Give us your shirt and more

Ozrat said:
Too late, which means that Commisar Lauren must follow suit or be executed for not living up to The Party's expectations. The ante has been set for giving NMA our shirts!
Oh, God! :shock: Look, I don't mind the nudity, but why, oh why must you make those creepy gay faces at the camera?
Ozrat said:
Is this better? Not completely top-less, but there's no shirt on.

Ozrat...I respect you as a Moderator of these forums and a fellow good-natured human being, but...

Blagh! :puke:

I dont want to know what was going on deep in the woods where that first pic was taken. Male bondage perhaps?

The Vault Dweller


Further evidence you must be a pervert to join teh Order.
Ratty said:
Ozrat said:
Is this better? Not completely top-less, but there's no shirt on.
It's... great, Ozrat.

*scurries off*

Ratty, what is up with that poem? Is Croatia a womans name as well as a country? Or is that poem durring the good old fun times when that whole area was a superpower of sorts?
Why did I click those links?

Anyway, every little helps. *donates*

Also, I'd buy an NMA T-Shirt, if only for the sake of having it.
Maphusio said:
Ratty, what is up with that poem? Is Croatia a womans name as well as a country? Or is that poem durring the good old fun times when that whole area was a superpower of sorts?
It's a poem about my country. Croatia is personified by a woman who is hanged for an unknown crime. The poem focuses on motives of oppression, shame, sadness that borders despair, compassion and burning pride. It was written during one of darker periods of our history, the early years of the 20th century, when Croatia groaned under the ruthless and oppressive Austrohungarian boot and its sovereignity and identity were thoroughly violated on all levels.
vBulletin? God, please, no.

vBulletin is the epitome of featuritis. Commercial isn't neccessarily better, commercial is just more expensive.

What's next? PHPNuke? Geez.

As for PayPal funds: As far as I know PayPal supports European bank transfers, but only via the Add Funds option and I also think you can't "validate" a PayPal account via bank transfer.

PayPal supports German bank transfers and thus I don't see a reason it shouldn't support European bank transfers via IBAN and SWIFT-BIC (which every German bank account usually supports).

Note that PayPal has rather American rules about who can run a business with it and thus it may not be used for sites which display FFN or other things Americans could base a sue on (probably including hot coffee and Michael Jackson).