God's Existence To Be Proven!!!!

The story sadly is true, I have head many like it, if this man is the son of god that means the rapture is coming soon and I am well and truly Fucked.

I don't believe in god any way shape or form, and I don't know why but I feel sorry for people who dedicate there lives to god, nuns, priest's ect. I know they are doing what they think is right and some of them really do believe that they are caring out god's work, but it seems to me some how it's all a waste of time and effort.
Isn't this guy mixed up? The one who would demand his followers have a mark on their hands is the Antichrist. But he would only do that once he was in a position of power.
I mean come on, if you're going to be a nutjob at least get your myths straight. :roll:
Vault 69er said:
Isn't this guy mixed up? The one who would demand his followers have a mark on their hands is the Antichrist. But he would only do that once he was in a position of power.
I mean come on, if you're going to be a nutjob at least get your myths straight. :roll:

i was thinking the eaxct same thing....
The Way of the Master?

Well, now that I've watched the entire thing, both sides were disappointing. Not entirely unexpected, considering the participants.
I was a non-believer like many of you. I used to believe in evolution even! Than, one day, the local Banana "tally-man" grabbed me and gave me the "straight banana peel dope" about, well, bananas! It was all banana pulp from there.
Neamos said:
Remember how they said "without using the bible" and "scientific proof"? Yeah...

Long version On the right of the page, probably won't be up for long.
Short atheist biased version on youtube

I even consider the biased atheist version to be pretty weak. Their so called 'rational' response to things is pretty embarassing. Sad that they're the ones who are supposedly representing atheism. I also cringed when he was using scientific arguments to definitevely prove the non-existence of god. Their smug attitude and their reading of the arguments from a pre-typed text also add to the uselessness of this debate. Really, these guys aren't the intellectuals or rational people they claim to be, they seem to copy paste every single anti-god hypothesis there is and add it to their list without any kind of scruntiny and present them as definite proof.

They seemed equally retarded as the theistic side to me. These kinds of debates do justice to no one.
"atheism" is by no means one unified group. As an atheist myself if some atheist goes around making silly arguments, that's his problem. No concern of mine.

It's not as if a bad atheist is going to result in God suddenly appearing before me in a flash of lightning demanding I repent in a booming voice. Right?




Nope. Damn. That would've been cool. :(
I can't help to feel left out of all this bickering about religion, and how "bad", "crazy", "lying", "nutty" everybody my day and age think it is.

I tried to slip some thoughts about faith and God in another thread, and right now I am not planning on doing it here, since the conversation, if you can call it that (not minding the contentless flames) goes terribly wrong in the sense that everybody here is either a non believer or some joke of a man expecting some kind of reward for being a believer.

Honestly, are there no real - believers left? 'Cause if that's true, then there would be nothing but law to keep people in check. And law can't do much a priori, in it's sense totally becoming a posteriori.
Actually, law is quite effective. Law keeps me from stabbing people that "look at me the wrong way," because it's both incredibly hard (near impossible) to get away with and usually severely punished. Laws work to restrain many people in many places and situations -- much more, I would say, than anything else. "Right" and "Wrong" blur away when offended enough; the law remains (unless you completely snap, which results in quite a few murders and a few true tragedies).
Smoke_Jaguar said:
Honestly, are there no real - believers left? 'Cause if that's true, then there would be nothing but law to keep people in check.
so only religious people have a sense of morals? haha, how grand...

i don't need no 1700 year old book telling me what i can and can't do, yet i've yet to kill anybody, ye know. :roll:

get off your high horse, religionboy.
Honestly, are there no real - believers left? 'Cause if that's true, then there would be nothing but law to keep people in check.

Oh, spare me the bullshit.
Sure, only people who believe in god are moral. Sure, without god, it would be Hell on Earth! Give me a fucking break! Before your pathetic "don't do that because god doesn't like it" religion, there were morals too and people were doing fine.

And law can't do much a priori, in it's sense totally becoming a posteriori.

Oh, law can do very much a priori. As much as you don't like to believe it, people are generally much more afraid that something nasty happens to them in real life (like going to prison) than what happens to them in some whatever fucking afterlife.
Well, except for abortion clinic bombers and the like. Your brethren are really nice people, smokie, I'll give you that.

As for a posteriori, you'd definitely need something up your posterior. Ha ha! Get it?
Unfortunately there is this law against butt-rape.
Pariah said:
3) No certain trace of any human inhabitant has been found anywhere in India or China or in any country east of the Himalaya Mountains before 7000 BC, which is the approximate date of the Deluge.
You do realise that is false, do you?
Archeologists have found the oldest surviving pottery in Japan. Dated to the 11th millenium BC.
In addition to that, the methods of farming are sometimes attributed to Japan during the same period. (10.000 BC)

And then, ofcourse, are the native australians.
Through various means, scientists have concluded that they arrived there about 40.000 years ago.
Honestly, are there no real - believers left? 'Cause if that's true, then there would be nothing but law to keep people in check.
Afaik, we wouldn't even be here discussing this if what you think is true.

Imo; christianity, judaism and isLame all fall into the same catagory; flawed religions. Why? Because they are monotheistic, which are, due to the obvious paradoxes, fundamentally flawed.
Duo/poly-theistic religions on the other hand are a lot less likely to have a paradox.
Can a omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient being(e.g. god) create a rock that is too heavy for anyone to lift, in a place where noone can be, without knowing about it?
Harahvaiti said:
SuAside said:
i don't need no 1700 year old book telling me what i can and can't do, yet i've yet to kill anybody, ye know. :roll:
btw, which book do u mean?
i was refering to the bible, as most of the 'canon' was written and fixed 300-400 years AD. so about 1700-1600 years old, i suppose. (people seem to forget that Jesus Christ never wrote anything nor was he probably even able to write at all)

but i didn't pick it for any particular reason, might as well have said a 1400-1350 year old book, refering to the Koran.
(Muslims however are aware that Mohammed was illiterate and that the people writing their Koran took over 30 years)
Tannhauser said:

Oh, brother! "When you really look at the evidence, the truth is it takes more faith to be an atheist than to believe in God - you really gotto ignore the facts!" I had seen the 'Atheists Nightmare' on youtube before, obviously, but there's so much more! Pure gold.
Those fucking morons make me sick. I couldn't watch anymore after seeing how they claimed that scientists say the bing bang created the seas, birds and so on.

What retards.
And that Kirk Moron... he must be butt-raped. Seriously. With a face like that it's hard to believe he wasn't butt-raped.
What did you expect when they claimed in the intro that they sit on the finale to the debate about intelligent design vs. evolution? ;)
you guys are forgetting one major part of science.

its only a credible theory or law because nobody has put forth scientific proof that violates the law/theory.

the laws of thermodynamics " prove " that perpetual motion machines are impossible, but thats because nobody has actually built one yet.

the E=MC2 proves that its impossible to go the speed of light with cohesive matter because it would require too much energy only because nobody has invented a way to do it yet.

and i could go on and on but im sure you get my idea. let us not forget all the things that science has called laws and theories that have been torn down and made invalid by technology and advancing understanding of our universe. any scientist who puts 100% stock in any law or theory simply cannot be considered a scientist as they are simply true and accepted because nobody has broken them yet.