Gamespot's Fallout 3 Preview


This ghoul has seen it all
Staff member
Gamespot has also published a Fallout 3 Preview. One of the more notable snippets talks about character depth:
<blockquote>So not only will the humans all not sound the same (a problem in Oblivion), but they'll also have unique dialogue. That should rectify one of the major issues with Oblivion, which was that most characters had no personality and their only purpose was to serve as an information kiosk of sorts. However, that wouldn't be Fallout because the series is known for its memorable characters.</blockquote>
And another about choices and consequences:
<blockquote>Where you go and who you ally with will be up to you because the game will have multiple endings. And yes, there will be a definitive end to the game, at which point you can start over to explore the many other choices. And Bethesda really wants to make choices count in this game, much more than it did in Oblivion. After all, in Oblivion you could pursue every quest in the game and be all things to all people. In Fallout 3, the choices will be much more binary, and they will have far-reaching consequences.</blockquote>
Gamespot's Fallout 3 Preview
Thanks Starwars and Morbus!
Bouncing rolling eyeballs anyone?

Heads will explode, limbs will get sawed off by gunfire, and we even saw eyeballs fly out of their sockets then roll down an incline. This will be the case especially if you have the infamous bloody mess character perk, which boosts the odds that each death you cause becomes a spectacular one.
What amuses me about most (all?) of these previews is that all comparisons are made with Oblivion, and how they improved that from Oblivion, and how that wasn't so hot in Oblivion but will be in Fallout 3, how it looks better than Oblivion blablabla.

And when referencing the Fallouts (which I believe Fallout 3 is meant to be a sequel of), it only seems to be "don't worry guys, the Fallout feeling is there".

EDIT: From the Destructoid preview

Back in 1987, while working on their own RPG, Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall, they fell in love with Fallout.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
In the meantime, ponder this: between areas, the loading screen will display various character stats and figures, like how many miles walked. One of the stats was simply "Corpses eaten." When asked about that fascinating statistic, Todd Howard smiled and hesitated before refusing to go into more detail. But I'll say this much: any game where you can eat a corpse is worthy of your attention, and Fallout 3 from Bethesda Softworks looks like it's definitely going to be worth the wait.

What the hell is this?!?!

Because its games tend to be so huge in scale, Bethesda makes them by creating a small portion of the world and getting absolutely everything in it to work perfectly.
excuse me, could you repeat that please, i could hear you with bethesda's dick stuck down your throat?

The designers clearly have a reverence for the original games--and it shows. Fallout 3 won't be Fallout as you may know it, but it promises to be a Fallout game nevertheless.

so, if neither the canon, nor the mechanics of a game constitutes the game (since neither seems to be important to Bethesda), then what exactly does it mean to be a Fallout game?

that kinda makes no sense there, bucko.

you show reverence for a game by not being true to it? :clap:
Starwars said:
Back in 1987, while working on their own RPG, Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall, they fell in love with Fallout.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
that's pretty priceless indeed!

Pope Viper said:
What the hell is this?!?!

makes you gain HP, right?

although cannibalism is likely in a PA world (or maybe i just read The Road too recently), this move to turn it into a feature and a statistic is rather questionable.
"It won't be Fallout as we may know it, but it will be a Fallout game nevertheless" - what do they take us for? I like Fallout as we know it now, there's no need to fix something that isn't broken.
Briosafreak said:
Also Critical Hits has a less mainstream aproach and will folow their preview and interviews with more articles.

It is vague at this point about how fast action points refresh and therefore how often this can be done, but in the demo Todd was using this system repeatedly in each combat over and over again. It seems that when used in the game, it really borders on becoming a turn-based game where things simply happen in real time between player turns which really just means the turns are more fluid. We will have to wait and see exactly how this turns out.

Of course, it isn't TB, but still it sounds somewhat encouraging that you can use it quite often.

And the whole article is quite well written compared to the others.
Thanks for the link, Briosafreak.

Ooops! Just seen this put out to the front page.
Shall I delete my post?
SuAside said:
Pope Viper said:
What the hell is this?!?!

makes you gain HP, right?

although cannibalism is likely in a PA world (or maybe i just read The Road too recently), this move to turn it into a feature and a statistic is rather questionable.

Are yuo goin' to ba able to eat some corpse's eyeballs or dick?

Askin' cuz yuo ain't gonna b able to SHOOT it... So...
Ummmmmmmmm.... dick......

Gaming mags must have taken this to the hilt with what they're doing with Todd.
Also, did anyone pay attention to this ?


One of the retarded collectable bobbleheads !
Something I wanted to say before: they didn't even got the right font. Or AT LEAST the right font color.

Sure, why use the Fallout font? Why not use some default and boring font with a random shade of green? It's innovation!
Or is the Fallout font to difficult to read on TV for the console fanbois?
I know I'm new around here and that I don't have anywhere near the depth of history with Fallout as many of you guys, but I think you might be so invested in the idea that Fallout is being betrayed that you're not even hearing the good news.

First, here are some key basics about Fallout 3. Yes, it's a first-person game, but it also has a third-person camera if you like to play that way, and the camera can be moved so that it almost mimics the perspective of the original Fallout games. No, it's not a pure action shooter, though it can be played like a shooter in some ways, if you want. However, the game does rely on role-playing statistics to determine whether you hit or miss. More intriguingly, you can pause the combat at any time and target specific parts of an enemy's body, just like you could in the original Fallout games.
DrKissinger said:
First, here are some key basics about Fallout 3. Yes, it's a first-person game, but it also has a third-person camera if you like to play that way, and the camera can be moved so that it almost mimics the perspective of the original Fallout games. No, it's not a pure action shooter, though it can be played like a shooter in some ways, if you want. However, the game does rely on role-playing statistics to determine whether you hit or miss. More intriguingly, you can pause the combat at any time and target specific parts of an enemy's body, just like you could in the original Fallout games.
Ehm, yeah, everyone's read that. That's not good, that's bad. All it means is that combat is still real-time, 'cept that you can pause to aim a la bullet-time. That's not anywhere near what Fallout's turn-based combat did. Especially since you can't even *move* in the VATS system. Strategic my ass. The fact that there are dice-rolls behind the system doesn't really make it much better.
Well, targeting limbs as the screen shows isn't just bullet-time. That's freezing the combat at will for complete control. Plus, unless my eyes deceive me, there seems to be an AP bar at the bottom right. Clearly, it won't work like Fallout's AP, but a good sign nevertheless. Also, the fact that there's even the option of playing top-down suggests that the game won't be heavy with twitchy FPS combat.

I think we're going to end up with a system like Baldur's Gate, Planescape: Torment, or KOTOR, though that AP bar still needs an explanation.

Again, I'm sorry if I come off as presumptuous, being such a newbie in a community as diehard as Fallout's. I'm just trying to look on the brighter side of things. Perhaps it's only because I've yet to be distilled into a glittering gem of hatred. Give me some time.
DrKissinger1 said:
Well, targeting limbs as the screen shows isn't just bullet-time. That's freezing the combat at will for complete control. Plus, unless my eyes deceive me, there seems to be an AP bar at the bottom right. Clearly, it won't work like Fallout's AP, but a good sign nevertheless.
No, it isn't. Really, as has been explained now, all you can do in VATS is queue targeted shots where each targeted shot costs AP. That's it. Which is a far, far, far cry from actual strategic combat.

DrKissinger1 said:
Also, the fact that there's even the option of playing top-down suggests that the game won't be heavy with twitchy FPS combat.

I think we're going to end up with a system like Baldur's Gate, Planescape: Torment, or KOTOR, though that AP bar still needs an explanation.
If we end up with a system like that, we end up with combat playing out as a movie with very little needed input from you. Also a bad option.