GameSpy & Planet Xbox 360 review Operation: Anchorage

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
No, we won't be doing a hundred roundups, but there's a few big sites always of interest. GameSpy's review notes the DLC is short and lacks RPG elements, giving it a 3.5/5.<blockquote> In fitting with the subject matter, Operation Anchorage is a much purer shooting and stealthing experience than the original game, not just in terms of theme, but also in terms of gameplay. For one thing, you won't be able to just pop an infinite number of stimpacks or chug Nuka Cola to heal up in the middle of a firefight. Restorative items have been completely removed, replaced instead with health-restoring terminals available at regular checkpoints, along with a similar ammo dispenser. We didn't find that we ever had to really conserve ammunition, though, at least not on the normal difficulty setting. Missiles and energy weapon ammunition are fairly abundant, as are grenades, so as long as you use a variety of different weapons you won't have much trouble with shortages. </blockquote>Planet Xbox 360's review states "mixed feelings" but gives it a fairly unambiguous 8.3.<blockquote> After completing the DLC quest and collecting my items I had mixed feelings about the download. The environment looks like a copy paste of the capital wasteland with snow and the enemy AI is still so-so. For 800 points, you get two hours of linear combat, new items, achievements, and a couple of holotapes that detail a soldier’s experience. I appreciate Bethesda giving me a glimpse into Fallout’s lore (future), but the immersion that makes the game so tantalizing is absent during the entire quest. Operation: Anchorage forces the game to play out more like a full fledged shooter and takes the game out of its comfort zone. The weapons and armors are nice additions to anyone’s arsenal but the quest serves its purpose as a mediocre distraction until the next download is made available. Fans of the Fallout 3 series should purchase this with no second-thoughts, it will do a good job at pumping them up for the next two DLC episodes; others may just want to wait. </blockquote>
so "2 ours" of enjoyment? What happend with the "you will have at least 4-6 ours fun out it" statement that one can hear everywhere ?

I am sure they only rushed trough it just like all those people did trough the mainquest in fallout 3. Obvously ... it cant be the games fault that its short ... its the user.

If I think about it before spending money on this DLC better to get with a friend or girlfriend even in the cinema buy some pop corn and beer for afterwards. That probably with a bit luck will result in fun for the whole night ... not just 2 ours.
People who rush it complete it in an hour. Two hours is pretty standard. Maybe three if you try and stealth it.
wtf? in the planet xbox they say this is from the future???

this is exploring the fucking past...

epix phailzorz
Jeez, what an incredibly short review from Planet Xbox...although I guess there isn't much to comment on without being a walkthrough. Proof that final scores are BS in most big review sites

"Operation: Anchorage forces the game to play out more like a full fledged shooter and takes the game out of its comfort zone. The weapons and armors are nice additions to anyone’s arsenal but the quest serves its purpose as a mediocre distraction until the next download is made available."

And it gets 8.3, hah.

Sadder is the amount of people that think this DLC is awesome and amazing.
First of all lets make this plan an simple. If you didn't like Fallout 3, that's fine. But if you didn't like it and you went out of your way to download: Operation: Anchorage. Then you need to shut the fuck up, because if so you're a hypocrite. I liked this game, sure a lot of it was crap and made me dislike it because it wasn't true to the franchise. You have to keep in mind that Interplay SOLD the rights to Fallout to Bethesda. So if you're going to be mad at anyone or anything, blame it on Interplay for not keeping their shit together. Ergo they wouldn't have had to sell the rights in the first place.
Mentats said:
But if you didn't like it and you went out of your way to download: Operation: Anchorage.

I didn't download it because I don't care, but even so, I hate this attitude. Buying something does not renege your right to have a negative opinion of it.
I didn't download it because I don't care, but even so, I hate this attitude. Buying something does not renege your right to have a negative opinion of it.

As I said in a prior statement, I downloaded it because I had the points to do so. You, didn't download the download content, and that's fine and dandy. I'm not directing my comments to you specifically, I'm doing so in a general statement to those who claim to have an unadulterated hatred towards this game yet go about being hypocritical. Wait and see, you'll have all of these Fallout 3 haters claiming they disliked the game, yet magically (heh) they'll have downloaded all of the 3 DLC's. Watch.
Brother None said:
Mentats said:
But if you didn't like it and you went out of your way to download: Operation: Anchorage.

I didn't download it because I don't care, but even so, I hate this attitude. Buying something does not renege your right to have a negative opinion of it.
You know though what can make someone really angry?

When you do not buy it/own it it takes away your right to "form" a oppinion about the game [as some have been even almost attacked by some for their oppinon about Fallout 3 that its not a "good" Fallout game only cause they did not played it, but one can see certain things even without playing the Game there are enough informations out there, like that Fallout 3 is more or less a mediocre Shooter RPG hybrid], but when you buy it you get as well accused about why you bought it when you only have a negative oppinion about it ...
Bethesda also managed to capture the wartime experience you'd normally get from a Call of Duty game

Great if I wanted Call of Duty, I would buy Call of Duty
GameSpy said:
....It feels like a lot of money for just a couple hours of entertainment, but considering that Fallout 3 is already a great value, it's hard to balk at the price.

Brother None said:
Yes, Kashrlyyk. There are actually people who think like that.
It is just a new experience for me. You could actually justify the Oblivion Horse armor with that, too.
I'm not touching GameSpy with a ten foot long pole.

Did they mention the HORRID voice acting of Chase, McGraw and that Sibley guy? Sibley especially made my ears bleed.
Wait and see, you'll have all of these Fallout 3 haters claiming they disliked the game, yet magically (heh) they'll have downloaded all of the 3 DLC's. Watch.

Bit of a tragic situation.

You say that the DLC is crap without playing it, and there's bound to be an idiot to pop out five minutes later, whining that you can't possibly know since "you haven't played it"

You have a negative opinion after obtaining the DLC and playing it, then another idiot pops out and calls you a hypocrite for trying it out.

Mentats said:
As I said in a prior statement, I downloaded it because I had the points to do so. You, didn't download the download content, and that's fine and dandy. I'm not directing my comments to you specifically, I'm doing so in a general statement to those who claim to have an unadulterated hatred towards this game yet go about being hypocritical. Wait and see, you'll have all of these Fallout 3 haters claiming they disliked the game, yet magically (heh) they'll have downloaded all of the 3 DLC's. Watch.
DLC is suppose to expand on and improve the experience of the game, if it fails to do so then it deserves to be criticized. The source of criticism is irrelevant, citing the source as a counterargument is a logical fallacy, all that matters is the argument.

Crni Vuk said:
You know though what can make someone really angry?

When you do not buy it/own it it takes away your right to "form" a oppinion about the game [as some have been even almost attacked by some for their oppinon about Fallout 3 that its not a "good" Fallout game only cause they did not played it, but one can see certain things even without playing the Game there are enough informations out there, like that Fallout 3 is more or less a mediocre Shooter RPG hybrid], but when you buy it you get as well accused about why you bought it when you only have a negative oppinion about it ...
Yeah it's pretty bad. If one didn't buy it and one criticizes it, one's opinion is invallid because one hasn't played it and thus one "obviously" doesn't know what one is talking about. If one buys the game and then criticizes it, one's opinion is invallid because one "obviously" went into the game wanting/thinking it was going to be bad and thus it "obviously will be". Basically the counter argument boils down to: "If you don't like it then you're obviously biased and nothing you say is vallid." If that's anyone's opinion then fine, put it in your sig so that no one wastes their time arguing with a brick wall.
Mikael Grizzly said:
I'm not touching GameSpy with a ten foot long pole.

Did they mention the HORRID voice acting of Chase, McGraw and that Sibley guy? Sibley especially made my ears bleed.

Chase and McGraw were merely pretty generic. Even good by Beth standards.
Have to agree with Sibley though, he sounds like the bastard offspring of Skeletor and Cobra Commander.

"I am clearly evil indicated by my evil voice which sounds evil, unlike the heroic sounding other guy who I am going to double cross because I'm evil. Did I mention the evil part?"
