Sorry it took me so long, Fang...
>Yamu said somewhere that your
>skin peels when you're dipped.
>Yamu said that the flesh peels
>so that muscles can grow
First things first, I would like to point out that this was True Raven's theory, I think. If it wasn't, I at least know that it wasn't mine. Honest mistake, though.
>This may take some
>time. What if a human
>were dipped then pulled out
>after a few seconds. Their
>skin may have peeled but
>the muscle growth would not
>have increased.
The logic is sound, but I don't think that the FEV process works that way. Subjects immersed in FEV undergo a massive alteration of their DNA structure. It seems most likely that this process, while occuring gradually, occurs more or less at the same time to every major bodily system. I'm not sure here, but it seems to me that the skin wouldn't peel to let the muscle grow, but that it would be physically forced to peel
because the muscle was already growing. And, that's
if that's even the reason the muscle was peeling. (no offense to Fang or TR, I put that last sentence in for the interests of scientific objectivity)
>Now comes the ultimate
>part of my theory. There
>might not be only one
>way to make a ghoul.
>I think that both radiation
>and a slight amount of
>FEV could create a ghoul.
>Or a different creature that
>falls into the same class
>only because of physical appearance.
Actually, (once again, this is only
my opinion), you may just be close to right, albeit a little backwards. You say that there are two different kinds of ghouls from two different sources, I say that there is one type of ghoul, but it is possible that there are two different sources. Although we're still working on the theory that FEV is the causality factor that determines whether a mutation will result in a super mutant or a ghoul, let's assume (for a moment) that radiation
can create ghoul mutations. (Forgive me, True Raven, for thinking inside the box!

) What radiation basically does to a person is rips through their body and tears apart their genes. When you step back, and
really examine the effects of FEV on a person, you discover that it does the same thing: it rips apart your genes. The only difference is, the FEV re-assembles them better than new. Thus, when the FEV goes to work on someone's DNA, it is possible (due to extensive radiation damage, or perhaps other factors) that it could leave you in the same condition as being irradiated, same symptoms and all, except without the leftover radioctive material to kill you. (Although I am strongly doubtful that radiation
alone could mutate someone into a ghoul, it is possible that it plays more of a role in things than TR and myself have been allowing for...)(or, perhaps, there was a special genetic factor to be considered when they were selecting patrons for the vaults? Who really knows?)
>another theory is that FEV1 mutated
>humans into ghouls but the
>second version FEV2 mutated them
>into super mutants. This one
>doesn't explain how Harold or
>the followers ghoul mutated though.
>However it does explain how
>the necropolis ghouls mutated because
>the mater wouldn't have had
>the chance to change that
>version of the FEV. This
>isn't my personal theory exactly
Again, possible, (and some nice thought into that one, too) but I have to think that if the FEV 1 worked on all the
other government test subject animals, why not humans?
>it is possible that the
>first FEV worked slower than
>the second ie. you had
>to be in the FEV
>for longer for it to
This could possibly be one of the differences between FEV 1 & 2.
>The master was under for
>longer and so the process
>worked to full on him.
>Him being complete the super
>mutants being 2/3 complete ghouls
>being 1/3.
When the FEV was designed by the U.S. government, it was intended primarily to provide immunity from Chinese bio-weapons to U.S. soldiers. No offense, but an army of creatures like the master really wouldn't be that effective. The Master's... unique mutations... are due to the fact that, as you say, he was under for quite some time, and to the fact that he altered himself by injecting himself with doses of FEV, "to make (him)self more pleasing to the unity"
All in all, you definitely put some effort into this, and it contains many points to ponder. In fact, my brain is working right now on much of what you wrote. Parts of your theory are sound, and parts are not. Keep working on it, it show promise!