All of you.
Discussing ammo and guns (with the appropriate abbreviations for crying out loud) as if it were bread and butter,
pepper and salt.
Basic necessities.
Something that really matters.
Poo-ha, I say. Poo-ha!
And the fact that so many of you actually had army training, scares the shite out of me.
Ever heard of it, private?
"No, Sir!"
And would you like to obtain it, private?
"No, Sir!"
Excellent. Here's a gun, son. You go shoot some barrels now. And don't let anyone tell you that guns and bullets are phallic, ya hear me?
"Yes, Sir!"
Anyway: I can't believe people of my age/generation (or even younger than me as most of you are) still feel attracted to that international and socially accepted form of homosexuality which is called
teh army.
Oh, I doubt not that it must make you feel like a real man when you are holding a gun and stroking a barrel.
It's probably not unlike sitting behind the wheel of a car that is similar in each and every aspect to all other cars, and gently, very gently, caressing the gearlever.
"It's something I can not put into words."
"I'm speechless. Somebody shoot me!"
"My parents got divorced when I was 7."
"What does
phallic mean?"
Gauss rifles on the other hand...