GameSpot poll


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
GameSpot has put up an interesting new poll about the Fallout 3 teaser trailer, it really speaks for itself.


Thanks to Briosafreak and his blog. As he points out, it would be embarrassing if the results from this poll are used in the future as any kind of evidence.
Ehh, why are we being portrayed as a bunch of "Backward hicks who oppose new graphics?"

I have nothing against 3D, I just want it to be recognisable and that the game is isometric and has turn based combat option.

Edit: I get that impression from the poll options, it seems directed at people such as NMA members.
Well, the Oblivion option doesn't say "OMG Oblivion with gunz!!1 I lovzorz!!". That's surprising. It doesn't lean in any way.
Unless you take into account Gamespot's opinion of Oblivion and Oblivion with guns, of course.

Also, why the hell there always has to be a "What's [subject of the poll]" option? It's been used so many times and it's jut not funny. Nor does it leads to any interesting information. Oh, my, half of Gamespot's users have no idea what Fallout is. Big fucking surprise. :roll:
(27%) Not really a lot there. Looks like I get to wait 'til '08.
(17%) That's Oblivion with power armor and guns, all right.
(9%) Boo! I want an isometric turn-based RPG from the 1990s, not this newfangled graphics stuff!
(45%) Uh, what's Fallout?
Wow. I've never realised until now that most pc gamers don't even know what Fallout is.

I voted for the "isometric turn-based RPG", just out of spite. :)
Very constructive poll options there. "Vote on whether you're either a patient and open to innovation guy, a blind fanatic, or completely ignorant".
Lancelot said:
Wow. I've never realised until know that most pc gamers don't even know what Fallout is.
It is on the front-page of GameSpot, which caters to all the major consoles. I would guess that this poll is representative of a mix of gamers in general, rather than just PC gamers.
Wow. I've never realised until know that most pc gamers don't even know what Fallout is.

Fuck Gamespot and their whole lot of drooling idiot users.

Every time I see such stupidness, I go to one of the REAL gaming sites, where the users seem to not have contracted the retardation virus. A site where, oh my, Oblivion isn't the best RPG ever.,best_by_genre/ssid,50/

So, there. That makes me feel better.

And here:,best_by_genre/ssid,2/

Boo! I want an isometric turn-based RPG from the 1990s, not this newfangled graphics stuff!

This sentence basically summarizes the way I feel about RPGs. Ubergraphics are fine for games that have no substance and need to rely on eye candy. But RPGs should not have to rely on appearance to sell. In fact, I still believe 2D looks comparable (sometimes better) than 3D for RPGs.

I know Gamespot is half-mocking people with this, but it is accurate as to the way I feel.

I hate people and their graphics fetish.
Tannhauser said:
Lancelot said:
Wow. I've never realised until know that most pc gamers don't even know what Fallout is.
It is on the front-page of GameSpot, which caters to all the major consoles. I would guess that this poll is representative of a mix of gamers in general, rather than just PC gamers.

Ehhh...that could be an explanation but I think age has more to do with it than anything. How old are most of us here? 20-21+? The age of Fallout players tend to be older I think since most of us played the game when or soon after it was released, while most of the young gamers today haven't really heard about Fallout because they were younger than us.
That poll is soo poor... just a teaser and they make it as if the game were already out... This talk about the teaser being evidence of a 1st person Fallout 3/ Oblivion-with-gun is nonsense... it's the same as looking at FO1 opening for the first time and considering that the game if 1st person based on the fact that the opening is in the 1st person view of The Vault Dweller getting out of Vault 13... and of course see a second after that it's not ^^

Plissken said:
Tannhauser said:
Lancelot said:
Wow. I've never realised until know that most pc gamers don't even know what Fallout is.
It is on the front-page of GameSpot, which caters to all the major consoles. I would guess that this poll is representative of a mix of gamers in general, rather than just PC gamers.

Ehhh...that could be an explanation but I think age has more to do with it than anything. How old are most of us here? 20-21+? The age of Fallout players has shifted.

How rude. Wish Rosh were still around... fear the deathclaw...
Plissken said:
Ehhh...that could be an explanation but I think age has more to do with it than anything. How old are most of us here? 20-21+? The age of Fallout players tend to be older I think since most of us played the game when or soon after it was released, while most of the young gamers today haven't really heard about Fallout because they were younger than us.

20-21? yeesh! Talk about making me feel old. You kids are significantly younger than the average Xbox 360 owner.

I do think age plays a big part, considering that if what you say is true, the average NMAer here was what, 10-12 when Fallout came out? Odds are that you were kind of on the rare side for even playing the game at your age. I was the same way. I starting on playing PC/Apple II RPGs when I was around 8 or 9 with games like Wizardry and Akalabeth. I guess I was about that 10 when Wasteland came out. But I'm sure that 90% of the kids I was friends with didn't know what those games were.

But yeah, the Fallout fan age will shift, when Fallout 3 comes out, just like it shifted to your generation, from mine with Wasteland, when Fallout came out.

For better or worse, the 10-12 year olds that find this incarnation of Fallout, will think of it as the gospel.
And that's why Fallout 3 is beeing made as a first/third person game (with 90% certainty anyway).

Like it or not but those newcomers, who don't know about fallout, will still end up making up a large percentage of the people that fund the current development of the game.

The majority of regular people that play, but aren't really "gamers", are usually between 10 and 20 years old. These are your average Halo guys, your WOW-guys, your PS3 guys etc. They play what's cool at the moment, or whatever their parents bought them for christmas. And few of them will know about a 10 year old isometric pc game, for them it could just as well have been pong.

So a lot of momentum has been lost in these ten years, the hype has to be built again. And fewer of these newcomers would want the game if it was beeing made as a top down game, which would mean less money in the bethesda treasury. And bethesda, at the end of the day, is a company like any other - it's all about the money.

Which is only a natural since, as games become more and more complex, the companies that make them are forced to become more and more structured and organized. Or - if you're a big nerdy gamer, I believe the term is "more mainstream". Like it or not but that's the way it is.

And I don't even have to stand for that conclusion myself because this is what the marketing guys at bethesda have already figured out, their actions speak for themselves. But it's not bad really, with a bigger buyer base comes a bigger budget, a bigger fanbase, and a bigger modding community etc - all good things.

So - in the long run, even though there occasionally may be places along the development of the industry where certain aspects of the games become lacking, it fuels the general development of the industry and gaming as a medium.

Just think that in the beginning of the gaming industy the thing that was lacking was graphics, but that now - with huge current leaps in graphics and audio - it may be the story, and character development, that is generally lacking.

But the tides will turn again... be in no doubt about it. It's all natural evolution... Darwin would be proud.
TheVaultKeeper said:
Just think that in the beginning of the gaming industy the thing that was lacking was graphics, but that now - with huge current leaps in graphics and audio - it may be the story, and character development, that is generally lacking.

But the tides will turn again... be in no doubt about it. It's all natural evolution... Darwin would be proud.

To be honest, I've yet to see the new generation of story and character development rich games, whom you're talking about.
I personally think it's a matter of maturity, patience and intelligence. I do not consider myself better than others, but still... People lacking those three things usually do not enjoy the complex and most satisfactory entertainment a good story and character development offers. Thus, I believe that the current mainstream games are a product of the society's low intellectual state, not changing phases in the game industry.
In terms of intellect, we already live in a post-apocalyptic world.

- Noctis
The survey is a part of this fucking hype. They say it is ok that it will be Oblivion with guns. They assume this as a fact. Also, anyone who wants isometric fallout is a retarded whiner and wishes for an ugly old game.
Funny as their own comments to the trailer are retarded.
Gamespot is useless. 44% dont even know what fallout is. and having 5000 Xbox users whining about having a FPS game wont help our cause either i think.
Daemon Spawn said:
Boo! I want an isometric turn-based RPG from the 1990s, not this newfangled graphics stuff!

This sentence basically summarizes the way I feel about RPGs. Ubergraphics are fine for games that have no substance and need to rely on eye candy. But RPGs should not have to rely on appearance to sell.
Which doesn't change the fact that good graphics are important. I'm not talking about uber-high-tech graphics but about a good job of a good artist or a good artist team.

Daemon Spawn said:
In fact, I still believe 2D looks comparable (sometimes better) than 3D for RPGs.

I know Gamespot is half-mocking people with this, but it is accurate as to the way I feel.

I hate people and their graphics fetish.
I second that. Also, a good name - graphics fetish. Because that's what 3d is.

The point is that even with hyperrealism cult, 3d is still nowhere near the real thing and I strongly doubt it'll ever be. It's still just a pathetic attempt of recreating reality on computer. It's still closer to it's beginnings than to creating something that looks real.
Basically, anyone who was taught how to look can say that the reality is incredibly complex.
I strongly prefer to see an isometric 2d representation of what an artist sees the reality as to a 3d attempt of recreating reality where objects look poor because of simplification and cheating, like using textures instead of modelling to "represent" the shape of things like bus chairs or brick walls.