General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

I just want a full size Racoon City where people are trying to survive. Maybe 20 to 50 on a server.
I've been playing the hell out of Isonzo. There is nothing quite like dropping down a mortar and blowing the hell out of 5 people.
Gentlemen, how we feeling about Avowed?
I was really bored during its trailer the first day that i barely paid attention.
I haven't really paid much attention to anything by Obsidian since POE tho.
It was so 'meh' that I just lost interest in them.

I mean, like TOW I expect it to be a totally fine game but nothing groundbreaking really. Fun enough popcorn action RPG but hardly worth more than 15 bucks. I'll probably just eat the game pass cost for a month if I 'really' need to play it.
The trailer shows ZAP, static electric spell. VOOM fireball spell. Green cloud toxic spell. 1st person version of POE or DOS2.
The same but a bit different.
I was really bored during its trailer the first day that i barely paid attention.
I haven't really paid much attention to anything by Obsidian since POE tho.
It was so 'meh' that I just lost interest in them.

I mean, like TOW I expect it to be a totally fine game but nothing groundbreaking really. Fun enough popcorn action RPG but hardly worth more than 15 bucks. I'll probably just eat the game pass cost for a month if I 'really' need to play it.
The Outer Worlds was definitely a letdown, especially in retrospect.

While the game was certainly enjoyable, there were multiple flaws ranging from the story to the gameplay.

If I'm being honest though, I still highly enjoy the works from Obsidian- so I am definitely wanting to play Avowed and The Outer Worlds 2.

Before all of that, I still need to play through POE 2.
Fuck Nintendo, and fuck anyone involved with designing Zelda games. They made the "puzzles" make no sense on purpose so they could sell more
"official" guidebooks, which is just stupid when anyone can get a video walkthrough of every puzzle on YouTube for free.

The shrine puzzles get a pass because at least they are short but I'm on the first real dungeon and I'm probably going to stop playing.

I doubt there are many people that beat this game's storyline without a guide. The number of people that 100% it without a guide is probably in the single digits.
Lol what? No. Guidebooks are useless anyway we have internet. I guess you are talking about old Zelda games which I NEVER HAD TO USE A GUIDEBOOK FOR EVER. Long and short of it is you are retarded.