Go where you want do what you want

Does it hurt in New Vegas that the developers wanted to guide the player go clockwise through the Mojave up to Strip, rather than "allow" them to go through north instantly without problems? I ask with quotations since even with Cazador blockade, it's ridiculously easy to get past them, especially if you hoard stealth bois or the Courier Stash DLC.

I for myself have no trouble with the way it was played and intended. The character goes through locations he can tackle with or not, can brute force answers be it through seeking alternative ways or sequence breaking through the quest line and once they reach Strip, the game world is opened up for you to go where you want, while also having a hub where you can return to.
It was a common complaint that the game was linear because of that southward U-turn, because it wasn't eeeeeeezy to go other routes (while the game was really easy even in harder difficulties).

It was a stupid complaint and claim. Understandable, if one wasn't good at the game, but stupid in a way that it wasn't true (the linearity). At all.

So, no. I don't think it hurt New Vegas. In hindsight it would've been interesting to see how they'd done it with every possible direction as easily open, but.... We'll never know.
Nope, it didn't. Makes the world not feel like a theme park and makes for exciting challenges. Plus, you can get good stuff by going North, so it's a risk/reward path.
I would say that it provide better reasons to seek alternatives.

If you can go to A, B, C, D and E, but A, B, C, D and E are the same, it seems an illusion of choice.
If you can go to A, B and C, but each option is widely differents, those are choices that you will actually spend time weighting agains't each other.
The beef gates make sort of sense in-universe, though even the route they present gets oddly barren and wild at the 'turn' past Nipton through I-88. I wouldn't mind a bit more NCR presence there honestly.

I mean, you can rush the gates. It is more than possible. It just isn't advised because you're recouping from being shot in the head and are just basically a courier. Though all the gear packs help a lot.
I always hated cazadores, but with Courier's Stash and the right know-how they're easy enough. I don't think it detracts, because of that and the reasons stated above.