Fallout 3 preview

Excuse me, would somebody tell me, please, where did you get this last screenshot with PC shooting ghoul from???
*ducks as he sees the bad translation he did*...
Erm yeah...
"I'm still not quite sure, what I should think of Fallout 3. The atmosphere reminds me of Bioshock, the beginning in the Vault101 is great and very atmospheric. However, what I saw of the outside world until now didn't impress me: monotonous landscapes, dull rooms, lots of mindless shoot-ups. Bethesda stays still tight-lipped about the RPG-elements, the Quests and the dialogs."

Shame on me ;)

I'm rather surprised as gamestar was a bit of hyping machine the last times i read the magazine. If i remember correctly games like Gothic III or Oblivion got very high ratings...

When i first read of more critical previews, and then read this, i thought they might do this to be able to say later: "Look we were first skeptical, but it's really the best game evar!!"
Or some "let's please some of the more critical fans, for once in a while"...
But i'm pessimistic and so on...
The atmosphere reminds me of Bioshock

I think I've seen this comparison a few times now, and does anyone know why it keeps popping up? I mean, I loved Bioshock, but other than being the aftermath of a conflict, and having "old" bits and style, what is there to relate the two?

The Dutch Ghost said:
As for modding, as I asked once before, why should the fans have to fix the mistakes the designers made?

You mean like bugs? I think the download section of this forum should answer that.
I believe he was talking of design and gameplay instead, not just bugs ( even if fans should not have to fix these either and yeah, I'm concious that it applies a lot to Fallout 2 ).
Resident Evil mixed with Bioshock?

Hmm, let me think...

Sorry for shi**y design. I will do it better at home, because now I'm at work and I don't have PS.