GameSpot Video Interview: Fallout 3's endgame

@Arash: Yeah, I agree. I love the concept art too. I really like most of the promotional material as well. (the special made stuff, like the B&W movies) Again, just wish those damn animations were better in-game.

I can't exactly confirm it, but I looked up the geckos really quick and I don't see anything off hand. (I've watched all the videos too and saw nothing) I think all of the enemies in the game are laid out in the survival guide. Sucky, cause they could have put the skinning to use again. We have walking crab people instead though. I wonder if Mirelurk meat tastes like lobster?
I always find it a bit weird when NMA are written off as militant extremists, when the concerns regarding the gameplay, for instance, are shared by the original Fallout developers as well. Surely there might be some reason for that beyond irrational extremism?

thats because "we were there before the fall" that actually means the fall of Fallout game and ubber pwnage of Interplay.

Bethesda is a great company, but we like a Fallout which is made by the ones who "made" it.

its like Interplay buying Elder Scrolls and mixes it with origional Fallout elements. we might like it (or might not) but the hardcore Elder Scroll fans will certainly start to hate it...then "they" will be called "militant extremists".

and we might also called that Elder Scrolls a "Fallout with swords and bows."

We have walking crab people instead though. I wonder if Mirelurk meat tastes like lobster?

they say its a Mirelurk, but WE know its a frickin mutated Mudcrap!
Szeder said:
Brother None said:
Will this be enough to win over the most skeptical of Fallout fanatics?

It is as if we were to blame for Beth's constant inability to listen to what "fans" had to say. They never listened and now they hope we will be excited.....hmm Why didn't they hope the same when they started to develop the game? That would have made it a lot easier to get excited about FO3....

When I think of the dumb expressions sittiing on the faces of kids while holding a gamepad to play this.....a bad nightmare......

I'm a fan of the Fallout series, and looking forward to Fallout 3.
I'm a fan of the Fallout series, and looking forward to Fallout 3.

We're all looking forward to F3. (some may not) but we all know that the game will be Fallout in "theme" and not gameplay.

to be precise, we're not looking forward for a "Fallout" but a "Ubber Wasteland game that looks like Fallout."
Arash said:
to be precise, we're not looking forward for a "Fallout" but a "Ubber Wasteland game that looks like Fallout."

That's one reason why I'm personally a little more forgiving, cause true Mad Max style games are not very common. Even if it was called "Outlander 2" I'd still play it cause I love that setting.
The only thing they can do to get diehards excited is to release the source code of Fallouts. Pretty simple actually.
I finished both Fallout 1&2 twelve times (first time in 1999) and consider myself die hard fan, and I am still looking forward to FO3. And if FO3 comes with good story, dialogues, dark humour..etc, I will be happier with that game than I would probably be with Van Buren. East Coast and third person appeal more to me.. And I guess it appeals more to Bethesda as well. And I understand their hope that even fans of the original will enjoy their game.

Of course, if the game itself turns out to be shit (shitty oblivionesque story, stupid dialogues, bad implementation of stealth...), I will be te first one here to write about it.
There's nothing wrong with anticipating Fallout 3. There's everything wrong with arguing that it is true to the series.
There's nothing wrong with anticipating Fallout 3. There's everything wrong with arguing that it is true to the series.


if i had a seal of approval i would surely give you one for this !
Anarchosyn said:
ookami said:
I think a better idea is to rename the current Fallout 3 to a spin-off and then make a more recognizably faithful Fallout 3.

What would that be, exactly?

Personally, I'm fine with the 3d. I'm fine with the first person perspective (though I do love isometric views and would love to see one in full 3d with controllable camera). I'm even fine with the setting and plot of FO3.

What bothers me are the elements they changed from the originals:

  1. Changes to the special system, like changing the dialog related effects of INT and diminishing CHA since they couldn't create a passable companion AI system.
  2. Making ammo weightless.
  3. Toss nuclear weapons around in a cavalier manner.
  4. Hiring any of the Oblivion voice actors.
  5. Potentially putting too much of a combat emphasis into the game (yet to be proven one way or the other, but judging from Oblivion...).
  6. Ditching the original music.
  7. Removing negative consequences from perks and drugs (though I've heard mixed commentaries on the validity of this).
  8. *Dismissing Tim Cain's offer to help with development!!!!*


9. Slow motion effect
Yeah, so I am sure I could sit here and make this post even longer, but in my heart, I believe Beth, for the most part, really did try to make this work and work well.

You either haven't played Oblivion or are too naive.

The people in charge of Bethesda are in it for the money. They are greedy. Plain and simple. Sure they are trying to make it as good a game as they can, but who is the game aimed at?

Oblivion showed us what kind of company Bethesa is now - one that sells out and simplifies the game to get as many Xbox 360 sales as it can. The game shouldn't even be called Fallout 3. It should be called Fallout 360.
Lingwei said:
Yeah, so I am sure I could sit here and make this post even longer, but in my heart, I believe Beth, for the most part, really did try to make this work and work well.

You either haven't played Oblivion or are too naive.

The people in charge of Bethesda are in it for the money. They are greedy. Plain and simple. Sure they are trying to make it as good a game as they can, but who is the game aimed at?

Just like any other company in the world basically.
thefalloutfan said:
The people in charge of Bethesda are in it for the money. They are greedy. Plain and simple. Sure they are trying to make it as good a game as they can, but who is the game aimed at?

Just like any other company in the world basically.

Yeah - but then again most companies try to keep a good name while doing it.

Bethesda, on the other hand, is rapidly becoming synonymous with hype, lies and unfinished games.
Jebus said:
Bethesda, on the other hand, is rapidly becoming synonymous with hype, lies and unfinished games.

Again, just like almost every other (game) company.

Bethesda pissed me off with its 2000 bugs left in Oblivion, but at least it got fixed by modders (thank Quarn and Kivan). But there are many other companies that are just as bad...
Paul_cz said:
Jebus said:
Bethesda, on the other hand, is rapidly becoming synonymous with hype, lies and unfinished games.

Again, just like almost every other (game) company.

Bethesda pissed me off with its 2000 bugs left in Oblivion, but at least it got fixed by modders (thank Quarn and Kivan). But there are many other companies that are just as bad...

Your point?

I said most companies try to keep a good name while doing business, not that all game companies are saints.
thefalloutfan said:
Lingwei said:
Yeah, so I am sure I could sit here and make this post even longer, but in my heart, I believe Beth, for the most part, really did try to make this work and work well.

You either haven't played Oblivion or are too naive.

The people in charge of Bethesda are in it for the money. They are greedy. Plain and simple. Sure they are trying to make it as good a game as they can, but who is the game aimed at?

Just like any other company in the world basically.
Yeah the point is whether they can do it without serving the lowest common denominator. MacDonald's makes a lot of money, but they do it by selling rubbish.

Ultimately what you are arguing for is not what makes the best Fallout game, but what's best for Bethesda's bottom line.
I really do find it hard to believe that everybody involved in the making of Fallout 3 is a greedy, money grabbing lazy bastard. I'm positive that there are people who work for Bethseda that take pride in their work and have tried, where allowed to by 'the evil company directors' to put as much quality material into the game as possible. This attitude that the game is going to be terrible because they don't care or can't be bothered is a little hard to swallow. There are going to be plenty of points to argue about (setting, history, gameplay, dialogue etc) but I do think that the majority of the people involved will have tried to produce a quality product. Thats not me being niave. I just cannot believe that one company would hire people on the basis of there lack of enthusiasm, lazyness and lack of vision. makes no sense.
I think we're all "looking forward" to FINO3 because, as fans, we're the equivalent of a kid in a dysfunctional family who's been put to the side while his mom gets high out in the living room with another of his "uncles". He can't cook for himself- hell, he can't even reach the counter and he's had it drilled into him that he can't go near the fridge OR ELSE. Not that the fridge works...

Halfway through the evening, he plops down on the carpet and just starts crying because his stomach hurts so bad. Annoyed, the mother- who by now is completely wasted- goes to the pantry grabs a can- any can- and a can opener, drops it on the floor in front of the kid, and then goes back into the living room to crash.

So now you have this kid, wild-eyed with desperation as he claws ineffectually with the opener on what turns out to be at best- a can of dog food, or at worst- motor oil.

Either way, he's been "fed" and the "mother" no longer cares. Kids like food and food sometimes comes from cans right? Even if he's never before seen or dealt with a can/can-opener he's bound to find something he likes inside the can? Right? And if he doesn't, the little fucker can go somewhere else, or maybe his REAL dad, that deadbeat in California, could get him something to shut his mouth- if he wasn't bankrupt.

For a time the crying seems to get louder, but the mother, sprawled out on her sofa in a puddle of her own drool, can't or won't get up. But that's okay, because the crying soon stops again- for good.

That is what I took from the Hines clip. He's sitting there, in front of the fireplace in his leather chair like he's Alistair- Fucking- Cooke bringing you Masterpiece Theater. Screw him.

Bethesda bought a franchise, ignored what the fan community had to say, and just threw together what they wanted to because they didn't care. They didn't have to. How could they fail?

The words he spews say one thing but the vibe I get is:

"It's been 10 years anyway. Nobody remembers or cares about what a Fallout game is. Morrowind and Oblivion did gangbusters anyway so we must be doing something right. Right? The "fans" are desperate neckbeards anyway. And look- it's a game, an ACTION GAME- in a box, even!(huffs in exasperation) The box even says FALLOUT 3, and it has one of those spooky looking stormtrooper guys on the front. We even had the "art guys" copy-paste those stupid little comic pictures of the, vault- uh guy? No man? Hmmm... uhh kid? Whatever... nobody cares. In the end they'll buy it because it's FALLOUT 3!

See you on Oct. 28....SUCKERS! *wink*"

Ugh.. whatever.