GameTrailers TV Fallout 3 exclusive, also Todd Time

rcorporon said:
kikomiko said:
He makes amazing open world games. He made Morrowind, didn't he? Isn't that the game that you guys love? He is extremely talented, and I don't think you guys should insult him like that.

Actually, it often seems like I'm the only Morrowind fan here most times... :)

Also, MW was not created by one man. According to wikipedia, Todd Howard was the "Project Lead" and Ken Rolston was the "Lead Designer." I'm not 100% sure the difference between these two titles, but it would seem to me that Todd didn't create MW all by his lonesome.

Well, of course I know that, silly goose! I'm just saying that he was a major influence in the project, and he was, no?
Showed a good chunk of combat, and it looks better than I thought it would. Better AI from the ones on your team, kneeling, might even been kneeling and looking around corners, couldn't really tell. Didn't see any AI good or bad from enemies, though they were fighting super mutants, and they are not too smart to duck and cover.

The show was annoying though, instead of 15 minutes of Fallout then 15 minutes of the rest of the news, it was 30 seconds of fallout, 30 seconds of news, then 30 seconds of fallout, so annoying.

Again not much seen from RPG aspect of the game, but the FPS aspect looks better than I thought it was going to.


PS: Watching people who know what they are doing in the game is almost an art compared to watching some of the leaked videos with idiots playing.

PPS: ALSO really PISSED that the show right after the Fallout special was on Halo wars, a game being released sometime NEXT YEAR, and in that show there was a ton more game play on something that is being released next year then a game that is being released in 2 weeks. Not sure who to blame here, maybe Bethesda didn't give them much content to play with or maybe gametrailers thought that a game coming out next year warranted more game play video time.
thats the problem with trying to blame any one person at a company for why Game A rocked and Game B stunk, half the time the design team for game B is completly diferent fromt the one that did Game A. (Bethesda for example Defacto doubled its staff to make Oblivion, and aparently doubled it again while makeing fallout) Granted part of the problem sometimes is when your making a game you want to do something diferent than the last time you did it (Morrowinds very lame "20 question" combination tutorial and character creation for example was replaced by the (Even worse)Dungeon crawl tutorial. this time they went with a kind of hybrid tutorial. and stuck us with the GOAT.
Ok, that Gametrailers "exclusive" video was lame as hell. And the BOS Paladins look like shit, especially when they start to move/run with their dumb ass, cheap animations. :evil:
kikomiko said:
Well, of course I know that, silly goose! I'm just saying that he was a major influence in the project, and he was, no?
Fortunately, no. My understanding is that Todd Howard wasn't given genuine control of an Elder Scrolls title (with the exception of the adventure game Redguard) until Oblivion.
Halo Wars? Hell, GTTV has been promoting the shit out of that game for over a year now. They had a full HOUR special split between it and Halo 3, back when the latter was close to being released (the standard "Cures cancer and makes world peace" previews), so hearing that they're still pimping it doesn't surprise me.

As to the actual videos: Arrgh, nothing but ads. The whole damn thing is all ads. Very annoying. And the F3 vids still are very obviously the super-fancy ultra-optimized preview-only versions. And still don't look *that* good. 'Specially not the walking animations. Though at this point, bad walking animations are just icing on the cake.
MrBumble said:
Ok, that Gametrailers "exclusive" video was lame as hell. And the BOS Paladins look like shit, especially when they start to move/run with their dumb ass, cheap animations. :evil:

Animations may not be great, but I really like their power armour. The only power armour in Fallout that I really liked was the Enclave power armour, the BoS PA did not look spectacular (it looked great in the begining cut scene though). This time around, I love the BoS PA in FO3, but the Enclave PA does not look nice. My taste obviously.

Just watched the clip, from 20mins, 10mins was about fallout, and a small part of it was new footage...
Seriously? To me, the BOS PA looks like a trashcan in Warsaw's Central Station. A shame they replaced the original curves with so much straight and blocky shapes. The helmet, however, isn't half bad.

Enclave PA now looks like a cross between Tictacs' PA (yes, the helmet even includes those ridiculous horns) and something I'd call "Robo-cockroach".

Haven't seen much of the other armors, but they're apparently much better.
I was quite unimpressed when I got to the BoS base in FO1. The cutscene showed a ridiculous cool power armour, but the in-game version wasn't so great. In fact I remember saying to myself "Oh so that's the power armour?" when I saw the two guards standing outside the base (the one who sends you on a quest to The Glow). On the other hand, the Enclave PA in FO2 was just awesome in so many ways, though the cutscene featuring the Enclave PA wasn't quite nice, in fact I really disliked the helmet.

And in FO3, the BoS PA I really love, while the Enclave PA I really dislike.