<s>Carcassonne</s> Toulouse on http://games.asobrain.com/.
i shoot better irl than with the iron sights on the AK's ingame. nuff said.The Commissar said:Playing on Master with the crosshair disabled, iron sights are pretty much the only way to aim. I have not encountered "Poor" iron sight accuracy at all, although I only got to play about 3 hours last week. The best weapon I had managed to get was an AKS-74M (I'm pretty sure) from one of those army base patrols right at the beginning and it handled just fine. So many people have been complaining about it though, is my memory failing or does everyone else just suck at shooting?Most Everyone said:STALKER Iron sights blah blah
Hehmirdza said:Sorrow said:Laser Squad - The ancestor of X-Com series. I played it a lot on my C-64 when I was in primary school.
Thought I was the only one, Laser Squad was my all time best ever game on C64, once I played it for 6 months continuously, without loading any other game.
RUN_LIKE_HELL said:Been playing silkroad online recently, but I will play stalker later today!
Muff said:Madbringer how long ago where you playing UO i used to play on napper valley shard not my local shard but I had some cool friends for various char room's who convinced me to play on itmy main Chars name was Mr.Bong
Sorrow said:Hehmirdza said:Thought I was the only one, Laser Squad was my all time best ever game on C64, once I played it for 6 months continuously, without loading any other game..
Sometimes I think that it has better atmosphere than X-Com...
SkynetV4 said:Playing Resident Evil 4 (Euro Release) and hating Ubisoft by the minute for doing a cheapo port. I know it's a console game but if it's getting ported to a more capable platform (PC) you could easily put the nice graphics from the Gamecube version and the goodies from the PS2 Version (it has these). My video card feels underutilized. I like this approach to the RE franchise because it has more action and it's a bit harder than just shooting zombies. I had to drop NWN2 because I felt as if I was playing NWN with somewhat prettier graphics (I say somewhat prettier because I had to tone down the graphics because my 7800 GTX was coughing on battles). I'm postponing Supreme Commander until I have a rig worthy of playing it.