.

And flawed it is. GTAs' stories are pretty standard gangster movie fare, I don't think they will "titillate" many literary critics out there, inner or not. Bioshock's setting may be really cool, but it's story boils down to basically a couple of weak plot twists. Astro Boy doesn't belong in such a list at all, and neither does God of War. I don't think any Final Fantasy ever deviated much from the jrpg plot of "boy from small village grows to be the hero of legend and fights the evil god/emperor".

This whole thing may be subjective as hell, but I find their choices a bit too weak.
I did not use drugs this time (alcohol is not a drug).

it is a highly flawed list, the ultimate story game is monkey island. how the hell did they not mention it. It is one of the few games who can be made strait to movie and not suck. they have already maid a monkey island movie it is called "Pirates of the caribbean".

some games do not need a story like doom, forager and ping pong. Doom 3 wood been better white out one i think, just seeing the devastation from the demons (alilens from another dimension?) wood be enuff. But rgp need a good story to keep my interest and explore the world, and if i find a log entry or a letter i want it to be useful, telling someting new or explaing someting, not just filler. Like the Master logs and the sierra depots news from the war.
The Dutch Ghost said:
I don't know, while Fallout 1's storyline was more coherent, I really like the Enclave, plus the emerging of governments like the NCR.
Keep in mind that one of the Shady Sands endings already established NCR, but the power struggle between it and Vault City with a powerhungry mob boss (Bishop) in the middle was great.
Also, though I like the Enclave as well, I'd say the Lou beats Frank Horrigan and The Master beats the president, easy.
I was really into X-files at the time Fallout 2 came out, so I found the scenario with the Enclave being the US shadow goverment, intent on cleansing the world and stating anew, very appealing and evocative.

Still, the story in Fallout 1 is a few notches better, and feels more original. I was a bit annoyed at the time that they chose a nearly identical scenario to begin your quest in Fallout 2 as in the first game.
I think that Fallout 2 was chosen because of the people who thought "Fallout 1? Is that the sequel to Fallout 2? Never heard of it."

I cant agree with them. The story of fallout 2 was pretty shallow and bland. With Fallout 1 your main enemy is the COC, a cult dedicated to whatever it was they dedicated themselves to. Their god, the Master, the main boss of FO1, is evil on the surface, but the more you get to know him(take him on dates, pick his brain, ect) you come to find out(if your perception is high IRL) that he is in fact not evil. In his mind, he is pure goodness. Sure, he kills humans, but he is a radical scientist whom is obcessed with ending discrimination and wars by making the world "Equal" and letting the world live peacefully.

Horrigan just wants to shoot people, and the enclave are a bunch of selfish bastards whom want to purify the world so that THEY can live peacefully.
But the whole part about the NCR-Vault city-New Reno Politics was interresting, but nothing to write home about.

PS: Silent Hill 2...hell yes.
SH4 had the best story, but the story was so vague that you had to practically research psychology to understand it. SH2 was easy to understand the first time through, as the story is pretty much front and center.

In all the other Silent Hills you were just an innocent bysander caught in the middle of a web of evil, but in SH2 you really felt like a part of the story.
I love Fallout 2 history. I like the foreshadowing in the whole game (Frank Horrigan's encounter, downed Vertibird, Metzger's transmissions, Lynnete's All-Clear Signal, Salvatores and their dirty deals with the Enclave, Dr. Henry, some people talking about flying machines and then you meet the Deathclaws at Vault 13 and then, BAM, your village's kidnapped.

Some people say that the Master is better than President Richardson. But here's what I say: I think they are both equals in elouquence. The diference is that the Master is reasonable, Richardson is not. But Richardson thought of himself as the one who would bring a new tommorrow to America, finish the war once and for all and rid the world of the mutant scum. What he did was not politiks. He REALLY believed himself to be a savior. He wans't evil, just a racist who had a messianic complex. Curling was somewhat more alike the Master, being more reasonable due to his superior intelligence.
Gizmo_Iz_Slug said:
Their god, the Master, the main boss of FO1, is evil on the surface, but the more you get to know him(take him on dates, pick his brain, ect) you come to find out(if your perception is high IRL) that he is in fact not evil. In his mind, he is pure goodness. Sure, he kills humans, but he is a radical scientist whom is obcessed with ending discrimination and wars by making the world "Equal" and letting the world live peacefully.

I have to agree and I really love this.

Fallout 1 > Fallout 2. I also don't like some story events in Fallout 2, like the Enclave and or the hole goverment thing.
Talking Deathclaws on a <strike>plane</strike> Vault 13, IRL weapons which suck and too-much-pop-reference killed Fallout 2 for a looong loooooong time. I need at least 10 F1 replays to forget about how boring Fallout 2 was.
Davy Crockett said:
Talking Deathclaws on a <strike>plane</strike> Vault 13, IRL weapons which suck and too-much-pop-reference killed Fallout 2 for a looong loooooong time. I need at least 10 F1 replays to forget about how boring Fallout 2 was.

Well, that is a *bit* biased opinion. Fallout 1 may have a better story, less annoying pop culture references and more sophisticated humor, but goddamnit, it's annoying as hell to play. I'm talking about game mechanics, like inventory, time limit and little amount of stuff to do.

Overall, Fallout would be a better book than Fallout 2, but it's certainly not a better game. Fallout 2 has numerous quests and a bigger story, more dialogues, better mechanics and better joinable NPCs, that have a personality of their own, instead of just being an extra gun to help you in early stages, as in Fallout 1 they grow useless later on.