Gasoline/Petrol/Bensiini costs 1.52e/l in Finland now...


Mildly Dipped
Gggrreat. Due to some bitch named Katrina the price of oil went up in price and suprise suprise gasoline went also.

I go to work everyday by car and it?s something like 30km one way. So basically 60km a day. Starting to become quite expensive this driving thing.

Before someone whines about "use the public transport"...well The ticket costs 5e one that would mean 10e a day, and my father counted that with his "economical" 2.6l V6 Audi A4 Avant it cost around 2.5e. Not to mention that the busses don?t go that often and they stop not-so-near-to-the-place-i-work.

Well my love little Fiat Uno 1983 1.1l only drinks like 6-8l/100km (drinks almost as much oil also :roll: ) but still.

God dammit!
Maine marijuana dispensary
Can't you convert it for it to run on gas or diesel instead of fuel?

It's not going to be Schumacher's new ride, but it'll drive you to work at a lower price.
i wouldn't think the cost of converting would be worth the saving. gas prices will more than like calm down in a couple months and even out. they will be higher than they were 6 months ago, i'm sure, but cheaper than today.
Diesel is almost the same prize nowdays + the tax....

Gas...heheh...well Finland is a place where they really really don?t support alternative means of fuel. Goverment likes gasoline.

It?s a 1983 Fiat, any other alternative fuel has to be extremely dangerous and flammamble :shock: You really think this car is civilized? :D
No2 vaporizer
In other news, the courses on the Oslo stockmarket skyrocket and break yet a new record as the oilprice once again goes above 70 dollars a barrel. The main reason for this is thought to be the hurricane katarina that hit new orleans earlier this week. So you just keep that gasolineswalloving car frizzy, you are paying my education.
Re: Gasoline/Petrol/Bensiini costs 1.5e/l in Finland now...

frissy said:
Gggrreat. Due to some bitch named Katrina the price of oil went up in price and suprise suprise gasoline went also.

I know that's what the media say, but somehow I seriously doubt that Katrina has got a lot to do with it. Before Katrina the media was blaming the high gas prices on terrorists blowing up pipelines. If the gas price went up during a period when no terrorist attack on a pipeline had taken place, the media would blame it on the political situation in Iraq or Iran or some other place. Katrina is just another scape goat, if you ask me. The real problem is peak oil. The real problem is the simple fact that there is less and less oil for an ever growing population.

frissy said:
I go to work everyday by car and it´s something like 30km one way. So basically 60km a day. Starting to become quite expensive this driving thing.

Before someone whines about "use the public transport"...well The ticket costs 5e one that would mean 10e a day, and my father counted that with his "economical" 2.6l V6 Audi A4 Avant it cost around 2.5e. Not to mention that the busses don´t go that often and they stop not-so-near-to-the-place-i-work.

Guess what? That's why they invented the season ticket. They're cheaper than a single ticket and your employer pays back most of it. No way is driving your car to work cheaper than using public transport. Sure, you might have to get up a little earlier and walk to the station (i.e. by using your own two feet), but you won't have to inhale exhaust fumes, you won't have to deal with traffic jams and you won't be totally stressed out when you arrive at work.

frissy said:
Well my love little Fiat Uno 1983 1.1l only drinks like 6-8l/100km (drinks almost as much oil also :roll: ) but still.

God dammit!

Oh, it'll get even worse, trust me. In about two years from now, streets will be littered with parked cars, because most people will simple not have the money to drive them anymore. Hell, everything will become more expensive because just about everything needs lots of oil to be produced, packaged, delivered and so on. The media will of course blame this on some stupid accident, like an earthquake in Tanzania, to avoid mass hysteria. Scientists will no doubt state that they are busy experimenting with cars that drive on water or brahmin shit or Windows XP, but it'll be a giant hoax, because there simply isn't an alternative for fossil fuels. In about five years from now, only the super rich will be able to use cars and a selected bunch who invested in an overpriced car that runs on overpriced bio-diesel. Ten years from now, all airports will have closed down.

And so on.

And you have the nerve to complain because it's getting quite expensive driving your Fiat Uno to work everyday?

Jeez... Shame on you.
1.5€?? :|

Like here gasoline is at 1.10€/1.20€ i may think "that's much lower" but you should think about our minimum wage here +/- 350€ month.

That's pretty bad..
I'm thinking how is it going to be when i (don't know how) buy my Honda CRX (:D), maybe the gasoline will be at 2€?

This world is colapsing
Re: Gasoline/Petrol/Bensiini costs 1.5e/l in Finland now...

alec said:
Guess what? That's why they invented the season ticket. They're cheaper than a single ticket and your employer pays back most of it.

Jeez... Shame on you.

It was the season ticket price :cry:

Plus the employer doesn?t pay it back.

The gasoline price may be high, but public transport is highway robbery. The train tickets are somewhat ok, but busses...yaiks. Plus you have to be insane to rent a car.
Essential vaaapp
Get up half an hour earlier and you could ride a bike, depending on how you get there, of course. And check how much ethanol is in the petrol that costs you the equivalent of $2.5 Aus.

Anyone wanna take bets on how long it'll take before governments want diesels running on vegetable oil? I say 3 to 3 and a half years.
demonslayer said:
Ashmo said:
We don't even HAVE minimum wage laws...

That's good or bad? didn't get it :?

Are you seriously asking me to do the thinking part for you?


Minimum wage laws define the minimum wage that has to be paid to employees. They define the lower limit. If there are no minimum wage laws, there is no lower limit. If there is no lower limit, the wages can go incredibly low.

So, from an employee point of view: Yes, it's bad, because it allows for very low wages.

From a management point of view: No, it's good, because it allows for very flexible wages.

Does that answer your question or do you expect me to write an essay for the Scientific American in order to get the point accross?
It answers my question..

but you live in germany right? Isn't Germany supposed to be a evolved country? I didn't knew about that of no law of minimum wage but i've been there and you guys have a lot of *bonus* from the government we don't have here.. :?
Alright, why hasn't Alec's rank been changed to "Vault Doomsayer" yet ?
Well I somehow feel the flashing moron sign to be quite reasonable and appropiate.

Vault Doomsayer rank would like boost his ego even more...if possible.

Ps. I fear the day when I lose "Hideous Freak of Nature" rank with something that actually represent sanity.

Parenting issues advice
Alec asked to be ranked "Writer-in-Residence" since he's published a few novels. But we could possibly change his rank.

Yes, everyone is feeling the pinch on gas. Prices are up in some parts of the US to $5-6 a gallon already.
demonslayer said:
It answers my question..

but you live in germany right? Isn't Germany supposed to be a evolved country? I didn't knew about that of no law of minimum wage but i've been there and you guys have a lot of *bonus* from the government we don't have here.. :?
He just explained why it's both a good and a bad thing. This has jack shit to do with 'evolved' country or '*bonus*' from the government.
Hm. Reminds me of a lousy joke.
Q: How can you double the value of an russian car?
A: Fill the tank.

I do not feel the whole gas-issue pretty much. I thought about getting a car last year because the winters around here rape my frail mortal shell. Right through the pants.
But then again i realized i couldn't even afford to pay the taxes on it, let alone keep it in gas. :P

ps. Jumping on the "Alec for Doomsayer" bandwagon. But only if he gets banned when he starts shouting "I told ye!"