GDC Online: Obsidian presentation on Fallout: New Vegas

korindabar said:
When I blew up a car I wasn't thinking, "WOOOOAAAH DUUUDE IT EXPLODED!" but I also wasn't thinking, "Well, that's stupid... why would all these cars explode 200 years after the war?". I was thinking, "This makes the environment a little more interesting".

Yes, the few raiders/supermutants camps in FO3 that used exploding cars as barricades sure were interesting. :facepalm:
Dr. Strangelove they watched. Makes a clear statement, ''lets not watch any recent hyped picture to see what cool thing we can recycle from it.''
I liked Eli s book with Denzel Washinton, and The road I liked to. But they were dead serious. If they would have used to inspire F:NV, not much room left for players in regards of imagining their character and -creation, Grimm characters they would need to be.
Whereas Dr. strangelove has all its characters linked by a very serious theme, all of them seem to be misplaced. It makes for a funny but interesting confrontations and interaction. Like the soldier guarding the Coca-cola machine, property of American tax payer.
To be fair, in the case of exploding cars... Bethesda had correctly identified that Fallout runs on SCIENCE! rather than real science, and that also the pre-war American cars were powered by nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion + SCIENCE! = mushroom clouds.

Later Bethesda attempted to further justify it by saying that over 200 years stuff in the engines would have decayed, making them unstable.

But still, that's a hell of a lot of nuclear power sources just lying around. Then again, all the buildings have got fully stocked first aid kits, so it's just a further example of the fact that for some reason the world of Fallout 3 has not been looted effectively.
The pre-war cars were not powered by nuclear fusion.
They were battery powered. Someone at Bethesda just found out about the Ford Nucleon and decided to make exploding cars 'cause, you know, fuckin' awesome.
Hassknecht said:
The pre-war cars were not powered by nuclear fusion.
They were battery powered. Someone at Bethesda just found out about the Ford Nucleon and decided to make exploding cars 'cause, you know, fuckin' awesome.
Because, you know, they were fans of the originals.
your evil twin said:
To be fair, in the case of exploding cars... Bethesda had correctly identified that Fallout runs on SCIENCE! rather than real science, and that also the pre-war American cars were powered by nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion + SCIENCE! = mushroom clouds.

Later Bethesda attempted to further justify it by saying that over 200 years stuff in the engines would have decayed, making them unstable.

But still, that's a hell of a lot of nuclear power sources just lying around. Then again, all the buildings have got fully stocked first aid kits, so it's just a further example of the fact that for some reason the world of Fallout 3 has not been looted effectively.

Yeah, what they did not think was that Fusion powered cars + SCIENCE! + Mushroomclouds = good Road Safety!

This was what bugged me the most about the asplodingcars. No matter if beth thought they had actual fusionreactors inside, no matter that those things still worked after 200 years and no one removed one to perhaps power some computer standing pointless in the middle of the wastes. But how stupid exactly, on a scale from beth to 2000, would someone need to be to massproduce such contraptions? The streets would be filled bumper to bumper with mininukes and everyone hopes no one honks at the wrong time or what? Considering the things go off by hitting the windshield with a 10mm bullet, all it would take for Armageddon was a moron slamming the door a bit forcefully. Who needs Chinese nukes if the city can be reduced to rubble by a car accident?

Immershun my ass.
Faceless_Stranger said:
Speaking of Todd Howard, checky what he got fo his B-day ... It looks like it has a camletoe from the back tee-hee
just another proof that hes not a fan as a real Fallout fan would not have acepted anything less then a "original" vault dweller :mrgreen:

Arden said:
Yeah, what they did not think was that Fusion powered cars + SCIENCE! + Mushroomclouds = good Road Safety!

This was what bugged me the most about the asplodingcars. No matter if beth thought they had actual fusionreactors inside, no matter that those things still worked after 200 years and no one removed one to perhaps power some computer standing pointless in the middle of the wastes. But how stupid exactly, on a scale from beth to 2000, would someone need to be to massproduce such contraptions? The streets would be filled bumper to bumper with mininukes and everyone hopes no one honks at the wrong time or what? Considering the things go off by hitting the windshield with a 10mm bullet, all it would take for Armageddon was a moron slamming the door a bit forcefully. Who needs Chinese nukes if the city can be reduced to rubble by a car accident?

Immershun my ass.

That's why I think in some interview they justified it as being that over 200 years stuff in the engine has decayed and made them unstable. While actually driving around on the roads they would have been have not been prone to exploding.

I suppose rather like how a standard household Duracell battery can start to leak if you leave it sitting in an unused electrical appliance for 20 years.

Also... yeah, they were powered by batteries, either Small Energy Cells or Microfusion Cells. It appears that Bethesda mistakenly thought that a car charged with microfusion cells actually had a crapload of microfusion cells sitting in the car.

They made the same mistake with energy weapons - when you reload an energy rifle they have you insert a microfusion cell into the weapon, like a magazine, and while you reload the plasma rifle the green lightning stops for a couple of seconds while the microfusion cell is removed.

This results in bizareness like a single microfusion cell holding 24 shots in a laser rifle, 12 shots in a laser rifle, and 1 shot in a gauss rifle. Now, if instead you briefly attached and then removed a microfusion cell for a couple of seconds to charge-up an internal battery, then it would make sense, the battery in each type of gun would have different amount of internal storage capacity.
TwinkieGorilla said:
i don't get it, creens. wtf is happening here?
Youre a Fallout fan. What would you prefer, Fallout 1 Tb51 PA figure or Fallout 3 Pa. As simple as that ;)

What do I care about a Vault 101 figure, I want the original Vaultdweller :P